Let me be absolutely clear here that just because I 'Liked' a post, it doesn't mean I agree with everything in it. However I do like hearing different perspectives rather than the same old shite as that's what keeps a forum fresh and interesting.
I also refer everyone to the guidelines on what posts should get 'Likes':
I highlight the following:
"But in short: write posts that respect other posters, have proper grammar and formatting, add to the discussion, and have some thinking behind them (which does not mean that we are looking for essays; there can be thoughtful, new content in a single sentence), and you will see the likes come in quickly."
"You don't have to subscribe to the popular view regarding anything. However, put your argument against it in an intelligent manner rather than resorting to infantile abuse which seems so popular nowadays. Make a good argument and you will earn likes."
I personally like to see good debates and discussions on here - I'm interested in hearing all sides of an argument.
Clearly some people don't like their thoughts and opinion to be challenged, I guess they prefer to live in an echo chamber.
The most ironic part is complaints about 'Likes' for well written and respectful posts, but no complaints about the infantile responses.