The fans didn’t destroy his career based on a “2 min audio clip”. He destroyed his own career if his girlfriend decided that she had to record what was happening (would suggest it wasn’t the first time) and publish it on social media for all to see Mason greenwood warts and all.Its the other way around with justice system.
Greenwood said some awful stuff in a short audio. There is absolutely no context and nobody has any clue of what happened before or after. To destroy a young man’s career on 2 min audio clip is not correct in my opinion but thats what you get in this internet age. We dont even allow any way back to 19-20 year old, just to feel good about ourselves that we fought the good fight.
Fact is Greenwood and his girlfriend are together now and look happy by all accounts. Its only bunch of people on internet who are still outraged by that incident. All relevant people from that incident have already moved on.
don’t try and pass the blame off to others