Marouane Fellaini | 2013/14 Performances

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And you are his strongest supporter here, I am wondering if it has anything to do with you being from Belgium.
And yes, FSW being in for him proves he is a good footballer! As if he didn't buy some total rubbish while being at Liverpool.
Anyway, hope he goes to Napoli and never ever returns to Manchester unless we play them in Europe. Then both of us will be happy!

I'am not a Fellaini fanboy and I don't give a feck about his nationality. I just think the shit you say about him is ridiculous and embarrassing and in no way fair towards the lad, there clearly is an agenda against him. I don't want him in the team anymore than you do, but I have eyes in my head and I didn't forget all the other things he has done apart from last season and I don't hate him at all but respect him for the player that he is.
For the price paid...he was absolutely the worst... and I am counting Kleberson, Djemba Djemba and Taibi.
It was shocking that some folks here thought he would actually "come good" for us, then again some folks thought that Moyes would come good as well.
You do realise that he is still a Man United player, right? Why are you talking about him in past tense?
People excused a lot of players performances last season yet aren't willing to give Fellaini a second chance.
You always know who the idiots are on here because they have absolute conviction. Fellaini deserves more of a chance than Cleverley or Anderson. Unless we go out and sign a few midfielders its pointless selling him at a reduced fee.
I'am not a Fellaini fanboy and I don't give a feck about his nationality. I just think the shit you say about him is ridiculous and embarrassing and in no way fair towards the lad, there clearly is an agenda against him. I don't want him in the team anymore than you do, but I have eyes in my head and I didn't forget all the other things he has done apart from last season and I don't hate him at all but respect him for the player that he is.
I hear you, but I don't think there is an agenda against him like there was for Cleverly. I think he is the physical embodiment of the worst season we've had in 25 years, a Moyes player who plays the way Moyes wanted us to play. For that reason alone he'll never fit in at United, he'll for ever be referred to as an Everton 'type' player who lacks the technical ability to be anything at United.

I don't hate him though, I just think he should leave a join a team that is more his level. He's only decent when he has free reign to throw his elbows around and unfortunately we keep the ball on the floor far too much for his liking.
The way you clamour for Fellaini reminds me of when I was in the newbs and there were idiots defending Moyes despite all the evidence to the contrary.

LVG and most MUFC fans know Fellaini is out of his depth at a top side and the most damning thing is that even though he was bought last year for almost £28m, he will be sold for less than half that amount. I cant think of a top side buying a player for that amount only to have to sell him a year later.

NoArroJusBeta - Since you are a hardcore fan, the best thing you can do for Fellaini is shut your mouth regarding him and let him go in peace.

I advise you to read my other posts about him, because clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. In no way am I a hardcore fan, how can you even say that....?

The only thing I did is saying he isn't a worthless player and he is been disrespected by our fans to no ends. Yet I also said he isn't a player we need and he should be moved on ASAP. I also stated there is clearly an agenda towards him, driven by frustration about the entire Moyes situation and that frustration is projected towards him. Clearly I'am right about it, because even if you dare take a moderate stance towards Fellaini and you dare claim he isn't a worthless piece of shit or deserves a little more respect you are quite readily attacked on here by pitchfork wielding angry fans like you. I can almost imagine the steam coming out of your ears by even hearing his name.
You do realise that he is still a Man United player, right? Why are you talking about him in past tense?

He will not be a MUFC player by the time Sep 1st comes around, I feel confident about that.
Feel free to talk about him in the past tense, its a pretty good feeling!
He will not be a MUFC player by the time Sep 1st comes around, I feel confident about that.
Feel free to talk about him in the past tense, its a pretty good feeling!
Oh, you're the "person" who said that anyone who wanted Moyes to succeed isn't a true United fan. I should have ignored you.
Ungrateful cnuts. The things the lad can do with his chest are lost on you.

His time wasting in the Olympiakos game is literally my only positive memory of the man :lol:

I know it was a depressing time for us all hanging on against a greek team but his chest control and ability to protect the ball in the corner was phenomenal, if only those skills were more usual in football.
People excused a lot of players performances last season yet aren't willing to give Fellaini a second chance.
You always know who the idiots are on here because they have absolute conviction. Fellaini deserves more of a chance than Cleverley or Anderson. Unless we go out and sign a few midfielders its pointless selling him at a reduced fee.
Why? They are both underwhelming, although Cleverley for me is technically better and is younger than Fellaini.
But why does someone who cost 27.5 mil and earns more than 100 k deserve to be here over someone who is homegrown and earns half as much?

If it is between a very good foreign player and an average homegrown player, then ofc we should go for the very good foreign one. But if there's not much/anything between them then surely ppl understand why the homegrown player might be preferred by fans?
Fellaini's performances at Moyes' Everton don't mean anything in regards to United. You could then as well argue that a much more technical and tactically more astute manager in Martinez still praises Cleverley non-stop because he would suit his system but hasn't said anything similar about Fellaini.
Oh and we are not the only club to prefer homegrown players. Huge clubs with tradition tend to do this. For example although much better players, but still: Barca let the better player in Sanchez go to keep their homegrown player Pedro! Understandable as well.
His time wasting in the Olympiakos game is literally my only positive memory of the man :lol:

I know it was a depressing time for us all hanging on against a greek team but his chest control and ability to protect the ball in the corner was phenomenal, if only those skills were more usual in football.

My favourite moment of him is when he attacked that Fulham thug who stamped on Adnan. Reminded me of a taller, hairier, and less skilled Roy Keane.
Sorry, my bad - I neglected to mention that there was a foul on the edge of the area. The one other tackle he missed was what I counted. So 2/5. But, you don't do stats so nevermind.

No generally speaking i dont rate stats.
People tend to dig out one stat, look at it in isolation and infer too much into it.

The stats you provided show he made a lot of tackles and very little else.
They dont show his success rate with the tackles he made, they dont show how many led to fk's for the opposition.
They dont show how often his tackles led to a booking.
They dont show occasions when he didn't make a tackle when he should have and did make a tackle when he shouldn't have.
They dont show if his succesful tackle actually led to us winning the ball back - maybe his tackle resulted in the ball going out of play making it largely irrelevant,
they dont show when his succesful tackle ended up with the ball going straight to another opposition player.

He made 4 tackles against messi in that game, one after the other.
Im guessing whoscored decided it was one unsuccesful tackle and that was the extent of their conclusion.
It doesn't show that messi was surrounded by 3 (or 2, i dont have a memory for these things) other players,
that he had no passing options and was basically going nowhere. Or was as close as you can get to stopping
messi from going somewhere as you can get.
It doesn't show that it was right on the edge of the belgians box in a great area for a fk against a team
with a great fk taker (messi).
It doesn't show that he very nearly scored from that fk.

It wont include the occasions when messi strolled past him in midfield without him making a tackle.
I dont know if they include a shoulder to shoulder, 50/50 challenge against zabeleta as a tackle
in which he elbowed him in the head and gave away a fk.

Stats have their uses, people just tend to infer too much into them.

If your really determined to put as much stock into that stat as you have been then lets buy jacob or jedinak.
Both are decent footballers and nothing more but lets ignore that because they have good tackling stats.

He already was one. Go back prior to 2012/13 and you can find all the evidence you need. It's in his locker.. albeit maybe it's buried and needs digging out but the charade that he's only use is up the park just doesn't wash for me.

You were the one that suggested Van Gaal could turn him into a good dm, not me.
I dont see the need to go that far back anyway. He played dm for us last season and was terrible.
If you really want me to take everton into consideration, then fine -
We were linked with him shortly after he moved to everton and was playing as a dm,
so i watched him for half a dozen games to see how good he was.

I wasn't impressed, i thought he was poor for the same reasons i thought he was poor for us last season
I stopped paying much attention to him as i dont particularly care how good everton's dm's are.
I've seen him on numerous occasions since and nothing i've seen has changed my mind.

His only use for us is as an am. He could do a job for a less amibitious team elsewhere
but he'd still be better playing as a target man for them.

Were not going to agree on this. You rate him as a dm, i dont.
You think my opinion is stupid and im not going to convince you otherwise so lets drop it.
He doesn't deserve a chance over Clevereley, he's more useless than Clevereley unless we decide to start playing route 1 with him as the number 10. I don't even think he's that good at that.
Why? They are both underwhelming, although Cleverley for me is technically better and is younger than Fellaini.
But why does someone who cost 27.5 mil and earns more than 100 k deserve to be here over someone who is homegrown and earns half as much?

If it is between a very good foreign player and an average homegrown player, then ofc we should go for the very good foreign one. But if there's not much/anything between them then surely ppl understand why the homegrown player might be preferred by fans?
Fellaini's performances at Moyes' Everton don't mean anything in regards to United. You could then as well argue that a much more technical and tactically more astute manager in Martinez still praises Cleverley non-stop because he would suit his system but hasn't said anything similar about Fellaini.
Oh and we are not the only club to prefer homegrown players. Huge clubs with tradition tend to do this. For example although much better players, but still: Barca let the better player in Sanchez go to keep their homegrown player Pedro! Understandable as well.

I share the preference for homegrown players but Cleverley has had enough chances. We should always look to give youth a chance and a good chance but there comes a time.
Fellaini hasn't even had a full season and now we've got a manager who may know how to use him effectively. If he doesn't perform then at least he's been given a fair shot.
I share the preference for homegrown players but Cleverley has had enough chances. We should always look to give youth a chance and a good chance but there comes a time.
Fellaini hasn't even had a full season and now we've got a manager who may know how to use him effectively. If he doesn't perform then at least he's been given a fair shot.

I just don't think he can play the quick passing game that Van Gaal seems to want.
His time wasting in the Olympiakos game is literally my only positive memory of the man :lol:

I know it was a depressing time for us all hanging on against a greek team but his chest control and ability to protect the ball in the corner was phenomenal, if only those skills were more usual in football.

The amusing thing for me is that basic tasks like chest control is being exaggerated by some in order to find positives for this player. I mean, even fringe players like Ashley Young and Valencia have shown excellent and consistent chest control on the tour when they received long balls out wide. I never hated Fellaini when he was at Everton but my opinion of him has definitely degraded after he signed with us. I remember when we signed him on deadline day I even tried to convince myself that he could maybe elevate his game and become the box to box midfielder that we were missing since Keane, but that was probably just one of the five stages of denial at the time.
I think Van Gaal's been pretty honest so far--and so I think he won't make any decisions before seeing a player in action in his system. Accordingly, I expect to see Fellani get some action before the end of the transfer window--not sure where he'll play, but I don't expect Van Gaal to sell or loan him out sight unseen.
I just don't think he can play the quick passing game that Van Gaal seems to want.
Van Gaal doesn't want quick passing. He wants possession and attacking based football. Atleast thats what I've seen so far.

Fellaini is capable of playing this style cause he can get in the scoring positions and also calm down the game with his presence and calmness.
Van Gaal doesn't want quick passing. He wants possession and attacking based football. Atleast thats what I've seen so far.

Fellaini is capable of playing this style cause he can get in the scoring positions and also calm down the game with his presence and calmness.

I've not seen us move the ball as quick in years, plenty of quick one touch passing, out of interest what position do you think Van Gaal will play him to get into these goal scoring positions?
I've not seen us move the ball as quick in years, plenty of quick one touch passing, out of interest what position do you think Van Gaal will play him to get into these goal scoring positions?
3 man midfield.

--Fellaini - Herrera
----RVP - Rooney
3 man midfield.

--Fellaini - Herrera
----RVP - Rooney
Throw David Luiz in there instead of Herrera or one of the other good players in that attack and you'll have your dream team, Jason.
Van Gaal doesn't want quick passing. He wants possession and attacking based football. Atleast thats what I've seen so far.

Fellaini is capable of playing this style cause he can get in the scoring positions and also calm down the game with his presence and calmness.
Presence and calmness. Star Power. Mess from Sir Alex.

Good Lord but you do put out the beauties!

Fellaini isn't the rubbish player he's made out to be. But he's not good enough for United. He certainly doesn't bring presence and calmness. Actually, I have seen him quite calm when he's ambling around midfield when we're being attacked. Rather than actually harassing the opposition to win the ball back. Maybe that's the calmness you mean?
I believe he will get his chance to prove he has a place in the squad although the fact that the manager couldn't train him and watch him play in the ICC doesn't help him a bit. Fellaini has a long road ahead of him but LvG has showed that he desires to build a true and honest relationship with his players.

On his first day at the club he said he wants to assess the squad and that all players will get their chances. We clearly saw players fighting for places in these five matches. Fletcher looked like a new signing, Herrera and Mata showed that the team can rely on them when the going gets tough, Young was fired up, the CBs looked calm and composed, Rooney was trying to prove he deserves to be captain etc. A very pleasnt sight and a sign of a "healthy" team.

It would be nice to think what LvG thinks of Fellaini and where does he fit, if he fits, in his plans. Does he plan to use him as a DM and use his physical presence to provide cover for Herrera beside him and Mata in front of him? In that case his passing, his positioning and his decision making are certainly something to worry about. With Carrick and Fletcher as the only choices at #6, while we're waiting for the new CM to arrive, i can't see him getting chances when Herrera isn't available because Fellaini with Carrick/Fletcher make a midfield duo that can't cover all the spaces in the midfield, can't carry the ball and ultimately can't help get the ball forward. As for the #10 position, LvG has said that we are more than ok there.

So it seems that Fellaini will get playing time as a sub, at least in the first couple of months of the season. From what i've seen in the WC LvG isn't afraid to fill the box with players and try crosses when everything else isn't working. We saw that when he changed RvP with Huntelaar in the 75th minute against Mexico while being a goal down and chasing the game. Fellaini could prove useful in a similar way. He could come in for Carrick or Herrera in the last 20 minutes in games when we desperately need a goal and provide an extra option in the attack.

Anyway, we should wait and see. Who thought Young would be an option as a wing back, Lingaard as a CM or that our CBs would already look so good in a 3-5-2 formation. Maybe LvG has a use for Fellaini too.
Opta stats, not whoscored.
He made 4 tackles against messi in that game, one after the other.
Im guessing whoscored decided it was one unsuccesful tackle and that was the extent of their conclusion.
It was one single attempt to win the ball, however it went on for.
It doesn't show that it was right on the edge of the belgians box in a great area for a fk against a team
with a great fk taker (messi).
It does show that, how do you think I was able to tell you that it was on the edge of the area?
It wont include the occasions when messi strolled past him in midfield without him making a tackle.
It does show that, as 'was dribbled'.
I dont know if they include a shoulder to shoulder, 50/50 challenge against zabeleta as a tackle
in which he elbowed him in the head and gave away a fk.
He was on the ball in that instance, there was no attempt to win the ball - he was pushing Zabaleta off and unfortunately collected his head. Or fortunately if you have a particular distaste for Zabaleta.
Stats have their uses, people just tend to infer too much into them.
On the contrary, people who ignore them tend to make things up and then back up their made up recollection of events by saying 'oh it could have happend? Or was it?'
In this case, using stats to back up the opinion of a player and attempt to understand them is what we are doing here.

If your really determined to put as much stock into that stat as you have been then lets buy jacob or jedinak.
Both are decent footballers and nothing more but lets ignore that because they have good tackling stats.
They are both great footballers. Jedinak especially has won a lot of praise for his role at Palace. I don't really hear anyone telling the world they aren't fit to be footballers though.

You were the one that suggested Van Gaal could turn him into a good dm, not me.
I dont see the need to go that far back anyway. He played dm for us last season and was terrible.
If you really want me to take everton into consideration, then fine -
We were linked with him shortly after he moved to everton and was playing as a dm,
so i watched him for half a dozen games to see how good he was.
I said that there were other systems and other ways to utlize Fellaini in particular. He's a 26(27) year old established professional footballer. He can play a variety of roles. Van Gaal isn't going to use genius to turn him into a defensive midfielder. He already has been one. If you want to not go back and see how players had performed under Ferguson then I guess we can get rid of the entire team last season bar handful of stand-outs. It simply isn't going to happen. It would be better to turn around the fortunes of the players at the club with management before throwing money around and buying a whole new squad. Have a look at what Young has done and even Cleverley is getting praise for attempting to turn it around.
His only use for us is as an am. He could do a job for a less amibitious team elsewhere but he'd still be better playing as a target man for them.
Again, it just isn't true and you refuse to believe that because you don't want to look deeper into the situation. Say Rooney for example, is he a 9 or a 10? It would be the same thing the 'only way to get goals out of him' is to play him as a 9. He can assist and contribute fine as a 10 and he has shown that. You're taking it at face value and then sticking to it. Which is admirable and fair enough you can stick by your guns that's a positive trait.
I enjoyed that as well. Also the vicious side of me enjoyed it when he elbow thumped Zabaletta. :devil: Even if he was booked for it and it was stupid.

Players like that have their uses and i enjoyed him attacking that fulham jerk too.
As often as not he's the jerk though and i find it hard to admire or respect players like that.

I despise van bommel with a passion that isn't particularly logical or fair
and he reminds me a bit of him.

I dont really dislike zabaletta. I know hes a city player and i should i guess
but my attempts to dislike him are pretty half-hearted and not very convincing.
It might have been accidental, with his height and frame its very easy for him to do it by mistake.
I suspect he takes advantage of that though as it tends to happen a LOT.

It does make me dislike him tbh and it does make me a bit biased i guess.
I cant say its necessarily a bad quality, just one i dislike.
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It does make me dislike him tbh and it does make me a bit biased i guess.
I cant say its necessarily a bad quality, just one i dislike.
As long as you don't take it personally, everyone can have an opinion mate! I think the modern United is missing some of the 'comradery' that I used to see in the 90's United. The mentality that when you step into the hot zone you know there will be 10 other blokes who will step in and throw punches with you if you decide to throw down on someone. I just got the vibe that last season a lot of that was missing. Broken or divided or however, I did enjoy seeing Fellaini march on Riether when he stomped Adnan though. It gave me a sense of pride that he was willing to throw down for one of his team mates. It says something, if not a lot.
As long as you don't take it personally, everyone can have an opinion mate! I think the modern United is missing some of the 'comradery' that I used to see in the 90's United. The mentality that when you step into the hot zone you know there will be 10 other blokes who will step in and throw punches with you if you decide to throw down on someone. I just got the vibe that last season a lot of that was missing. Broken or divided or however, I did enjoy seeing Fellaini march on Riether when he stomped Adnan though. It gave me a sense of pride that he was willing to throw down for one of his team mates. It says something, if not a lot.

Idd kagawa, mata and januzaj are a tad less intimidating than
hughes, keane, robson, cantona, schmeichel etc lol

There was a time i enjoyed it i guess. I dont particularly miss it though tbh.

You are right the team is missing it a bit now.
Scholes and Vidic went a long way in that regard.
If Roy Keane elbowed Zabaleta, we'd love him for it. When Fellaini does it, he's a hateful cnut.

Double standards.
If Roy Keane elbowed Zabaleta, we'd love him for it. When Fellaini does it, he's a hateful cnut.

Double standards.

Not really, Keane was smart about it. Fellaini is just a liability. He was lucky not to be sent off for the elbow alone but then he seemed to spit at Zabaleta too.
People excused a lot of players performances last season yet aren't willing to give Fellaini a second chance.
You always know who the idiots are on here because they have absolute conviction. Fellaini deserves more of a chance than Cleverley or Anderson. Unless we go out and sign a few midfielders its pointless selling him at a reduced fee.
Woah, hold on. Fellani was brought in by Moyes last season which means surely, he was trying his hardest, why wouldn't he?

The rest of the squad didn't want to play for Moyes and suffer his shit stone age football. So you'd rather we kept a player who was utterly dreadful last season, safe in the knowledge he was more than likely giving everything he had for the cause rather than give the players we know have shown quality before another chance?

We should sell him if we can get around 15 million back for him but only if that occurs. If we don't, he stays and he plays when we've got a load of injuries.
If Roy Keane elbowed Zabaleta, we'd love him for it. When Fellaini does it, he's a hateful cnut.

Double standards.
Roy Keane was a world class central midfielder plus our captain during our most successful era. Fellaini is an absolute liability who was unforgivingly bought by one of the most out of depth managers in our history which coincided with our worst season in recent times . Double standards me bollox.
It was probably roy keane who put me off the whole dirty, leaving the boot in thing actually.
It was a weakness, a huge weakness, in a player who was too much of a perfectionist to be bad at anything else in football really.

Im irish though and after the whole wc thing we might have a fairly different view on him i'd think.
Keane was never smart about it. He got sent off 10 times!

The occasional thuggery was a negative aspect to Keane's game but was vastly outweighed by the positives he brought to the team. With Fellaini, the thuggery is not outweighed by his chest control. Fellaini may survive at United into this season if we don't bring in another midfielder simply for want of alternatives but there is no way he has a long term future at United's level. If I am wrong, and LVG does manage to transform him into a footballer, then we truly have a managerial genius at the helm.
To be fair to him - as truly bad a footballer as he is - at least he seems to get the message and has the dignity to want the move to Napoli. More than I can say for that fat fu*king waster Anderson.
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