Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Then ten Hag is a dickhead too. Do you actually have a point or are you just going to continue to lick Greenwood's arse?
Just curious. What’s your opinion of his missus who is back with him and has had a child with him? Also her family who don’t seem opposed to their daughter being with him?
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Kobe Bryant

"First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman
involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this
year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only
imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to
her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and
supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colo.

I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives
of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has
agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil
case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was
consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this
incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery,
listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now
understand how she feels that she did not consent to this

"I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of
this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil
case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be
decided by and between the parties directly involved in the
incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on
the citizens of the state of Colorado."

I think a relevant and proper apology from Greenwood can go a long way. If he can get on camera, man up, accept that he is the only person on planet earth to blame for this mess, then he certainly deserves a second chance to have a top level career as a footballer.
Brilliant post.

Absolutely summarizes my own thoughts as well.

If they are happy together and he does well, I’m all for him returning to United as well.

I suppose the larger question is how you look at rehabilitation once someone did what he did. Most people here seem to believe a person deserves no second chance in life.

But I do believe you can coach and mentor a 20 year old boy to be a better person. I seriously hope he has learnt his lesson. The fact that the alleged victim is still by his side supporting him shows me there is still hope for him. He is hopefully doing something right to repair the relationship and be a more responsible partner and father.

is he allowed to acknowledge his mistake and regret it? is he allowed to learn (the hard way)? Is he allowed to develop as a human being? Is he allowed to be forgiven by his partner for what be has done? Is he allowed a second chance in life? Is he allowed a second chance to build his career?

Some people say “no”.
Kobe Bryant

"First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman
involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this
year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only
imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to
her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and
supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colo.

I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives
of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has
agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil
case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was
consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this
incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery,
listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now
understand how she feels that she did not consent to this

"I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of
this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil
case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be
decided by and between the parties directly involved in the
incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on
the citizens of the state of Colorado."

I think a relevant and proper apology from Greenwood can go a long way. If he can get on camera, man up, accept that he is the only person on planet earth to blame for this mess, then he certainly deserves a second chance to have a top level career as a footballer.

People are ignoring the fact that

1) the club have said the evidence was not what it appeared.

2) But everyone seems to have forgotten about the photos: the bloody face, the bruises on the legs etc. Would the club have considered taking him back and said what they said about him with those photos as evidence ?

It really is a case we know very little about and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s much much more that we don’t know about both characters. But ultimately love and forgiveness has prevailed and wish them the best.
Of course, half the posts in this thread are mra types bumping it to rub Greenwood in the face of people who have been objecting to this normalisation of sexual violence against women.

This thread is now basically "now go cry more about sexual assault:lol:". They think this as winning.
It's so weird, isn't it? I can understand (though absolutely don't agree with) people who feel he should be given a second chance here but there are many who are actively celebrating this and using it as point scoring. Shades of Andrew Tate incel thinking.
It's so weird, isn't it? I can understand (though absolutely don't agree with) people who feel he should be given a second chance here but there are many who are actively celebrating this and using it as point scoring. Shades of Andrew Tate incel thinking.

It is exactly how incel thinking works.
how you look at rehabilitation once someone did what he did. Most people here seem to believe a person deserves no second chance in life.

I might be reading it wrong but I think there’s a split in opinion of what he did and whether or not he did do the things he was initially accused of?

Sexual assault and domestic battery / assault are amongst the most severe crimes a person can be accused of. Many including myself would not want someone convicted of those crimes given a second chance. Although I acknowledge it’s not a “whole life sentence” crime in this country. So most people convicted of those crimes will sooner or later be out in society. So the compromise is “I would not want them given a second chance at my company, or in this instance my club”

However. Whether people like it or not. Despite what the online evidence looked like at the time. Two professional organisations who know a lot more than us have decided favourably in Greenwood’s side. How can that be ignored?
1) CPS decided not to prosecute Greenwood

2) Man Utd, who arguably require a lower burden of proof to find him guilty, also released a statement heavily in his favour that put everything people based their opinions on into doubt.

Based on those two things. It’s normal to think ok maybe I don’t know the full facts and it’s best not make accusations of the worst kind against someone. If the CPS, Man Utd, the alleged victims family, even her friends are not saying anything about him then who are my to have a contrarian opinion to everyone that matters and knows all the details?

If I was a friend or family member who saw the alleged victim bruised / beaten or consoled her etc then yeah. I could speak out. If I was a Man Utd employee itk who knew the club put morality aside to try and protect a protege then yeah, I could speak out. If I worked for the cps and knew he got off on a technicality then yeah, I could speak out.
People are ignoring the fact that

1) the club have said the evidence was not what it appeared.

2) But everyone seems to have forgotten about the photos: the bloody face, the bruises on the legs etc. Would the club have considered taking him back and said what they said about him with those photos as evidence ?

It really is a case we know very little about and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s much much more that we don’t know about both characters. But ultimately love and forgiveness has prevailed and wish them the best.

Regarding point 1.

Despite that, it still took the club (who appeared to not even consider the fan backlash) 5 months to get to a point where he might be put in a position to come back.

Whatever evidence the club had, it clearly wasn't strong enough to start the process of his reintegration a lot sooner.
Getafe giving him a hero’s welcome and really making a point of it is sickening. It’s bad enough him playing for them on the sly but they’re acting like he’s a god among men. What a small time club.
First time I'm venturing into this thread since my last post, but I can't help but be bemused by posts like yours. I'm sure you've been around long enough to know money>* and in sport: talent>morality. It's not incredulous to your state of mind and you'll have seen something similar play out across practically any sport you invest time in.

I've had this discussions revolving around Greenwood a few times now, not in support of the player, rather, about the reality of a prodigious player whose future - in relation to football - is still up for grabs. Getafe were the club greedy/immoral/stupid/opportunistic enough to take on a player we shouldn't kid ourselves will be hot property if he performs well upon return this season. The club were never going to let go of a £100m asset outside of extreme duress, and if he is outstanding upon return, they still won't.

Getafe show the darker side of sport in that they don't care for the off field issues, only the talent they have procured - a talent, never in their history have they seen the likes of.

Greenwood is so far from unique in sport in regards to talent-washing, so to speak. In fact, your challenge would be to find extremely high profile or talented players who got scrubbed and made persona non grata. It'll be far, far fewer than those who allowances were made for purely off the back of their sporting prowess.

Just came across this. Looks like he still has it imo.

Ffs still hurts just how talented he is. What a bloody waste. Kind of hope we get to see even a glimpse of that talent re-emerge on this loan because he’s truly a joy to watch on the pitch.
This thread is going to be ridiculous when he starts playing and scoring consistently.

I think knowing how this club runs and the fact it's capable of anything, if he does well, feels impossible to rule out his return.
Regarding point 1.

Despite that, it still took the club (who appeared to not even consider the fan backlash) 5 months to get to a point where he might be put in a position to come back.

Whatever evidence the club had, it clearly wasn't strong enough to start the process of his reintegration a lot sooner.

So you’re saying the strength of evidence is based on how quickly it’s gathered and the most thorough investigations are wrapped up quickly?

That really doesn’t make sense. We don’t know what evidence the club found, how and when they found, whether they found it or if it was given to them by the cps.

Also how many people they spoke to. I’m guessing they would have spoken to the CPS, police officers, Greewood, his family, alleged victim and her family, maybe they would have analysed phones.. who knows how thorough and how far it went. But criticising the club for taking 5 months is really losing sight of the seriousness of the matter. An internal investigation isn’t supposed to be a 2 hour meeting where they decide what to do.
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People need to move on. The revenge/hate mentality is just exhausting isn’t it?

Maybe it’s a cultural thing. In Norway for example people are more about rehabilitation and moving on. It’s no doubt the society are better off with less revenge and hate and more rehabilitation and acceptance.
He's allowed to but hasn't. He said he didn't do what he was accused of, he hasn't apologised for it.

“I fully accept I made mistakes in my relationship, and I take my share of responsibility for the situations which led to the social media post.”
He's done what he's done and people need to get over it. When people keep complaining about something bad that people have done that makes them worse than the person who did the bad thing.
I might be reading it wrong but I think there’s a split in opinion of what he did and whether or not he did do the things he was initially accused of?

Sexual assault and domestic battery / assault are amongst the most severe crimes a person can be accused of. Many including myself would not want someone convicted of those crimes given a second chance. Although I acknowledge it’s not a “whole life sentence” crime in this country. So most people convicted of those crimes will sooner or later be out in society. So the compromise is “I would not want them given a second chance at my company, or in this instance my club”

However. Whether people like it or not. Despite what the online evidence looked like at the time. Two professional organisations who know a lot more than us have decided favourably in Greenwood’s side. How can that be ignored?
1) CPS decided not to prosecute Greenwood

2) Man Utd, who arguably require a lower burden of proof to find him guilty, also released a statement heavily in his favour that put everything people based their opinions on into doubt.

Based on those two things. It’s normal to think ok maybe I don’t know the full facts and it’s best not make accusations of the worst kind against someone. If the CPS, Man Utd, the alleged victims family, even her friends are not saying anything about him then who are my to have a contrarian opinion to everyone that matters and knows all the details?

If I was a friend or family member who saw the alleged victim bruised / beaten or consoled her etc then yeah. I could speak out. If I was a Man Utd employee itk who knew the club put morality aside to try and protect a protege then yeah, I could speak out. If I worked for the cps and knew he got off on a technicality then yeah, I could speak out.

I once worked with a charity that worked with victims of domestic abuse.

One victim was married to her very wealthy abuser and went back to him repeatedly because her dad wouldn't offer any financial support to help her leave the relationship.

Her dad knew she was being beaten up but saw having a rich son-in-law as important.

These cases can get very messy. One senior support worker said a line along the lines of "the biggest defenders of abusers are usually the victims." Hence why it can become very difficult to prosecute.
Not that I can find online
It’s been a while but if I’m remembering correctly her boyfriend got jealous of them dancing and started trying to fight with Evans. The couple were chucked out and hatched s scheme in their drunkenness to call him in for rape. Cops quizzed him and came to the conclusion that there was no evidence of any wrong doing. He was never put forward for any charges to CPS
People are ignoring the fact that

1) the club have said the evidence was not what it appeared.

2) But everyone seems to have forgotten about the photos: the bloody face, the bruises on the legs etc. Would the club have considered taking him back and said what they said about him with those photos as evidence ?

It really is a case we know very little about and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s much much more that we don’t know about both characters. But ultimately love and forgiveness has prevailed and wish them the best.

Just a point of clarification:

The club did not, nor should they have been expected to, make a judgement about the evidence. That was a criminal matter for the police and the courts. The club said they were presented with an alternative explanation. They did not make a decision on what they deemed to have happened, the validity of the evidence, or the validity of the alternative explaination.
If he does well at Getafe he will return 100%, there isn't a shadow of a doubt. Give it 1-2 years and he'll be back.
First time I'm venturing into this thread since my last post, but I can't help but be bemused by posts like yours. I'm sure you've been around long enough to know money>* and in sport: talent>morality. It's not incredulous to your state of mind and you'll have seen something similar play out across practically any sport you invest time in.

I've had this discussions revolving around Greenwood a few times now, not in support of the player, rather, about the reality of a prodigious player whose future - in relation to football - is still up for grabs. Getafe were the club greedy/immoral/stupid/opportunistic enough to take on a player we shouldn't kid ourselves will be hot property if he performs well upon return this season. The club were never going to let go of a £100m asset outside of extreme duress, and if he is outstanding upon return, they still won't.

Getafe show the darker side of sport in that they don't care for the off field issues, only the talent they have procured - a talent, never in their history have they seen the likes of.

Greenwood is so far from unique in sport in regards to talent-washing, so to speak. In fact, your challenge would be to find extremely high profile or talented players who got scrubbed and made persona non grata. It'll be far, far fewer than those who allowances were made for purely off the back of their sporting prowess.

There was a similar situation in Ireland with Paddy Jackson in rugby who was involved in a sexual assault/rape case and he has ended up seeing out his career in England and France because he’s not welcome in Ireland. But that was pretty much under the radar despite him being a good player for those clubs, it was just ‘he’s doing a job, let’s not make a big deal about it’. Getafe are treating Greenwood like they’ve signed peak Messi and all the unveiling and hype is on the nose and just seems a feck you. There are a lot of ways they could have taken it, they’ve chosen the most cynical way.
I once worked with a charity that worked with victims of domestic abuse.

One victim was married to her very wealthy abuser and went back to him repeatedly because her dad wouldn't offer any financial support to help her leave the relationship.

Her dad knew she was being beaten up but saw having a rich son-in-law as important.

These cases can get very messy. One senior support worker said a line along the lines of "the biggest defenders of abusers are usually the victims." Hence why it can become very difficult to prosecute.

I agree and victims returning to their abusers is a tragic part of the abuse cycle, with or without the financial aspect.
You missed the part where he said "I did not do the things I was accused of".
Don't let that get in the way of a redemption arc.

It's clear to me that people are happy to trot out the rehabilitation line and "move on", provided we don't ever mention it again, all that rehabilitation and learning happens within one season and he can come back and play for us/sell him for big bucks.
Imagine the difference in this thread if the player in question was Maguire or McTominay.
So you’re saying the strength of evidence is based on how quickly it’s gathered and the most thorough investigations are wrapped up quickly?

That really doesn’t make sense. We don’t know what evidence the club found, how and when they found, whether they found it or if it was given to them by the cps.

Also how many people they spoke to. I’m guessing they would have spoken to the CPS, police officers, Greewood, his family, alleged victim and her family, maybe they would have analysed phones.. who knows how thorough and how far it went. But criticising the club for taking 5 months is really losing sight of the seriousness of the matter. An internal investigation isn’t supposed to be a 2 hour meeting where they decide what to do.

Except we do know as the club itself called the process out as limited and reliant on statement. Which is what anyone with a clue already knew, it was a HR process not a criminal investigation. For some reason some of you lot think they played private investigator but that is not how the process works.

The club given the CPS withdrawing and statement from the victim had no choice but to reinstate him. It's that simple. People can make whatever judgments they want from the outcome but this invented narrative of the club discovering material is tiresome.
You missed the part where he said "I did not do the things I was accused of".

extracts from the club’s statement “Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged. That said, as Mason publicly acknowledges today, he has made mistakes which he is taking responsibility for”.

but anyway, like I initially said, lots of people would say “No”.
This whole situation has been shambolic, rather fitting for our club.

He was cleared. By the CPS, the police, taken back by his Partner and has become a father.

Then the club decide they need to do they're own investigation. 5 months later he's out on loan.

What a waste of time! Club are kinda handtied, there would be backlash if he stayed, backlash if he goes.

The Club clearly care more about they're image, but by taking so long it's just made us look foolish for me. There's no reason for the club to investigate after the CPS stuff. None at all. What can Greenwood do? He's forever going to be haunted by this. He's tried to move on, the partner's by his side. Her family are on board with them.

He's 20/21 yrs old. He's learnt. He wants to move on, but people won't let him.
There was a similar situation in Ireland with Paddy Jackson in rugby who was involved in a sexual assault/rape case and he has ended up seeing out his career in England and France because he’s not welcome in Ireland. But that was pretty much under the radar despite him being a good player for those clubs, it was just ‘he’s doing a job, let’s not make a big deal about it’. Getafe are treating Greenwood like they’ve signed peak Messi and all the unveiling and hype is on the nose and just seems a feck you. There are a lot of ways they could have taken it, they’ve chosen the most cynical way.

No they have actually taken the approach which they believe is the best one to Quieten down the possible dissent by Showing that this move has the support of the fans or atleast part of it rather than being reactive and losing the narrative they are setting it themselves and as cynical as it sounds now if Greenwood does his job on field then majority of Getafe's fans would simply get behind Him and any dissent or abuse thrown Greenwood's way would be countered by them .
People need to move on. The revenge/hate mentality is just exhausting isn’t it?

Maybe it’s a cultural thing. In Norway for example people are more about rehabilitation and moving on. It’s no doubt the society are better off with less revenge and hate and more rehabilitation and acceptance.

It's because Scandinavian's are generally forward thinking compared to us Brits. They are more likely see the complexity of life and don't think in such binary terms. It's probably down to the education systems out there being far better than those of the UK.
Getafe giving him a hero’s welcome and really making a point of it is sickening. It’s bad enough him playing for them on the sly but they’re acting like he’s a god among men. What a small time club.

Well the fact is that Getafe ARE a small time club, for most of their history they have been a 2nd or 3rd tier team

Greenwood is probably the most high profile signing in their history so it is only normal that fans would be excited. They also are unlikely to have followed the case like United fans have, they will just have the basic details that he was under investigation and then charges were dropped
It's because Scandinavian's are generally forward thinking compared to us Brits. They are more likely see the complexity of life and don't think in such binary terms. It's probably down to the education systems out there being far better than those of the UK.
:lol:. I'm sorry, but that is pure waffle.
:lol:. I'm sorry, but that is pure waffle.
I know, talk about an overly idealistic view of "Scandinavians" does he refer to Danes, Swedes or Norwegians who actually aren't the same! That's not to even mention the Icelandics!
I hope he does well and has learned from his mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. It's how we react to them that matters and from what it can be seen, he's been forgiven by his wife, is not guilty on the court and wants to continue playing football.

I wish him nothing but the best.
Except we do know as the club itself called the process out as limited and reliant on statement. Which is what anyone with a clue already knew, it was a HR process not a criminal investigation. For some reason some of you lot think they played private investigator but that is not how the process works.

The club given the CPS withdrawing and statement from the victim had no choice but to reinstate him. It's that simple. People can make whatever judgments they want from the outcome but this invented narrative of the club discovering material is tiresome.

Manchester United has conducted a thorough investigation into the allegations made against him.

This has drawn on extensive evidence and context not in the public domain, and we have heard from numerous people with direct involvement or knowledge of the case
. “

I’m going by what the club has said. Not quite sure where you’ve formed your narrative about “ limited process” from as the only thing the club said when the investigation started in February was that they were launching their own investigation and would not be commenting until it was done.
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There was a similar situation in Ireland with Paddy Jackson in rugby who was involved in a sexual assault/rape case and he has ended up seeing out his career in England and France because he’s not welcome in Ireland. But that was pretty much under the radar despite him being a good player for those clubs, it was just ‘he’s doing a job, let’s not make a big deal about it’. Getafe are treating Greenwood like they’ve signed peak Messi and all the unveiling and hype is on the nose and just seems a feck you. There are a lot of ways they could have taken it, they’ve chosen the most cynical way.

"feck you" to who?
People need to move on. The revenge/hate mentality is just exhausting isn’t it?

Maybe it’s a cultural thing. In Norway for example people are more about rehabilitation and moving on. It’s no doubt the society are better off with less revenge and hate and more rehabilitation and acceptance.
It is like this in most places. Only some houlier than thou individuals who love to make a big thing out of every mistake or issue to feel better about themselves. Even ignoring factors like the victim and family have forgiven him as well
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