Margaret Thatcher

I was 14 when she came to power, there may be things I miss.

Poll tax. (the Scots where going to love it she thought )

Housing, right to buy. ( money wasted, social housing ruined, house price bubbles, cost of living increase, birth of buy to let)

Energy policy.( Burnt our gas and oil away, destroyed the coal mining industry and we are no longer energy self sufficient )

Railway privatisation. ( what a mess she has left us with)

Transport policy in general ( seems to have been along the lines of get a car you loser or get on your bike you loser)

Telecoms privatised. ( Bt and regulators, anyone want to defend them?)

Health service. Ruined and staff demoralised to the point of collapse.

Policy on Unions. Much needed reform of strike balloting.

Trade and industry. ( We don't need any manufacturing or dirty heavy industry, do we? EU treaty signer.

Education. Lots of testing,League tables to show up poor schools, No chance of getting your kids into any other school though.

Society. There isn't one apparently.

Media. Rupert fecking Murdock.

P. R. Advertisers as campaign managers started the whole no.10 spin machine idea.

Defence. Let down our guard which started a war with Argentina. Rode around in a tank for a bit after we won the war. Bribed Arab sheiks to buy our tanks.

one at a time

- when were they privatised ?
one at a time

- when were they privatised ?

1993. But:

In 1988 British Rail Engineering Limited was split between the major engineering works, which became BREL (1988) Ltd, and the (mostly smaller) works that were used for day-to-day maintenance of rolling stock, which became British Rail Maintenance Limited (BRML).
Oh, and it was the Thatcher government of 1990 who committed to rail privatisation. Although ironically Thatcher herself felt it 'a privatisation too far'.
one at a time

- when were they privatised ?

The deed was indeed done by another. Would this ever have happened without her though? In fact the guy who did it was anointed to the position by her . Pay back for having her political tits cut off by her own party. I notice you aren't defending the policy. Just so I am clear you think rail privatisation was wrong and your argument is that Thatcher wasn’t in power and so can’t be in any way held accountable for it?

Let’s keep doing them one at a time.
I understand that not everyone likes Lady Thatcher - and a bit of discussion about her policies is fine, but can we stop the Is she dead rubbish please?

They are trying to emulate my proven Roy Hodgson technique. Not sure if it works for death, but it was pretty successful in getting him sacked.
A lot of what you’ve said here comes down to personal ideology, it seems from the tone of your points that you prefer government to be running things. As far as I’m concerned, governments are generally incapable of running anything, I wouldn’t trust politicians of any ilk to run so much as a car boot sale, I’m happier when they are not involved at all.

I can’t say this for certain but from what I understand Thatchers idea was to transfer large chunks of state run affairs to the people by privatization because the UK was on the verge of bankruptcy. The move was designed to encourage entrepreneurial spirit, because certain aspects of that may not have worked just means they have been poorly managed - thats nothing to do with her, there are few if any economists who are receptive to the idea of state run institutions. Privately run companies without gov subsidy have higher degrees of accountability, they need to balance the books and to be accountable to stock holders - in theory this results in a better product. As far as I’m concerned the fewer pies a gov has its fingers the better, and the less money it needs to take from us in the form of taxes to run them. Its beyond me why people want the gov to provide for them, my personal ideology is, the gov can feck right off, I’ll provide for myself thanks I realize of course there are exceptions to this, like children and people with disabilities and the elderly etc but every other fit healthy person of working age should have more personal responsibility, the number of people I know in Belfast who say “it doesn’t pay me to work” is staggering, I can’t even wrap my head around this concept, but our culture has bred this though the expectations of being taken care of by another.

I don’t see what you mean by what didn’t work about the "right to buy scheme".... off the top of my head without researching I understand that approx 70% of UK were living in council housing at that time, you can’t say that was a good thing? I myself took advantage of “right to buy” and so did my parents because it was so cheap to do so, they paid off their mortgage in less than 10 years. My mum sold her "right to buy house" just before the economic collapse 3 years ago luckily enough and moved in with her sister who also bough her right to buy house, I don’t even want to say how much she made from this transaction, but lets just say I will never have to worry about her financially and neither will my aunt and more importantly neither will the government, which means neither will you.... how is this bad, had Thatcher not introduced that scheme she most likely would have been living in gov subsidy for the rest of her life with no money like all the generations before her. My mums career was as a check out girl and my dad worked as a salesman... both low income and now she has 10s of thousands sitting in the bank, she even has investments ffs.... this was unheard of before for low income working class folks and I’m pretty certain she’s not the only pensioner sitting in this position... how is this bad?

Thatcher didn’t ruin health care, social medicine is dying because it doesn’t work, why do you think you pay so much for petrol or alcohol or all the other things you pay through the nose for..... the answer is because of the tax needed to prop up the system the social system, people think its free.... fecking sure its not. I pay an actual policy of $250 a month for mine but I’m pretty certain I pay less than you do for yours in the grand scheme of things

I was 14 when she came to power, there may be things I miss.

Poll tax. (the Scots where going to love it she thought )

Housing, right to buy. ( money wasted, social housing ruined, house price bubbles, cost of living increase, birth of buy to let)

Energy policy.( Burnt our gas and oil away, destroyed the coal mining industry and we are no longer energy self sufficient )

Railway privatisation. ( what a mess she has left us with)

Transport policy in general ( seems to have been along the lines of get a car you loser or get on your bike you loser)

Telecoms privatised. ( Bt and regulators, anyone want to defend them?)

Health service. Ruined and staff demoralised to the point of collapse.

Policy on Unions. Much needed reform of strike balloting.

Trade and industry. ( We don't need any manufacturing or dirty heavy industry, do we? EU treaty signer.

Education. Lots of testing,League tables to show up poor schools, No chance of getting your kids into any other school though.

Society. There isn't one apparently.

Media. Rupert fecking Murdock.

P. R. Advertisers as campaign managers started the whole no.10 spin machine idea.

Defence. Let down our guard which started a war with Argentina. Rode around in a tank for a bit after we won the war. Bribed Arab sheiks to buy our tanks.
Medicine, some of the ill will be profitable, many won't, thats before you consider and the unaffordibilty of acess for many, especially those with preexisting conditions
A lot of what you’ve said here comes down to personal ideology, it seems from the tone of your points that you prefer government to be running things. As far as I’m concerned, governments are generally incapable of running anything, I wouldn’t trust politicians of any ilk to run so much as a car boot sale, I’m happier when they are not involved at all.

I can’t say this for certain but from what I understand Thatchers idea was to transfer large chunks of state run affairs to the people by privatization because the UK was on the verge of bankruptcy. The move was designed to encourage entrepreneurial spirit, because certain aspects of that may not have worked just means they have been poorly managed - thats nothing to do with her, there are few if any economists who are receptive to the idea of state run institutions. Privately run companies without gov subsidy have higher degrees of accountability, they need to balance the books and to be accountable to stock holders - in theory this results in a better product. As far as I’m concerned the fewer pies a gov has its fingers the better, and the less money it needs to take from us in the form of taxes to run them. Its beyond me why people want the gov to provide for them, my personal ideology is, the gov can feck right off, I’ll provide for myself thanks I realize of course there are exceptions to this, like children and people with disabilities and the elderly etc but every other fit healthy person of working age should have more personal responsibility, the number of people I know in Belfast who say “it doesn’t pay me to work” is staggering, I can’t even wrap my head around this concept, but our culture has bred this though the expectations of being taken care of by another.

I don’t see what you mean by what didn’t work about the "right to buy scheme".... off the top of my head without researching I understand that approx 70% of UK were living in council housing at that time, you can’t say that was a good thing? I myself took advantage of “right to buy” and so did my parents because it was so cheap to do so, they paid off their mortgage in less than 10 years. My mum sold her "right to buy house" just before the economic collapse 3 years ago luckily enough and moved in with her sister who also bough her right to buy house, I don’t even want to say how much she made from this transaction, but lets just say I will never have to worry about her financially and neither will my aunt and more importantly neither will the government, which means neither will you.... how is this bad, had Thatcher not introduced that scheme she most likely would have been living in gov subsidy for the rest of her life with no money like all the generations before her. My mums career was as a check out girl and my dad worked as a salesman... both low income and now she has 10s of thousands sitting in the bank, she even has investments ffs.... this was unheard of before for low income working class folks and I’m pretty certain she’s not the only pensioner sitting in this position... how is this bad?

Thatcher didn’t ruin health care, social medicine is dying because it doesn’t work, why do you think you pay so much for petrol or alcohol or all the other things you pay through the nose for..... the answer is because of the tax needed to prop up the system the social system, people think its free.... fecking sure its not. I pay an actual policy of $250 a month for mine but I’m pretty certain I pay less than you do for yours in the grand scheme of things

excellent points there - a lot of this has been overlooked sadly by the ranters on here.
excellent points there - a lot of this has been overlooked sadly by the ranters on here.

That post typifies what you tory shites are all about.

'Well my mother made a good few bob under Thatcher's regime so what a great woman she was.'

I'm alright Jack. That's the Tory way.

Now Erica whilst we are on the subject of 'overlooking excellent points' perhaps you could address this post from Don't Kill Bill because so far your sum contribution to this thread has been

a/ repeated mantra 'Margaret Thatcher was ace', 'Margaret Thatcher was great'. (Repeat ad nauseum.)


b/ Chatting shit about LFC.

Come on Erica let's see you have a crack at this.

Poll tax. (the Scots where going to love it she thought )

Housing, right to buy. ( money wasted, social housing ruined, house price bubbles, cost of living increase, birth of buy to let)

Energy policy.( Burnt our gas and oil away, destroyed the coal mining industry and we are no longer energy self sufficient )

Railway privatisation. ( what a mess she has left us with)

Transport policy in general ( seems to have been along the lines of get a car you loser or get on your bike you loser)

Telecoms privatised. ( Bt and regulators, anyone want to defend them?)

Health service. Ruined and staff demoralised to the point of collapse.

Policy on Unions. Much needed reform of strike balloting.

Trade and industry. ( We don't need any manufacturing or dirty heavy industry, do we? EU treaty signer.

Education. Lots of testing,League tables to show up poor schools, No chance of getting your kids into any other school though.

Society. There isn't one apparently.

Media. Rupert fecking Murdock.

P. R. Advertisers as campaign managers started the whole no.10 spin machine idea.

Defence. Let down our guard which started a war with Argentina. Rode around in a tank for a bit after we won the war. Bribed Arab sheiks to buy our tanks.
A lot of what you’ve said here comes down to personal ideology, it seems from the tone of your points that you prefer government to be running things. As far as I’m concerned, governments are generally incapable of running anything, I wouldn’t trust politicians of any ilk to run so much as a car boot sale, I’m happier when they are not involved at all.

That itself is pure ideology
Just for the record I’m neither tory nor republican nor democrat nor labour in fact I’m not a fan obi of any political group like many here who will support their team at any cost, my whole point is I don’t like government.

That post typifies what you tory shites are all about.

'Well my mother made a good few bob under Thatcher's regime so what a great woman she was.'

I'm alright Jack. That's the Tory way.

Now Erica whilst we are on the subject of 'overlooking excellent points' perhaps you could address this post from Don't Kill Bill because so far your sum contribution to this thread has been

a/ repeated mantra 'Margaret Thatcher was ace', 'Margaret Thatcher was great'. (Repeat ad nauseum.)


b/ Chatting shit about LFC.

Come on Erica let's see you have a crack at this.
Social care.

If were still on about Thatcher here, it’s news to me that she ruined it, as far as I’m concerned the NHS has been on a steady decline for a long time, before her and after her, even if she started it - which she didn’t, why hasn’t someone in the meantime put it back on track if its such a great system.... the answer is simple, it is not working because it doesn’t work, the current system is unsustainable and thats nothing to do with thatcher.

All I’m interested is something solid, not all the vague unsupported stuff thats been thrown around in this thread, there has always been lots of negative rhetoric about Thatcher, and its because she was tough and also because she was a woman.
That post typifies what you tory shites are all about.

'Well my mother made a good few bob under Thatcher's regime so what a great woman she was.'

I'm alright Jack. That's the Tory way.

Now Erica whilst we are on the subject of 'overlooking excellent points' perhaps you could address this post from Don't Kill Bill because so far your sum contribution to this thread has been

a/ repeated mantra 'Margaret Thatcher was ace', 'Margaret Thatcher was great'. (Repeat ad nauseum.)


b/ Chatting shit about LFC.

Come on Erica let's see you have a crack at this.

First of all, I resent very much being called a shite – personally, I’ve always found when little men resort to abuse like this, it always highlights the chip on your shoulders.
I’ve not repeated Margaret Thatcher was ace – ( even though I think she is, and was, a wonderful woman , I’m afraid as a superlative, it leaves a lot to be desired.
I have chatted in this thread about LFC in reply to Dr Dwayne, who I hold in the utmost esteem, I would be surprised however if you took him to task as you have me – or do you just try to bully women? Again, the little man syndrome .

My mother was always a Tory, as her father was before her, and yes, I’m sorry to disappoint you, she did indeed have some wealth.
My father however wasn’t born to that life, his father died when he was eight years old and went into the army when he was old enough, before attempting to make a living as a Joiner. When I was born , he was on £8 a week and had a pushbike to get to work , however I hasten to add that he was the same wonderful person when he had several Jaguars and a large work force under him.

As for Lady T’s policies – even I didn’t agree with the Poll Tax as I thought it was grossly unfair but what was wrong with the right to buy? I'm in the fortunate position of never living in a Council House, but I've known lots of people who have, and who bought their houses. They all seemed happy enough!
I remember the Winter of Discontent – try attempting revision with just a candle for company – that’s what the power of the Unions was all about back then – until Lady Thatcher confronted them, Callaghan had done nothing at all to attempt to rein them in ( Crisis, what Crisis? )
She also brought inflation down after it had spiralled out of control in the Seventies – she had to reduce public spending to reduce the deficit Labour had left.
I could go on and on but I'm not going to justify my lovely life to a creature like you!
Sorry I don’t live in your world Tumbling Dice - Unlike some of the reasoned arguments on here about Lady T, you just sound bitter and jealous
Please someone answer this....

On one hand everyone is screaming about the cost of living, I’m not sure if this true but I’ve been told that petrol is more expensive in UK than anywhere else in the world right now, if its not its close, and I remember a thread recently where someone was talking about how it cost over a 100 pounds for one persons share of a standard meal at an average restaurant..... nothing is cheap in UK now... nothing, last time I visited it depressed me how expensive everything has become...... and the government is finding more new exotic ways to get more money from you and all the while your disposable income is dwindling, is this or is this not happening?

The reason I suspect for the cost of living is because of the taxes needed to support all of your various “free" social welfare institutions, I mean am I missing something here, is this really how you want things to be? Because its not free at all, you’re actually paying through the nose for it only to be highly mismanaged by government bodies who haven’t a fecking notion of what they’re doing. How else do you expect to get all this “free stuff” other than taxes, personally I think its a completely shit system and I can’t imagine why people keep turning to gov, have they not demonstrated over a long period of time how inept they are?

Why are so many of you wed to this system of letting the government decide how much money to take from you at will and then mismanage the feck out of it, would you not prefer to have more control and responsibility to be making more decisions for yourself?

This is my personal ideology Frosty
And did you go to a rubbish state school, or did you learn spelling in the eighteenth century?

Me? yes I went to a rubbish state school, learned nothing, teachers were held to no accountability what so ever, I was told repeatedly I’d never amount to anything, left with 3 “O” levels, never went to university... obviously!

edit, Oh I see you probably meant Erica