Would suggest it will never happen. The court of public opinion has actually seen and heard the evidence, which is pretty damning and uncomfortable stuff. If these were just allegations without the evidence, he’d be playing for you now.
The fact remains that there are a sizeable minority of Manchester United supporters, as there are in any club, who simply don’t care what he did because he’s “one of our own”. Tribalism in football is a whole different level to say, an actor or singer being accused of similar behaviour.
This has been consistently and repeatedly evidenced throughout the thread. If you actually challenge these people on their views having seen the material which is public, it’s back to the stock defence of “but the club said he didn’t do it, and the CPS didn’t prosecute”. Which of course go hand in hand anyway.
As I say, if these were allegations without the evidence we’ve all born witness to, it would be done and dusted. But that evidence is out there - forever - and people aren’t going to just wipe it from their minds or excuse what they’ve seen and heard.
He will never play for Manchester United again. Your sponsors will not tolerate it, supporters groups will not tolerate it, your women’s football team won’t support it. It will never happen.