Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Dumbo is right to highlight those points. It’s pure victim blaming. When being pushed on why you think he might not be as guilty as the audio suggested, her social media having spoken about Greenwood in bad terms, and that she might have cheated, aren’t factors and it’s pretty fecking worrying to think to otherwise.

If those were the only two points made to reach a conclusion then you might be able to accuse 'victim blaming' but that's not the case.

It was just 2 of a long list of discussion points and not the most important of that list either. in fact to me they are the least important points in that list and I would still reach the same conclusion without them.
I see where you're coming and I'm happy to discuss your point of view because this is something that I struggle with in this whole situation.

Nobody can do anything about what happened and the events that followed the leaked audio and image. The matter of the fact currently is that they are back together and they have a small child and she seems supportive of his career going forward, and in essence that's what matters for them. I think it's hard to argue that the outcome of the "victim-centred position" for lack of a better term in response to your post (he should never have a high-profile job again due to what he did to her/he should never play for Manchester United again due to what he did to her) has been what she wanted, seeing that it has forced her to move to another country where she's never lived, and sent her far away from family, friends and familiar support systems.
This is such a complicated topic and this post encapsulates the victims predicament quite well. I'm sure she believes Mason Greenwood deserves another chance.

The bigger question for United is whether its better for all victims to show that they won't tolerate that behaviour.

I'm personally torn between the bigger picture and the belief that people deserve a second chance.
If those were the only two points made to reach a conclusion then you might be able to accuse 'victim blaming' but that's not the case.

It was just 2 of a long list of discussion points and not the most important of that list either. in fact to me they are the least important points in that list and I would still reach the same conclusion without them.

Then why were they there? Why is it important that she’s friends with a certain person? Why is it important that to that poster, her posting the audio didn’t seem like a ‘cry for help or justice but an attack on Mason?’

And what you find disgusting is Dumbo calling this out.

The victim did literally nothing wrong. It’s utterly shameful to try and distort that.
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Insulting another member
I might be wrong but my recollection of the immediate follow-up from the leak was that her dad was trying to keep them together. I don't have a direct source for this, so happy to be corrected.

Her mother doesn't appear to break that pattern as well and I just get the impression they're trying to keep it hush-hush.

And some people are too weak to adress me properly. You make some random claims and then pretend to be some higher common sense authority.
feck off bellend, still holding feelings after a convo years ago :wenger:
What has the mother said publicly?

It's a bit of a harsh accusation based on very little though isn't it?

They'll know infinitely more about the situation than we do and perhaps regardless of their own feelings they can't force their daughter to do anything she doesn't want to. All they can do is support her.
I may be I'm biased and hold some pre-conceived notions and so I am coming to the wrong conclusions but it's just the impression I'm getting of her parents. Very much want to NOT shake the boat and to me the reason is money, not love.

They were practically children when they first got together. Then she got pregnant with him when he was on bail. It's just so, so dodgy but it's hard to tell where the truth lies.

For myself, if my child was ever in a situation like that, I know I'd prefer to err on the side of caution and from what we've seen of Greenwood's character from multiple aspects (not just this case), he doesn't seem to be what I'd want for my child.

Anyway, he's playing for Getafe now but this is the impression I get from reading about this case.
I may be I'm biased and hold some pre-conceived notions and so I am coming to the wrong conclusions but it's just the impression I'm getting of her parents. Very much want to NOT shake the boat and to me the reason is money, not love.

They were practically children when they first got together. Then she got pregnant with him when he was on bail. It's just so, so dodgy but it's hard to tell where the truth lies.

For myself, if my child was ever in a situation like that, I know I'd prefer to err on the side of caution and from what we've seen of Greenwood's character from multiple aspects (not just this case), he doesn't seem to be what I'd want for my child.

Anyway, he's playing for Getafe now but this is the impression I get from reading about this case.

Based on what very little we the public know about this incident, the relationship between this girl and Greenwood and the whole family dynamic I don't think it's the fairest thing to be jumping to conclusions about the parents motivations.
I may be I'm biased and hold some pre-conceived notions and so I am coming to the wrong conclusions but it's just the impression I'm getting of her parents. Very much want to NOT shake the boat and to me the reason is money, not love.

They were practically children when they first got together. Then she got pregnant with him when he was on bail. It's just so, so dodgy but it's hard to tell where the truth lies.

For myself, if my child was ever in a situation like that, I know I'd prefer to err on the side of caution and from what we've seen of Greenwood's character from multiple aspects (not just this case), he doesn't seem to be what I'd want for my child.

Anyway, he's playing for Getafe now but this is the impression I get from reading about this case.
I must admit that I did wonder at the time about the dads reaction. If it had been my daughter I’d be fuming. Each to their own I suppose.
If those were the only two points made to reach a conclusion then you might be able to accuse 'victim blaming' but that's not the case.

It was just 2 of a long list of discussion points and not the most important of that list either. in fact to me they are the least important points in that list and I would still reach the same conclusion without them.
- The nature of how the information was released wasn't what I'd expect from a rape and domestic abuse victim given they're usually scared to speak out. It felt more like an attack on Mason rather than a cry for help and justice.
- In addition I don't think someone in an abusive relationship who has finally got out of it would run back to an abuser.
- Personally having listened to the audio many times, I cant say with confidence that I believe that's from someone actively raping someone else.

Those ones were convincing for you, I suppose? And then we wonder why for the most part victims keep silent.
You know what I can’t understand is, IF he is not guilty of these allegations and it was all role play, why did he go back to her because she effectively broke his career (possibly for good) at United and in the eyes of many fans. You’d be raging would you not?

instead he broke bail, went and got her pregnant and hey presto what is a toxic relationship to start with is now under the spotlight and in a new country

I just can’t understand the thinking involved
It would probably be helpful to the tone of the thread if posts containing obvious victim blaming and misinformation about domestic abuse (victims regularly go back to their abuser, with it taking an average of 7 attempts to finally leave as per DV orgs) didn't get likes.
You know what I can’t understand is, IF he is not guilty of these allegations and it was all role play, why did he go back to her because she effectively broke his career (possibly for good) at United and in the eyes of many fans. You’d be raging would you not?

instead he broke bail, went and got her pregnant and hey presto what is a toxic relationship to start with is now under the spotlight and in a new country

I just can’t understand the thinking involved
The skeptics in me said the same thing. It's pure speculation of course but it's the kind of move you expect if both families are heavily involved in deciding the future of their children and not a decision made purely by him and his gf themselves. After all they're still young and can still be persuaded.
What makes you think that?

Keep in mind you can easily dismiss a lot of it for being speculation and rumors.

Factual reasons: the parents immediately claiming that the phone was hacked and then asking their daughter to take down the content. In the same statement the parents talk about how Mason is such a good boy whom they've known for ages. Some see this as an indication the parents had intentions of mitigating the situation to keep the couple together or at the least deescalate this from a policed situation.

Nonfactual, Rumors : father is a huge United fanatic. Her parents were the ones that enabled Mason to break his bail to get the girl gifts in the lead up to the charges being dropped. And her parents encouraged them to get married and stay together given the pregnancy. They've been the ones to convince Arnold no charges will ever be instated and Mason should be allowed to play for United again.

Generally speaking, it's odd to see a family so warm to the boy who has physically abused and sexually assaulted their daughter.
It's very sad that that post by @BigDerek has enjoyed such support on here. It may look fairly moderate formally, but it contains as many DV apologism clichés as some of the more out there posts. Also, it has absolutely nothing in it that hasn't been argued and contested several times in any of the MG threads before.
Then why were they there? Why is it important that she’s friends with a certain person? Why is it important that to that poster, her posting the audio didn’t seem like a ‘cry for help or justice but an attack on Mason?’

And what you find disgusting is Dumbo calling this out.

The victim did literally nothing wrong. It’s utterly shameful to try and distort that.

Im not going to answer for another poster - the issue I have is cherry picking 2 or 3 points from a list of 15 (plus a more detailed explanation) and then calling it 'disgusting' along with anyone who dares to agree with any of the sentiment

Is that kind of hysterical crap that turns this thread from a reasonable discussion into a shitshow
People keep saying the club had more evidence. They didn’t, they spoke to the parents. That’s it. Not exactly magic evidence. The parents aren’t exactly gonna say he treats her badly. We specially when hes broken his bail condition, and got her pregnant. Complete botch job

The clubs statement said,

"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged."

"Based on the evidence available to us" suggests they have evidence available different to that in the public domain.

Saying "did not provide a full picture" further suggests the club has had access to additional evidence. Or why else would they suggest the material online doesn't provide a full picture if that's the only picture they've had access to.

@BigDerek I can't seem to quote your post to reply.

First, I wasnt implying you dont condemn rape or domestic violence. I was just saying it's nonsense to suggest there's people here condemning it just to feel better about themselves or look good.

I don't think the audio indicates someone actively raping someone. Personally I wouldn't think Greenwood ever raped her as that wasn't something he was ever charged for. But threatening to do it and beating her up is surely deplorable enough.

You say Greenwood might have not released any material that might have exonerated him because it looks bad on the mother of his child. But she wasn't the mother of his child at the time, she was just a who he was in a toxic relationship with. So would he really protect her in that situation to the extent that he is known as a rapist and he can't play football for close to 2 years? Possible but very unlikely in my eyes.

Another thing is that the guards thought there was enough evidence there to actively charge him with multiple different charges and didn't drop the charges until over a year later when it was revealed they were back together and having a baby. Again, it's very unlikely that the case would have went on for so long if he was innocent.

The point I was making more is the language used and directed towards those who aren't deciding someone is guilty based of one small side of a story. Why would someone dare question the social media judge and jury when you get accused of all sorts for simply having an open mind and asking questions which you'd expect to be asked in a court.

Of course beating someone up isn't right but if I post a picture of myself with a broken nose and say you did it, that doesn't make it true. Wasn't there a story about a girl in England who accused multiple men of beating and raping her and they got put out of their area from a mob? And it came out that she was lying. Three sides to a story - his, hers and the truth. I'm not prepared to draw conclusions based on one side.

In an ongoing open case, any decent respected lawyer would be advising their client not to be releasing stuff into the public domain. So anything which may exonerate him at that time wouldn't have been released.

How could the CPS not charge him after that info was released by the accuser? So many people made up their minds on the case from that snippet. Imagine the reputational risk and trust had they not. But charging someone is significantly different from convicting and a charge doesn't mean one is guilty.

We actually have no idea exactly what evidence the club has. We know for sure they have spoken to Mason, his family, her family (and even that alone is more information than anyone here might have) but the rest is just speculation.

Have the club heard the full recording? We don't know either way.
All we know for sure is that there was around 15minutes of audio recorded in October 2021 and 1 minute of that was released on Instagram in January 2022.

Some claim that if the club had the full recording that they would release/leak it - this is possible but again it's just speculation.

Good post.

I don't think the club would breach GDPR by releasing a private audio or any additional evidence.

I’ve read the last couple of pages and it was quite illuminating. There’s some posters against him who demand an explanation 100% absolving him. Then I read @BigDerek post and I realized there’s no possible winners in this, particularly the girl.

Going public is not an option for either of them. People have posted her private messages theorizing her a scornful ex. Let’s say she publicly said it was roleplaying. She’s going to go through life with people making snide remarks about her preferences in the bedroom. Theyre parents now and now there’s potential that any statement made will be used to taunt them and their kid. Her parents are being called gold diggers.

For those that demand an explanation, them staying silent is their only option. It’s better for them to let you believe what you like because the truth will destroy either one of them individually or both of them.

I agree. Which is why the language used in the clubs statement is quite important in my opinion.

I expand on the language used in my reply to golden. The phrases they use give the impression that they have seen more than the public and that posted on social media doesn't provide a full picture.

Like you said there are no winners no matter what they do. And I'm sure what happened with Caroline Fleck is very much in their mind too. Releasing more information in the public domain is not in either parties best interests.

That's a great post @BigDerek I understand your flow of logic there. In time I could see this case and maybe Sancho's appearing as case studies in training or textbooks for lawyers, police, victim advocates. It has so many variables. I hope the new family finds peace and wellbeing away from the UK. That, at least, seems to be a good decision for all.

Thank you Kelly for taking the time to read my post. I, like everyone else, don't have any additional information available to know exactly what went on. And I'd like to emphasis my first post where I said I can't be certain he is guilty. I'm simply highlighting some unanswered questions which make it difficult me to be certain what has gone on. I don't think that makes me a horrible or disgusting person. Surely in the era of misinformation and fake news, trying to challenge and question the unknowns is what we should all be doing rather than just taking one account of an incident and basing our views solely on that. For me that is a much more dangerous way to think.

This post is disgusting, and I've quoted only the worst of it. What the feck does any of that have to do with the veracity of an accusation of violence and threats of rape. And it offers no mitigation for the violent behaviour depicted in the audio and visuals. Why have you mentioned this at all.

That others are quoting, liking and egging you on is a fecking sorry state.

Dumbo, I disagree and I don't appreciate the language you're using here either.

If you disagree with my post then I welcome you to challenge points made and debate it in a respectful manner. But name calling is not productive and I don't appreciate you labelling people as disgusting or cynical because you hold a different opinion.

I respect your right to disagree with my post and challenge it but labelling people as cynical or disgusting is getting personal in my opinion and I'd much prefer if we could conduct any debate in a more mature fashion.
Keep in mind you can easily dismiss a lot of it for being speculation and rumors.

Factual reasons: the parents immediately claiming that the phone was hacked and then asking their daughter to take down the content. In the same statement the parents talk about how Mason is such a good boy whom they've known for ages. Some see this as an indication the parents had intentions of mitigating the situation to keep the couple together or at the least deescalate this from a policed situation.

Nonfactual, Rumors : father is a huge United fanatic. Her parents were the ones that enabled Mason to break his bail to get the girl gifts in the lead up to the charges being dropped. And her parents encouraged them to get married and stay together given the pregnancy. They've been the ones to convince Arnold no charges will ever be instated and Mason should be allowed to play for United again.

Generally speaking, it's odd to see a family so warm to the boy who has physically abused and sexually assaulted their daughter.
So knowing how unlikely it is, why is it now being put forward? As a father of a 19 yo daughter there isn't a sum of money or any proposal that would get me to actively coerce her into a relationship where she had even potentially been violated.... of course anything is possible but it does feel like people trying to assuage feelings regarding the numerous discrepancies and general clack of clarity. Much easier/healthier to just accept that we don't know, and may never know.... imho of course, before someone else starts.

Im not going to answer for another poster - the issue I have is cherry picking 2 or 3 points from a list of 15 (plus a more detailed explanation) and then calling it 'disgusting' along with anyone who dares to agree with any of the sentiment

Is that kind of hysterical crap that turns this thread from a reasonable discussion into a shitshow
Somewhat agreed, but for me, it's understandable.... as this has played out it has become clear that a lot of the most vocal posters have reasons behind their feelings and emotions. It is what it is, doesn't help, but if someone has been involved in a similar situation I can understand it being pretty emotive for them.
Im not going to answer for another poster - the issue I have is cherry picking 2 or 3 points from a list of 15 (plus a more detailed explanation) and then calling it 'disgusting' along with anyone who dares to agree with any of the sentiment

Is that kind of hysterical crap that turns this thread from a reasonable discussion into a shitshow
Seeing such questionable posts getting likes naturally leads to a strong response.
Dumbo, I disagree and I don't appreciate the language you're using here either.

If you disagree with my post then I welcome you to challenge points made and debate it in a respectful manner. But name calling is not productive and I don't appreciate you labelling people as disgusting or cynical because you hold a different opinion.

I respect your right to disagree with my post and challenge it but labelling people as cynical or disgusting is getting personal in my opinion and I'd much prefer if we could conduct any debate in a more mature fashion.

I can't speak for dumbo, but I can't imagine why anyone would care about what you appreciate or respect.

You're analyzing a situation, coming to certain conclusions about Greenwood and the victim. Other people are analyzing another situation, coming to a certain conclusion about you. Based on the facts, it looks like your comments are disgusting and contain victim blaming. Should we do it as bullet points, would that make it more respectable to you?
The clubs statement said,

"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged."

"Based on the evidence available to us" suggests they have evidence available different to that in the public domain.

Saying "did not provide a full picture" further suggests the club has had access to additional evidence. Or why else would they suggest the material online doesn't provide a full picture if that's the only picture they've had access to.

The point I was making more is the language used and directed towards those who aren't deciding someone is guilty based of one small side of a story. Why would someone dare question the social media judge and jury when you get accused of all sorts for simply having an open mind and asking questions which you'd expect to be asked in a court.

Of course beating someone up isn't right but if I post a picture of myself with a broken nose and say you did it, that doesn't make it true. Wasn't there a story about a girl in England who accused multiple men of beating and raping her and they got put out of their area from a mob? And it came out that she was lying. Three sides to a story - his, hers and the truth. I'm not prepared to draw conclusions based on one side.

In an ongoing open case, any decent respected lawyer would be advising their client not to be releasing stuff into the public domain. So anything which may exonerate him at that time wouldn't have been released.

How could the CPS not charge him after that info was released by the accuser? So many people made up their minds on the case from that snippet. Imagine the reputational risk and trust had they not. But charging someone is significantly different from convicting and a charge doesn't mean one is guilty.

Good post.

I don't think the club would breach GDPR by releasing a private audio or any additional evidence.

I agree. Which is why the language used in the clubs statement is quite important in my opinion.

I expand on the language used in my reply to golden. The phrases they use give the impression that they have seen more than the public and that posted on social media doesn't provide a full picture.

Like you said there are no winners no matter what they do. And I'm sure what happened with Caroline Fleck is very much in their mind too. Releasing more information in the public domain is not in either parties best interests.

Thank you Kelly for taking the time to read my post. I, like everyone else, don't have any additional information available to know exactly what went on. And I'd like to emphasis my first post where I said I can't be certain he is guilty. I'm simply highlighting some unanswered questions which make it difficult me to be certain what has gone on. I don't think that makes me a horrible or disgusting person. Surely in the era of misinformation and fake news, trying to challenge and question the unknowns is what we should all be doing rather than just taking one account of an incident and basing our views solely on that. For me that is a much more dangerous way to think.

Dumbo, I disagree and I don't appreciate the language you're using here either.

If you disagree with my post then I welcome you to challenge points made and debate it in a respectful manner. But name calling is not productive and I don't appreciate you labelling people as disgusting or cynical because you hold a different opinion.

I respect your right to disagree with my post and challenge it but labelling people as cynical or disgusting is getting personal in my opinion and I'd much prefer if we could conduct any debate in a more mature fashion.
Not posting the full statement there fella, you left out these bits

“Also, we have limited powers of investigation which meant we were reliant on third party cooperation.”

“While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect,”

my thoughts are IF they were so sure, why are they sending him away? It’s because they think they know but they aren’t sure. Otherwise you’d say feck the public opinion, he’s innocent, we stand by our man

i also question why he went back to her, breaking his bail condition, after she’s wrecked his career
You know what I can’t understand is, IF he is not guilty of these allegations and it was all role play, why did he go back to her because she effectively broke his career (possibly for good) at United and in the eyes of many fans. You’d be raging would you not?

instead he broke bail, went and got her pregnant and hey presto what is a toxic relationship to start with is now under the spotlight and in a new country

I just can’t understand the thinking involved
In my mind, the issue is that you think there was thinking involved at all.
It's very sad that that post by @BigDerek has enjoyed such support on here. It may look fairly moderate formally, but it contains as many DV apologism clichés as some of the more out there posts. Also, it has absolutely nothing in it that hasn't been argued and contested several times in any of the MG threads before.

Why is it sad in your opinion?

Personally I think it's rather sad to be compared to a Domestic Violence apologist for raising good pointd which nobody in this thread could possibly know the answer to.

I find it very disheartening that by simply questioning the unknowns in this case that it opens my character up for questioning. Its why I said in my opening post that it's much easier to just go with the social media consensus because in doing so you won't be accused of the things I have. I don't see anyone in the "100% guilty" camp having their character criticised.

I respect your right to hold a different opinion on the matter and I'm not here to convince you otherwise - but I don't think it's fair to suggest I'm a domestic violence apologist for asking questions which in my opinion need to be asked.

How can you definitively say "there's nothing in it", how can you be so absolutely certain that you are correct? What do you know that the accused, accuser, friends and family of both, professional colleagues and Man United don't know that makes you so adamant?

Is her father a DV apologist? Is she just a "gold digger" then? Are the Man Utd staff and players who were happy for his return all domestic violence apologists too? If Mason is guilty, like you're adamant he is, then what does that say about the character of all of the above?

Or could it be possible that they have access to more information than yourself which provides a rationale explanation for all of them taking a different stance from you?

Can you not see the dangers which come from:

1. Making a conclusive verdict based on one very short testimony and disregarding any further evidence which has been unseen.
2. Accusing others who have a view different from your own of being domestic violence apologists.

I'd like to reiterate too that I began my posts on this topic by stating that I can't be certain he is guilty. I've not once said I'm certain he is innocent. Nobody can be certain of anything. How can you possibly be so certain though? That is a very dangerous stance to take in my opinion.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Not posting the full statement there fella, you left out these bits

“Also, we have limited powers of investigation which meant we were reliant on third party cooperation.”

“While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect,”

my thoughts are IF they were so sure, why are they sending him away? It’s because they think they know but they aren’t sure. Otherwise you’d say feck the public opinion, he’s innocent, we stand by our man

i also question why he went back to her, breaking his bail condition, after she’s wrecked his career

I didn't feel the need to post the full statement as I was only referencing the language used in one paragraph to reply to your post which said:

People keep saying the club had more evidence. They didn’t, they spoke to the parents. That’s it. Not exactly magic evidence. The parents aren’t exactly gonna say he treats her badly. We specially when hes broken his bail condition, and got her pregnant. Complete botch job

"Based on the evidence available to us" - suggests evidence available to them is different from whats available to the public.

" The material posted online did not provide a full picture." - Further suggests they have more evidence available than what was online.

How do you know that the only additional evidence they had was speaking to parents? Please can you confirm how you know this for certain. Or are you making an assumption?
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Why is it sad in your opinion?

Personally I think it's rather sad to be compared to a Domestic Violence apologist for raising good pointd which nobody in this thread could possibly know the answer to.

I find it very disheartening that by simply questioning the unknowns in this case that it opens my character up for questioning. Its why I said in my opening post that it's much easier to just go with the social media consensus because in doing so you won't be accused of the things I have. I don't see anyone in the "100% guilty" camp having their character criticised.

I respect your right to hold a different opinion on the matter and I'm not here to convince you otherwise - but I don't think it's fair to suggest I'm a domestic violence apologist for asking questions which in my opinion need to be asked.

How can you definitively say "there's nothing in it", how can you be so absolutely certain that you are correct? What do you know that the accused, accuser, friends and family of both, professional colleagues and Man United don't know that makes you so adamant?

Is her father a DV apologist? Is she just a "gold digger" then? Are the Man Utd staff and players who were happy for his return all domestic violence apologists too? If Mason is guilty, like you're adamant he is, then what does that say about the character of all of the above?

Or could it be possible that they have access to more information than yourself which provides a rationale explanation for all of them taking a different stance from you?

Can you not see the dangers which come from:

1. Making a conclusive verdict based on one very short testimony and disregarding any further evidence which has been unseen.
2. Accusing others who have a view different from your own of being domestic violence apologists.

I'd like to reiterate too that I began my posts on this topic by stating that I can't be certain he is guilty. I've not once said I'm certain he is innocent. Nobody can be certain of anything. How can you possibly be so certain though? That is a very dangerous stance to take in my opinion.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

I didn't feel the need to post the full statement as I was only referencing the language used in one paragraph to reply to your post which said:

"Based on the evidence available to us" - suggests evidence available to them is different from whats available to the public.

" The material posted online did not provide a full picture." - Further suggests they have more evidence available than what was online.

How do you know that the only additional evidence they had was speaking to parents? Please can you confirm how you know this for certain. Or are you making an assumption?
Wow, what a load of condescending, freethinking, centrist horseshit. All of it already discussed to death too.
Keep in mind you can easily dismiss a lot of it for being speculation and rumors.

Factual reasons: the parents immediately claiming that the phone was hacked and then asking their daughter to take down the content. In the same statement the parents talk about how Mason is such a good boy whom they've known for ages. Some see this as an indication the parents had intentions of mitigating the situation to keep the couple together or at the least deescalate this from a policed situation.

Nonfactual, Rumors : father is a huge United fanatic. Her parents were the ones that enabled Mason to break his bail to get the girl gifts in the lead up to the charges being dropped. And her parents encouraged them to get married and stay together given the pregnancy. They've been the ones to convince Arnold no charges will ever be instated and Mason should be allowed to play for United again.

Generally speaking, it's odd to see a family so warm to the boy who has physically abused and sexually assaulted their daughter.

It's possible that that was the case or at least that the parents thought that was the case.

All I'm saying is the parents know a lot more about this than we do and regardless of what we think their actions and behaviour should be. Despite the accusations their daughter has decided to stay with him and they're supporting her in that decision. If he is the abuser most of us suspect then it's a good thing that her close family are still in her life. If they'd been against her decision and not supported her it could have caused a rift and resulted in a young girl being isolated from her family.

It's harsh to accuse them of anything untoward based on very little evidence just because they're supporting their daughter.
"Based on the evidence available to us" - suggests evidence available to them is different from whats available to the public.

" The material posted online did not provide a full picture." - Further suggests they have more evidence available than what was online.

How do you know that the only additional evidence they had was speaking to parents? Please can you confirm how you know this for certain. Or are you making an assumption?

The way the United statement was worded did sound like they had access to information not in the public domain. They could've conveniently concluded something more balanced and neutral, but instead consciously chose wording that was incredibly favorable to the player in contrast to the preferred narrative of his detractors.
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Generally speaking, it's odd to see a family so warm to the boy who has physically abused and sexually assaulted their daughter.
Yeah especially the dad. If it was my daughter, regardless of what the court said I'd not want her anywhere near him. I wont be able to live in peace.
So knowing how unlikely it is, why is it now being put forward? As a father of a 19 yo daughter there isn't a sum of money or any proposal that would get me to actively coerce her into a relationship where she had even potentially been violated.... of course anything is possible but it does feel like people trying to assuage feelings regarding the numerous discrepancies and general clack of clarity. Much easier/healthier to just accept that we don't know, and may never know.... imho of course, before someone else starts.

Somewhat agreed, but for me, it's understandable.... as this has played out it has become clear that a lot of the most vocal posters have reasons behind their feelings and emotions. It is what it is, doesn't help, but if someone has been involved in a similar situation I can understand it being pretty emotive for them.

I hadn't really considered that TBH - I haven't followed every post here so I'm not aware of any personal situations. But Ive seen similar hysteria in other threads so not sure if this is the case, if it is then I suppose it goes some way to explain some of the over exaggerated reactions to perfectly reasonable opinions.

And I agree with your other point too, there is no sum of money that would convince me to send my child back into a violent relationship.

Her family's acceptance (even encouragement?) of the relationship is the single biggest question mark for me.

Seeing such questionable posts getting likes naturally leads to a strong response.

The thing is, that you and Dumbo asked for the detailed rationale. I'm sure you knew that, whatever it was, you weren't going to agree and most probably it won't be that different to things already posted either.

So why even ask? Do you like getting outraged?

At some point, you are going to have to accept that many fans have a different opinion to you on this one and it doesn't mean they are 'disgusting', 'DV apologists', 'victim blaming' or any of the other unnecessary insults being thrown around here.
The clubs statement said,

"Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged."

"Based on the evidence available to us" suggests they have evidence available different to that in the public domain.

Saying "did not provide a full picture" further suggests the club has had access to additional evidence. Or why else would they suggest the material online doesn't provide a full picture if that's the only picture they've had access to.

The point I was making more is the language used and directed towards those who aren't deciding someone is guilty based of one small side of a story. Why would someone dare question the social media judge and jury when you get accused of all sorts for simply having an open mind and asking questions which you'd expect to be asked in a court.

Of course beating someone up isn't right but if I post a picture of myself with a broken nose and say you did it, that doesn't make it true. Wasn't there a story about a girl in England who accused multiple men of beating and raping her and they got put out of their area from a mob? And it came out that she was lying. Three sides to a story - his, hers and the truth. I'm not prepared to draw conclusions based on one side.

In an ongoing open case, any decent respected lawyer would be advising their client not to be releasing stuff into the public domain. So anything which may exonerate him at that time wouldn't have been released.

How could the CPS not charge him after that info was released by the accuser? So many people made up their minds on the case from that snippet. Imagine the reputational risk and trust had they not. But charging someone is significantly different from convicting and a charge doesn't mean one is guilty.

Good post.

I don't think the club would breach GDPR by releasing a private audio or any additional evidence.

I agree. Which is why the language used in the clubs statement is quite important in my opinion.

I expand on the language used in my reply to golden. The phrases they use give the impression that they have seen more than the public and that posted on social media doesn't provide a full picture.

Like you said there are no winners no matter what they do. And I'm sure what happened with Caroline Fleck is very much in their mind too. Releasing more information in the public domain is not in either parties best interests.

Thank you Kelly for taking the time to read my post. I, like everyone else, don't have any additional information available to know exactly what went on. And I'd like to emphasis my first post where I said I can't be certain he is guilty. I'm simply highlighting some unanswered questions which make it difficult me to be certain what has gone on. I don't think that makes me a horrible or disgusting person. Surely in the era of misinformation and fake news, trying to challenge and question the unknowns is what we should all be doing rather than just taking one account of an incident and basing our views solely on that. For me that is a much more dangerous way to think.

Dumbo, I disagree and I don't appreciate the language you're using here either.

If you disagree with my post then I welcome you to challenge points made and debate it in a respectful manner. But name calling is not productive and I don't appreciate you labelling people as disgusting or cynical because you hold a different opinion.

I respect your right to disagree with my post and challenge it but labelling people as cynical or disgusting is getting personal in my opinion and I'd much prefer if we could conduct any debate in a more mature fashion.

Absolutely great post @BigDerek
Wow, what a load of condescending, freethinking, centrist horseshit. All of it already discussed to death too.
If the depths of your argument is simply insulting people that don't agree with you then its not a debate I want to have.

If you think I'm condescending then I am genuinely sorry for that and it's unintentional, and I honestly mean that. If you can show me how I'm being condescending then ill gladly take it on board and try to be more considerate with the language I use moving forward.

It's a sorry indictment on today's society that we're now reduced to throwing labels and pety insults at subjects we disagree with rather than producing coherent arguments to counter with.

How can you expect to ever find common ground, reason or understanding if you've no interest in challenging the views of others and would prefer to just label them. And I respect you may not agree with that but can you not see the dangers from it? Two sides with different views just throwing labels at eachother - how does that result in a solution? It drives division.

And it now feels normalised and accepted to just throw around playground slurs at those we disagree with rather than talking to them about the topic we disagree over and trying to understand different perspectives.

For me I don't think you've put any effort into challenging or countering my post. All you've done is insult me because my view is different and this is why I stand by what I said in my opening post too in relation to it being easier to follow mob rule. Because the moment you dare to challenge or think outside the box you're opening yourself up to be attacked and accused of all sorts. And some of the subsequent responses I've received since making that post are testament to the point I was making.
If you think I'm condescending then I am genuinely sorry for that and it's unintentional, and I honestly mean that
You abosultely, 100% don't "honestly mean that" :lol::
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

And the rest of your post is still the same shite. If you were so concerned about the noble stuff you disingenuously mention, you would have read the MG threads, as all your incredibly insightful points have been already discussed to death, by myself and many others.

I've argued with too many just-asking-questions freethinkers both in real life and on the internet over the years to recognise one immediately and infallibly.
The thing is, that you and Dumbo asked for the detailed rationale. I'm sure you knew that, whatever it was, you weren't going to agree and most probably it won't be that different to things already posted either.

So why even ask? Do you like getting outraged?

At some point, you are going to have to accept that many fans have a different opinion to you on this one and it doesn't mean they are 'disgusting', 'DV apologists', 'victim blaming' or any of the other unnecessary insults being thrown around here.
I asked because he said he went from thinking Greenwood was guilty and wanting him out to believing him now and I was curious what could bring out such a big change. And I have no idea where you're getting outrage from my posts.
I asked because he said he went from thinking Greenwood was guilty and wanting him out to believing him now and I was curious what could bring out such a big change. And I have no idea where you're getting outrage from my posts.
People change their minds, it's called being objective. He already explained why in several detailed posts, but clearly you and the other poster don't like the answer.
The thing is, that you and Dumbo asked for the detailed rationale. I'm sure you knew that, whatever it was, you weren't going to agree and most probably it won't be that different to things already posted either.

So why even ask? Do you like getting outraged?

At some point, you are going to have to accept that many fans have a different opinion to you on this one and it doesn't mean they are 'disgusting', 'DV apologists', 'victim blaming' or any of the other unnecessary insults being thrown around here.

Again, well said Rood.
How can you expect to ever find common ground, reason or understanding if you've no interest in challenging the views of others and would prefer to just label them. And I respect you may not agree with that but can you not see the dangers from it? Two sides with different views just throwing labels at eachother - how does that result in a solution? It drives division.

As with most arguing on the internet, I think you'll find the objective isn't to find common ground, but rather to form an agreeable clique that is louder than the opposing side.
As with most arguing on the internet, I think you'll find the objective isn't to find common ground, but rather to form an agreeable clique that is louder than the opposing side.
With the rest being certain people that enjoy being contrarian on every topic so that they can pat themselves on the back for being free-thinkers, presumably.
As with most arguing on the internet, I think you'll find the objective isn't to find common ground, but rather to form an agreeable clique that is louder than the opposing side.
Is that your objective too, or are you an exception?
You abosultely, 100% don't "honestly mean that" :lol::

And the rest of your post is still the same shite. If you were so concerned about the noble stuff you disingenuously mention, you would have read the MG threads, as all your incredibly insightful points have been already discussed to death, by myself and many others.

I've argued with too many just-asking-questions freethinkers both in real life and on the internet over the years to recognise one immediately and infallibly.

Dude, it's just an aphorism that helps frame his thinking on the issue. What is the big deal? You're running around calling people condescending while at the same time hyping up your infallible perceptive capabilities? And yours are the posts people are supposed to take seriously? Nice work.

Do you also read entire 170-page threads in their entirety within days of joining a new forum before you comment on anything so as not to repeat points? If not repeating points was the standard required for not summarily dismissing posts, all of the mega-threads here would be a lot shorter.
The thing is, that you and Dumbo asked for the detailed rationale. I'm sure you knew that, whatever it was, you weren't going to agree and most probably it won't be that different to things already posted either.

So why even ask? Do you like getting outraged?

At some point, you are going to have to accept that many fans have a different opinion to you on this one and it doesn't mean they are 'disgusting', 'DV apologists', 'victim blaming' or any of the other unnecessary insults being thrown around here.

The rationale the poster presented included textbook victim blaming and incorrect assertions about DV victim behaviour. As such, it's perfectly valid for other posters to accuse them of engaging in victim blaming. Because that's what they did.

And you deciding to like that post, presumably out of ignorance or a lack of care as to what constitutes victim blaming or why it's demonstably stupid to argue that a victim would be unlikely to return to an abuser, only helped lower the tone in this thread further.
Dude, it's just an aphorism that helps frame his thinking on the issue. What is the big deal? You're running around calling people condescending while at the same time hyping up your infallible perceptive capabilities? And yours are the posts people are supposed to take seriously? Nice work.

Do you also read entire 170-page threads in their entirety within days of joining a new forum before you comment on anything so as not to repeat points? If not repeating points was the standard required for not summarily dismissing posts, all of the mega-threads here would be a lot shorter.
"Infallibly" was tongue in cheek, and I thought it would be obvious, but it wasn't, so my bad.

Also, yes, I read whole threads before making "points" in threads about extremely serious societal problems such as domestic violence/abuse. I don't think it's necessary for football or entertainment threads though.
Disagree entirely with the bolded and it seems to be an underhanded attempt to delegitimize the position of those against bringing him back. Many of those folks have very good, often very personal reasons for not wanting him back, and even those that say 'no' on purely moral grounds (without more personal reasons) are doing it because of the way one human has treated another human. So the victim remains very much at the centre of the thought process.
For what it's worth, those for bringing him back don't care about her either.

You just proved my point with everything you said after that. If the alleged victim and her family have forgiven/reconciled with Greenwood, carrying on a crusade against him has nothing to do with her. Perfectly reasonable to think Greenwood is a cretin for what he allegedly did to her but let's not pretend there is any concern for her past that.
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