We gave him a £100m contract. No many people would regret that, regardless of their situation.
it's all not that black-and-white I guess. Could even imagine him thinking he would regret not signing it even if on the inside he felt like he needed a change of pace, surroundings, careers, anything. Whether he's depressed or not, sad or not, lazy or not, talentless or not, it's hard to tell from the outside, and even pretty much as the person themselves sometimes.
I would love a 100 million pound contract, and say I get depression again it could make a lot of treatments much more accessible. Unfortunately it wouldn't buy me one for treatment-resistant types. I like football now and then. But 100 million pounds couldn't buy me an inherent joy and intrinsic motivation to dedicate my life to that stuff to the degree of having to play it 5-7 times a week and keep fit. It'd make it much easier than having to fit in exercise besides my work hours and social responsibilities. It wouldn't buy an extravert personality shift, a sudden increase in social intelligence to deal with crowds of people in stadiums, in the city, and - possibly worst of all - online.
I would love that contract, I'd be curious to see if I'm able to play football and related trainings 5-7 days a week. But honestly I already kinda know I am happy to not be in Rashy's shoes. Maybe he is lazy, maybe he just needs some type of life coach. Maybe the change of pace really does unlock him. But I'm glad to be in another one myself (even taking in consideration that I have my own issues about surroundings and paces and such)
idk - possibly anything at all. But I can imagine signing that thing while my entire body screams at me not to.
Fear of regret leads to a lot of regret. Unfortunately I (and I guess many many many of us) do know about that all too well.
EDIT: I just see some gossip (?) about Neymar choosing to lower his wages by about 90 million for a change of surroundings. Isn't it weird how money is a purely quantifiable indicator of life quality and not at all at the same time? And that's ignoring its inherent abstractness, dependency and inflation.