Marouane Fellaini | 2013/14 Performances

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You mean fixing the mess Ferguson created.

For a while I was thinking that this guy is just playing devils advocate for Fellaini, but after this statement I'm convinced that he's a WUM.

On a separate note, just to play, erm, devil's advocate, if LvG can turn around Young, who's to say that he can't transform Fellaini?
Of course it's got a bit to do with Moyes, Fellaini is now the embodiment of all that was wrong with Moyes' time here. Zero quality, zero technical skills (oh, sorry, "chesting") and in order to bring the best out of him you need to change from playing actual football to playing route one hoof ball. His short range passing is embarrassingly bad, his long range passing is non-existent, his tackling is clumsy at best and resembles ABH at worst. His heading ability is shocking for a guy of his size and half of the time he's called up for a foul as he led with his elbows anyway.

He has absolutely nothing to offer this club and should be shown the door as soon as possible to go another step towards fixing the mess Moyes created.

He is a better header of the ball than any player in our squad, what you say about his heading being phatetic is just ludicrous. I've seen him make beautifull headers for Everton and the Belgium national team on so many occassions that I'd consider him one of the best headers in the game. I'am guessing what you saying is all based again on this one season were he was very poor just like the entire team was very poor, and that is just bullshit, everybody knows those players are just way better and last season is no fair benchmark for any of them.

I've seen Fellaini alot, at Standard, at Everton, at Belgium and no way is last year a benchmark for his quality. I agree with people saying he doesn't suit our style of play, I don't agree with people like you making him out like one of the most useless footballers in the game. The guy is a very good footballer, he is just not what we need at all and we should have never bought him. The problem is that people are disrespecting him to a degree that is just unacceptable because of the fact he doesn't suit us. I get the reason why people are upset, they identify him with Moyes and use him as a ventillation for their frustration with the team of last season, but that doesn't make it right. The lad has done nothing, whatsoever to deserve what he has got from the fans, nothing. We should not have bought him, Moyes made a big mistake, just like he made many others and letting Moyes make those mistakes was our mistake (well the clubs management I mean, looking spec at SAF, Charlton etc that absolutley wanted him and supported him to no ends). There is absolutley no reason why people should be working that out on him, none at all. I mean wtf are people angry for with Fellaini, what he do ? Not being suited to our play, like that is his fault ? Wanting to join this club and accepting the contract we offered him, we'd all do that if we could. Getting injurred ? Being part of the shittiest United side of the last 20 years, than be fecking outraged at all the players of last season. Trying his shittiest hard to make the best of things and showing that he was one of the few that actually still cared last season ? No sorry I see no valid reason for all the shite he has been getting from like 90% of our fans.
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Fellaini is no where near as bad as people are making him out to be. He's a much better player than he showed last season. Being signed at the last moment, thus missing pre-season with the team, and then suffering both back and wrist injuries (had surgery mid-season) really hampered his ability to show his best. Not to mention the overall disarray the team was in.

If the options are selling him at a cut rate, say less than 20M GBP or keeping him and seeing if van Gaal can integrate him into the squad then I'm all for keeping him.
He had the highest success rate for ground duels last season for United and he rarely played in a primary or limited defensive role.

Was this supposed to be the 'examples of him embarrassing himself trying to tackle'?

A single world cup game in which we agreed he was playing a bizarre role. Which you yourself say 'is an extreme example because he was particularly crap that day', then some ludicrous statement about not seeing a clean won tackle in 20 games? I mean come on yourself.

Disagree that he rarely played in a primary or limited defensive role, dont rate stats particularly highly and having the highest success rate for ground duels in a pretty mediocre team isn't much of an achievement (especially when the competition is carrick and cleverley). It'd be interesting to see a comparison with midfielders who were highly rated in that regard I guess but as i said i dont put much store in stats regardless, so it'd be a waste of your time really.

Yes he completely embarrased himself in that game. More or less every tackle he made was clumsy, stupid, needless etc. He rarely came away with the ball and gave them a lot of fk's in dangerous areas. Defensively he was a total embarrasment (leaving aside the crap tactics which i wont criticise him for - he did as good a job going forward as can be expected).

As i said it was an extreme example because he was particularly poor but hes been clumsy, stupid and given away needless fk's in dangerous areas pretty much every match i've seen.
And yes i think he was poor defensively in the matches i've seen him play last season (im guessing he played roughly 20, i have no idea).
And yes i think hes distinctly poor in areas other than tackling which are more important for a defensive midfielder.

The 'clean tackles' thing is a way of saying ... he seems like a jack charlton type of player - take the man then the ball, as opposed to say maldini who would make a perfectly timed tackle that would nick the ball off a strikers toe and set himself up well to walk away with it, giving himself time and space to move it on.
Im not explaining that very well but i cant think of a better way so ...

Im guessing the sentence you quoted annoyed you, i was just asking you to elaborate. It was badly phrased, so ... sorry i guess
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This thread is a horror show, come on fat Spanish, come and take this lump off our hands never to sully our shirt again.
Disagree that he rarely played in a primary or limited defensive role, dont rate stats particularly highly and having the highest success rate for ground duels in a pretty mediocre team isn't much of an achievement. It'd be interesting to see a comparison with midfielders who were highly rated in that regard I guess but as i said i dont put much store in stats regardless, so it'd be a waste of your time really.
Yes, you keep saying that you don't rate stats. In this case it's not really helping your argument. So perhaps it's probably best you not dismiss them on their merits. If you want to know midfielder's who were highly regarded in tackling last season then I can tell you if you like (Fellaini 12[4] 48 tackles, 2.8pg), Mile Jedinak at 3.5 a game made the most tackles in the league at 133 tackles success. Claudio Yacob for West Brom was next at 3.8pg, 106 tackles (22[4]apps) and after that Schniederlin (113), El Mahamodi (105) and Arteta (105) all on 3.4pg.

If we compare that to the United players who quite abhorrently as a team tackled as a team at the 81st best team in Europe last season.

Carrick 26(3) 60 tackles, 2pg. Cleverley 17(5) 48 tackles, 2.18pg.

Yes he completely embarrased himself in that game. More or less every tackle he made was clumsy, stupid, needless etc. He rarely came away with the ball and gave them a lot of fk's in dangerous areas. Defensively he was a total embarrasment (leaving aside the crap tactics which i wont criticise him for - he did as good a job going forward as can be expected).
Everyone has bad days. He won 2/4 tackles in that game and only a single tackle was on the edge of the area. So I guess there is a little food for thoughts on using stats to quantify your opinions. If by 'gave them lots of fk's in dangerous areas' you meant 1/4 outside the box then I guess you're right.

As i said it was an extreme example because he was particularly poor but hes been clumsy, stupid and given away needless fk's in dangerous areas pretty much every match i've seen.
And yes i think he was poor defensively in the matches i've seen him play last season (im guessing he played roughly 20, i have no idea).
And yes i think hes distinctly poor in other areas than tackling which are more important for a defensive midfielder.
I suppose we'll just take your word for it, then? A 'few games in which you can't remember how many maybe, you know those games he's just been poor and is a poor tackler' despite, I guess - being the highest successful when it comes to ground duels for United last season. No problemo.

Midfielders aren't perfect and especially defensive minded midfielders who's sole focus is on defending. I am sure there is room for one in Van Gaals system and I am sure there is room for Fellaini to grow as a player if he is given the chance. But lets not be to hasty in trying to convince the world that he can barely function as a footballer. It's just simply not true.
I agree with people saying he doesn't suit our style of play, I don't agree with people like you making him out like one of the most useless footballers in the game..
Having gone back through the thread, it seems to be a bit of a 'hip' thing to be seen talking trash about our players. I don't understand it myself.

Thanks for your analyses from before by the way. It's always good to see people actually taking the time to assess the player and not make the lazy statements based on their own negativity.
I've just a read through my posts in this thread, to assess my attitude to Fellaini throughout the season.

It turned pretty sour pretty fast, I'd given up on him by Christmas. :lol:
Yes, you keep saying that you don't rate stats. In this case it's not really helping your argument. So perhaps it's probably best you not dismiss them on their merits. If you want to know midfielder's who were highly regarded in tackling last season then I can tell you if you like (Fellaini 12[4] 48 tackles, 2.8pg), Mile Jedinak at 3.5 a game made the most tackles in the league at 133 tackles success. Claudio Yacob for West Brom was next at 3.8pg, 106 tackles (22[4]apps) and after that Schniederlin (113), El Mahamodi (105) and Arteta (105) all on 3.4pg.

If we compare that to the United players who quite abhorrently as a team tackled as a team at the 81st best team in Europe last season.

Carrick 26(3) 60 tackles, 2pg. Cleverley 17(5) 48 tackles, 2.18pg.
Fair enough, 2.8 isn't bad i guess. Not good either and ill believe my eyes ahead of stats, thank you

Everyone has bad days. He won 2/4 tackles in that game and only a single tackle was on the edge of the area. So I guess there is a little food for thoughts on using stats to quantify your opinions. If by 'gave them lots of fk's in dangerous areas' you meant 1/4 outside the box then I guess you're right.
This is why i dont rate stats, he made a hell of a lot more than 4 tackles in that game.
I dont know how they define a tackle being made but i disagree with whatever their criteria is if they say he made 4 in total basically.
Everyone has bad days, but that match pretty much summed up fellaini imo. He was particularly bad in the same way hes just bad as a matter of routine.
I suppose we'll just take your word for it, then? A 'few games in which you can't remember how many maybe, you know those games he's just been poor and is a poor tackler' despite, I guess - being the highest successful when it comes to ground duels for United last season. No problemo.
Im not arsed looking up how many games he played, get over it. He was consistently crap defensively in the matches i watched last season (all of them basically)

Midfielders aren't perfect and especially defensive minded midfielders who's sole focus is on defending. I am sure there is room for one in Van Gaals system and I am sure there is room for Fellaini to grow as a player if he is given the chance. But lets not be to hasty in trying to convince the world that he can barely function as a footballer. It's just simply not true.

I think hes a good footballer, i never said he wasn't. I just think hes a good am where we have an embarrasment of riches.
I wouldn't be opposed to keeping him on and using him as a target man when appropriate but i think it'd be a bit of a waste.
You wouldn't expect him to play often. Once in a blue moon maybe. Hes good enough to be first choice at a decent club in that position.

He might be a decent cm, its hard to judge when all you've got are games he played for moyes and ... belgian coach who's name i cant remember.
I thought his best game for us was against palace where he was given a bit more freedom. He was understandibly rusty but pretty good all the same.
Wasn't really challenged defensively though, so i remain unconvinced.
I dont think decent is good enough anyway and i'd rate fletcher and cleverley ahead of him and not good enough either
but im happy enough to be proven wrong on that front.

I think he's a poor dm and shows very little natural ability as one. I just dont see him growing into one.
Again stranger things have happened and im happy enough to be proven wrong if hes given a chance.
Also the condescending replies are getting tiresome, give it a rest.
The 'embodiment of the Moyes era' argument is exactly why fans spouting this type of 'Zero technical ability, Zero quality' nonsense over and over should be ignored and moved along. They'll never grasp the concept beyond the usual stereotype responses (in this case, elbows, fouls, awful at football) of a footballer adapting or adjusting his game for benefit. Wayne Rooney has had spells of it for his 10 year stint, Tom Cleverley is a recent victim of it and Ashley Young has had a big dose of it. The fans inability to put aside these lazy and pointless reasons to attack a player gets tiresome very quickly.

The fee, the single Everton season where he played up the park, the chest control, the Moyes era are all just barriers for people to hide behind and take pot shots at him. It's all well and good to take a short sighted stance of 'get rid' and use off-field reasons to justify it but it takes a pretty grim fan to actually want to act on it. I can't imagine what supporting United like that would entail.

Aye. Embarrassing to be honest, from grown men.
Fellaini isn't a bad footballer. He'd be a star for a lot of mid table sides. He just seems to be very very wrong for a big club, or at least to be a major part at it. Personally I expected him to do well but he's clearly out of place in a team like United.
This is why i dont rate stats, he made a hell of a lot more than 4 tackles in that game.
I dont know how they define a tackle being made but i disagree with whatever their criteria is if they say he made 4 in total basically.
Sorry, my bad - I neglected to mention that there was a foul on the edge of the area. The one other tackle he missed was what I counted. So 2/5. But, you don't do stats so nevermind.
I think he's a poor dm and shows very little natural ability as one. I just dont see him growing into one.
He already was one. Go back prior to 2012/13 and you can find all the evidence you need. It's in his locker.. albeit maybe it's buried and needs digging out but the charade that he's only use is up the park just doesn't wash for me.
The mess Ferguson created.

Deary me.
Well, it's true. Moyes wouldn't have even been considered if it wasn't for Ferguson. On top of that, he left us with a dire midfield and brought Paul Scholes out of retirement instead of playing the young and upcoming Paul Pogba who later went onto leave the club (for free!) and become one of the best young players in the world.

Ferguson brought us success and I love SAF but the way people act like he played no part in the mess last season really bugs me. The board should always always choose the manager. If that happened last season, maybe we wouldn't be without Champions League and stuck for world class signings.
Sorry, my bad - I neglected to mention that there was a foul on the edge of the area. The one other tackle he missed was what I counted. So 2/5. But, you don't do stats so nevermind.

He already was one. Go back prior to 2012/13 and you can find all the evidence you need. It's in his locker.. albeit maybe it's buried and needs digging out but the charade that he's only use is up the park just doesn't wash for me.

I agree. I think Moyes moving him from the DM role and having him play as a target man has messed with his development a bit.

The discussion about him as a footballer is ridiculous. He isn't that bad. You can argue he isn't United quality, but I have seen people say he is conference standard.
He is a better header of the ball than any player in our squad, what you say about his heading being phatetic is just ludicrous. I've seen him make beautifull headers for Everton and the Belgium national team on so many occassions that I'd consider him one of the best headers in the game. I'am guessing what you saying is all based again on this one season were he was very poor just like the entire team was very poor, and that is just bullshit, everybody knows those players are just way better and last season is no fair benchmark for any of them.

I've seen Fellaini alot, at Standard, at Everton, at Belgium and no way is last year a benchmark for his quality. I agree with people saying he doesn't suit our style of play, I don't agree with people like you making him out like one of the most useless footballers in the game. The guy is a very good footballer, he is just not what we need at all and we should have never bought him. The problem is that people are disrespecting him to a degree that is just unacceptable because of the fact he doesn't suit us. I get the reason why people are upset, they identify him with Moyes and use him as a ventillation for their frustration with the team of last season, but that doesn't make it right. The lad has done nothing, whatsoever to deserve what he has got from the fans, nothing. We should not have bought him, Moyes made a big mistake, just like he made many others and letting Moyes make those mistakes was our mistake (well the clubs management I mean, looking spec at SAF, Charlton etc that absolutley wanted him and supported him to no ends). There is absolutley no reason why people should be working that out on him, none at all. I mean wtf are people angry for with Fellaini, what he do ? Not being suited to our play, like that is his fault ? Wanting to join this club and accepting the contract we offered him, we'd all do that if we could. Getting injurred ? Being part of the shittiest United side of the last 20 years, than be fecking outraged at all the players of last season. Trying his shittiest hard to make the best of things and showing that he was one of the few that actually still cared last season ? No sorry I see no valid reason for all the shite he has been getting from like 90% of our fans.
Almost 100 % neutral fans would disagree! A "very good footballer" is someone who is not world class, but just a level or two below. There are so many examples of a very good footballer (still not all on the same level): Carrick, Coutinho, Kagawa, Podolski, Dzeko, Raul Garcia, etc. Fellaini is nowhere close to them, absolutely not!
Almost 100 % neutral fans would disagree! A "very good footballer" is someone who is not world class, but just a level or two below. There are so many examples of a very good footballer (still not all on the same level): Carrick, Coutinho, Kagawa, Podolski, Dzeko, Raul Garcia, etc. Fellaini is nowhere close to them, absolutely not!
Podolski and Garcia are a bit out of place there.
The only real logical step is to give him a pure defensive role in deeper midfield and allow the attack to function in front of him and win ball, recycle possession and not really get forward all that much.

This is a role for me that he is capable of playing and playing well, speculatively speaking.

Agreed - he has played well there for us already as well

and with Carrick injured and only 10 days to go to the start of the season, it would be a big risk to get rid of Fellaini now when we have only 3 recognised midfielders who are fit to play.
Why put Fellaini in a defensive role when he can't run, tackle or position himself correctly?
Agreed - he has played well there for us already as well

and with Carrick injured and only 10 days to go to the start of the season, it would be a big risk to get rid of Fellaini now when we have only 3 recognised midfielders who are fit to play.

I thought he was rather poor in a defensive role last season. He was better in a box to box role but there wasn't much to improve on in the first place.
I thought he was rather poor in a defensive role last season. He was better in a box to box role but there wasn't much to improve on in the first place.

Well I dont agree in the slightest - his best work for us came on the defensive side IMO.
Wonder if he'll get a game against Valencia?

If he doesnt, then I think it is safe to say he is gone.

I havent seen the interview myself but apparently LVG did mention on MUTV that he was looking forward to get back as he still needed to see Fellaini (plus Adnan and Powell) in action.
Why put Fellaini in a defensive role when he can't run, tackle or position himself correctly?
People keep saying this but give LVG a chance to work with him. He's worked with Divering dave for 5+ years. Give him a chance with a decent manager and let's see what could happen!.
Maybe, but still miles more useful than Fellaini!

No they aren't, you just massively underrate Fellaini, massively. And I know many neutral fans that would agree with that statement, in fact I dare nobody underrates Fellaini as much as United fans at the moment.

It is like everything he ever did apart from last season with United never happened for some people, he was Evertons best player for years, he has been one of the most important internationals for the Belgian squad and all that had put on the radar of many good teams, not just us but also Arsenal and Chelsea have been looking into him. Ofcourse we should never have signed him, simply because he doesn't fit the profile we needed and because we massively overpaid for him, but not because he is a worthless player.
No they aren't, you just massively underrate Fellaini, massively. And I know many neutral fans that would agree with that statement, in fact I dare nobody underrates Fellaini as much as United fans at the moment.

It is like everything he ever did apart from last season with United never happened for some people, he was Evertons best player for years, he has been one of the most important internationals for the Belgian squad and all that had put on the radar of many good teams, not just us but also Arsenal and Chelsea have been looking into him. Ofcourse we should never have signed him, simply because he doesn't fit the profile we needed and because we massively overpaid for him, but not because he is a worthless player.
Not all that shite again! Arsenal and Chelsea were looking into him, then why the hell didn't they just pay his release clause which was still 4 mil £ less than what we paid? I am sure if you search hard enough you might even find a article linking him with Real Madrid!
And no, I am not underrating him at all. It doesn't mean anything to me how many headers or whatever he scored for Moyes' hoofball Everton, I am sure if he joins Stoke or Westham next he will score a decent amount for them, too. Still won't mean he is a decent footballer, let alone a very good one.
Not all that shite again! Arsenal and Chelsea were looking into him, then why the hell didn't they just pay his release clause which was still 4 mil £ less than what we paid? I am sure if you search hard enough you might even find a article linking him with Real Madrid!
And no, I am not underrating him at all. It doesn't mean anything to me how many headers or whatever he scored for Moyes' hoofball Everton, I am sure if he joins Stoke or Westham next he will score a decent amount for them, too. Still won't mean he is a decent footballer, let alone a very good one.

They didn't went in for him because they aren't as dumb as we were, obviously they didn't think he was worth it or that he'd fit in. That doesn't change the fact he played well enough to get on their radar, same as he came on our radar, because we were linked with him way before there even was talk about Moyes becoming our new manager, that implies that he isn't a worthless piece of shit like you are discribing him.The mere fact Napoli wants him should tell you he is atleast decent.

Feck sake what is the point even in arguing with people like you, you are obviously blind with hatred towards the lad.
They didn't went in for him because they aren't as dumb as we were, obviously they didn't think he was worth it or that he'd fit in. That doesn't change the fact he played well enough to get on their radar, same as he came on our radar, because we were linked with him way before there even was talk about Moyes becoming our new manager, that implies that he isn't a worthless piece of shit like you are discribing him.The mere fact Napoli wants him should tell you he is atleast decent.

Feck sake what is the point even in arguing with people like you, you are obviously blind with hatred towards the lad.
And you are his strongest supporter here, I am wondering if it has anything to do with you being from Belgium.
And yes, FSW being in for him proves he is a good footballer! As if he didn't buy some total rubbish while being at Liverpool.
Anyway, hope he goes to Napoli and never ever returns to Manchester unless we play them in Europe. Then both of us will be happy!
They didn't went in for him because they aren't as dumb as we were, obviously they didn't think he was worth it or that he'd fit in. That doesn't change the fact he played well enough to get on their radar, same as he came on our radar, because we were linked with him way before there even was talk about Moyes becoming our new manager, that implies that he isn't a worthless piece of shit like you are discribing him.The mere fact Napoli wants him should tell you he is atleast decent.
Feck sake what is the point even in arguing with people like you, you are obviously blind with hatred towards the lad.

The way you clamour for Fellaini reminds me of when I was in the newbs and there were idiots defending Moyes despite all the evidence to the contrary.

LVG and most MUFC fans know Fellaini is out of his depth at a top side and the most damning thing is that even though he was bought last year for almost £28m, he will be sold for less than half that amount. I cant think of a top side buying a player for that amount only to have to sell him a year later.

NoArroJusBeta - Since you are a hardcore fan, the best thing you can do for Fellaini is shut your mouth regarding him and let him go in peace.
He's our worst ever signing. I'd rather have Obertan still.

For the price paid...he was absolutely the worst... and I am counting Kleberson, Djemba Djemba and Taibi.
It was shocking that some folks here thought he would actually "come good" for us, then again some folks thought that Moyes would come good as well.
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