From the ones I remember, I'm fairly sure there are a few more ridiculous ones I'm forgetting.
- Mourinho broke him mentally when he had him fight with Martial for the left wing spot (because competition for places is apparently bad

- Mourinho stifled his growth by playing him on the wings instead of striker (surprise surprise, few seasons down the line he keeps moaning that he wants to play left wing instead of anywhere else. Wait I forgot, he's clever not to do the moaning personally because it could tarnish this image he's building, instead he has his PR team plant the stories). feck Mou at United btw, before anyone thinks he was faultless.
- His fiancee left him
- He was depressed
- He was carrying a bad back injury for 1.5 seasons and its Ole's fault for not resting him. He valiantly sacrificed his back for the team so this buys him endless credit
- He was depressed x2 after Euros, couldn't get out of bed
- Team harmony wasn't good when Lingard and co were being toxic, this affected him to the point where he couldn't pass/shoot for shit
- His finacee left him a second time
- He prefers playing on left (proceeds to play shit most of the time on the left)
- He was angry he had to play on the right/middle and couldn't perform
- The team is terrible at getting the ball to him (in reality he loses the ball most of the time on the wing, the team" is set by default mode to pass to Rashford first thing)
- My favorite from a few weeks back, "maybe Hojlund isn't doing enough to get a pass from Rashford
- My favorite one from last night, "Bruno made him lose his concentration by being an extra option in a 1 v 1 to the point Rashford passes to the Gala defender coming from BEHIND him"
We used to do the same excuses for Pogba (can't play unless he has 10 WC players and he has to be left side of a midfield three with a free role and 2 runners around him collecting balls bla bla bla).
Amazing, players on other teams seem to have no difficulty being consistent for several games (with the odd mishap every other game) but our guys always have the excuses ready as to why they're consistently bad week in week out.
I get it, he's the poster boy and a lot of people have invested a lot of time over the years defending this guy because he's a club academy prospect and scores goals (cause he plays up front so sentiment is more in favor of backing him in the false hopes that he comes good).
However, we're starting to resemble 2000s Liverpool who used to rely mainly on 1 guy and base our team around him, pray he plays good on the day so that the entire team would play good (Gerrard). I can see the parallels (other than different positioning). If Rashford (Gerrard) plays good, Man Utd (Liverpool) play good. Trouble is, as inconsistent (hilarious for us) as Gerrard was at times, Rashford is so much worse at performing at a consistent level.