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2021-22 Performances

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4.2 Season Average Rating
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At least in first half he worked a little harder than usual. Not sure if that’s better or worse given that on the assumption two years worth of “injuries” didn’t suddenly clear up on Thursday I’m not sure why he couldn’t put in at least that level of effort before
Don't understand how some posters feel that he will bounce back or he's just having a rough time or whatever. If his mentality is fecked, then it's gone. First of all, it's just mind-boggling for me to understand how someone NEEDS a motivation if you play for United, especially being a lifelong fan and rising from the academy? If he doesn't understand the privileges, he can play for other clubs. The end.

I understand the chemistry isn't that good and not competing for titles, but at least show some spirit and be willing to develop and learn new things and from your mistakes, not threaten to leave because you're crap and sitting on the bench. It's just so wrong. I'd be very happy to see him leaving. Everyone who is not motivated to give his best in United shirt should earn their salary somewhere else. Sorry but it's a top club and there are tens, not even hundreds of players who are happily replacing him in a heartbeat and we wouldn't miss him.
He's always been best on the left, not sure where you're reading otherwise?

But that’s because of how he chooses to play. A predominately right footed player being unable to play on the right doesn’t make sense. He’s crap because he’s constantly looking to cut inside and shoot despite being as crap at that as any other aspect of his game.

Him looking especially poor on the right is a choice he makes by the way he plays and his refusal to adapt his game and face the reality he isn’t peak Ronaldo

He sulks when he’s on the right because his opportunities to cut inside and shoot are limited. It has nothing to do with a right-footed player starting on the right being ‘out of position’ or anything else other people come up with. The same petulance and sense of entitlement that makes him thing he doesn’t need to do defensive work after the first 11 minutes of any match
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Frustrating thing is there’s no evidence he’s worked on any individual element of his game in response to either injuries or a decline in form over the last 18 months.

“At least he’s x has improved, he’s clearly been working on that”

But no. His effort in first 30-40 minutes was more than what it usually was but that is saying very little to begin with, and he’s not playing like someone who thinks he has anything to prove to anyone. I think he’s a player baffled by criticism and simply wants to carry on as he is until we all come to our senses and treat him like there global footballing superstar he believes himself to be.

He needs to be held up as an example to kids coming through about how toxic it is to someone’s development to believe their own hype before they’ve achieved feck all in the game
At least in first half he worked a little harder than usual. Not sure if that’s better or worse given that on the assumption two years worth of “injuries” didn’t suddenly clear up on Thursday I’m not sure why he couldn’t put in at least that level of effort before

Yeah, I was thinking that myself. It was good to see him work harder but it really only showed up how little effort he’s been making before now. He’s capable of making tackles and closing defenders down but - for some weird reason - has been choosing not to.
I think it was around the 65th minute where someone beats him and then he just gives up and is walking when he still had a chance to get back at the player and prevent an attack. Which makes it worse Pogba is in the same shot and the two of them are just casually strolling around not even really looking at what’s happening.

I’m sorry but this slide has been happening for 2-3 years now so where does it end and we realise he maybe isn’t going to be the player everyone thought or hoped he would be.

He just looks like he has no interest at all in improving or doing the right things on the pitch.
Did he pick up an injury? Even by his standards that last 10 mins was lethargic.
The biggest issue with Rashford is that he hasn't developed his game from left-wing inside forward, cut inside and shoot. Now that's great if you're Robben but he's not and PL defenders have worked him out which is why he's been massively shit for a season or so now.

The right wing experiment forces him to actually do something else, develop his left foot and cut inside, beat a man on the outside, get good at crossing etc. It's an important part of his development if he actually wants to stay at the top level. He should take a good look at Sancho's development over the years to see how he can become more effective and an all round better player.
The biggest issue with Rashford is that he hasn't developed his game from left-wing inside forward, cut inside and shoot. Now that's great if you're Robben but he's not and PL defenders have worked him out which is why he's been massively shit for a season or so now.

The right wing experiment forces him to actually do something else, develop his left foot and cut inside, beat a man on the outside, get good at crossing etc. It's an important part of his development if he actually wants to stay at the top level. He should take a good look at Sancho's development over the years to see how he can become more effective and an all round better player.

Sancho isn’t, yet, anywhere near the player Rashford was in 2018-20. Rashford was capable of winning matches on his own from the left wing and was very hard to stop - the idea that defenders just hadn’t worked him out is risible. The fact is that he isn’t playing anywhere near the same level currently. Sancho doesn’t, yet, have that game changing ability.

The key question is whether Rashford, whether through injuries or motivation, will ever get back to his previous level or, even, as would have been expected with his talent, kick on further as he hits what should be his prime years.

I’m not expecting much this year, especially if RR persists in playing him out of position, but hopefully he can remain injury free and have a proper pre-season. If he does remain at a similar level under a new manager next season, then it will start to look a permanent problem. That will be truly depressing if so though, as he’s one of the most exciting players to watch when in full flow.
Genuine question : How did he play when he switched places with Jadon and Marcus played as a LW ?
Genuine question : How did he play when he switched places with Jadon and Marcus played as a LW ?

The same and actually worse. He was on the left when got taken off. He just wasn't arsed about stopping any players going past him. He started well for the first 10 mins or so. Then just stopped trying. He was on the left when we broke and Sancho played Ronnie thru and the left wing space was empty and Ronnie forced a save from Loris. If Rashford was in position it would have been a tap in.
Sancho isn’t, yet, anywhere near the player Rashford was in 2018-20. Rashford was capable of winning matches on his own from the left wing and was very hard to stop - the idea that defenders just hadn’t worked him out is risible. The fact is that he isn’t playing anywhere near the same level currently. Sancho doesn’t, yet, have that game changing ability.

The key question is whether Rashford, whether through injuries or motivation, will ever get back to his previous level or, even, as would have been expected with his talent, kick on further as he hits what should be his prime years.

I’m not expecting much this year, especially if RR persists in playing him out of position, but hopefully he can remain injury free and have a proper pre-season. If he does remain at a similar level under a new manager next season, then it will start to look a permanent problem. That will be truly depressing if so though, as he’s one of the most exciting players to watch when in full flow.
Absolute bs, Sancho is a much more rounded player. Rashford, even at his best, was effective in a kind of 2/10 kind of way, in that he would try things ten times and two times they would come off. Those occasions, they did come off he did pick up some assists and goals and Ole relied on this, alongside Bruno, to regularly save his bacon. Over a period of time though, the dumb strategy this was becomes more and more apparent. It only takes a little dip in form for fans to realise that when not contributing goals and assists he could also be an absolute liability, offensively and defensively, and this leads to a vicious cycle that's hard to escape from when relying on a 2/10 approach (that increasing lack of confidence and pressure is now turning into a 1/10 or less approach.)

Compared to Sancho, the decision making gap is like a chasm at the moment. Sancho retains possession, creates opportunities and keeps the intensity of the game going in all phases. Additionally he presses and defends more than Rashford. Within a coordinated system, this is far, far more preferable for bloody obvious reasons. Sick of this, 'oh Rashford just needs x and x and x in order to become the bestest player ever' bs, it's gone on years now and just makes me wonder why some are so keen to cling on to this than to acknowledge the obvious truth they're being slapped around with during every game.
Absolute bs, Sancho is a much more rounded player. Rashford, even at his best, was effective in a kind of 2/10 kind of way, in that he would try things ten times and two times they would come off. Those occasions, they did come off he did pick up some assists and goals and Ole relied on this, alongside Bruno, to regularly save his bacon. Over a period of time though, the dumb strategy this was becomes more and more apparent. It only takes a little dip in form for fans to realise that when not contributing goals and assists he could also be an absolute liability, offensively and defensively, and this leads to a vicious cycle that's hard to escape from when relying on a 2/10 approach (that increasing lack of confidence and pressure is now turning into a 1/10 or less approach.)

Compared to Sancho, the decision making gap is like a chasm at the moment. Sancho retains possession, creates opportunities and keeps the intensity of the game going in all phases. Additionally he presses and defends more than Rashford. Within a coordinated system, this is far, far more preferable for bloody obvious reasons. Sick of this, 'oh Rashford just needs x and x and x in order to become the bestest player ever' bs, it's gone on years now and just makes me wonder why some are so keen to cling on to this than to acknowledge the obvious truth they're being slapped around with during every game.

This was your view on Rashford in January 2021:

“ Looked phenomenal for us yesterday. His quality of passing is what can cause exasperation among many fans because he is an exceptional passer so it's always great to see him use it. Is starting to develop an aura about him that reminds me of some of the PL's best, like Henry and currently Son, which absolutely terrifies defenders with good reason. Apart from heading, which, let's face it, is awful he is a very complete player.”

Your current view is agenda driven drivel. I think Sancho is a great little player and he is going to be fantastic for us. I’ll still be supporting him if in a year or two’s time he goes through a lack of form. You’ll no doubt be saying how you’ve known all along that he isnt good enough and eulogising about whichever new signing or potential signing you’ve seen do well on FIFA recently.
Sancho isn’t, yet, anywhere near the player Rashford was in 2018-20. Rashford was capable of winning matches on his own from the left wing and was very hard to stop - the idea that defenders just hadn’t worked him out is risible. The fact is that he isn’t playing anywhere near the same level currently. Sancho doesn’t, yet, have that game changing ability.

The key question is whether Rashford, whether through injuries or motivation, will ever get back to his previous level or, even, as would have been expected with his talent, kick on further as he hits what should be his prime years.

I’m not expecting much this year, especially if RR persists in playing him out of position, but hopefully he can remain injury free and have a proper pre-season. If he does remain at a similar level under a new manager next season, then it will start to look a permanent problem. That will be truly depressing if so though, as he’s one of the most exciting players to watch when in full flow.
You have to be trolling with with these sort of comments. Since the 18/ 19 season both players where being talked about as the most exciting prospects in European football, with Mbappe thrown into the mix. I can't be bothered to look at Sanchos stats at Dortmund but I'm willing to bet they where pretty similar to Rashfords since they both burst onto the scene if not better.

Sancho doesn't have the same game changing ability? Give me a break. Just because it's taken him a few months to get used to the pace of the PL doesn't mean all that he's done before is to be forgotten about. The biggest differences between the 2 is their football intelligence and technical ability. Even when Rashford was at his best his whole game revolves around his pace. Take that away and what are you left with? Not a lot I'm afraid. Sancho is streets ahead of Rashford in both the intelligence and technicality department and that my friend is why Sancho is going to blossom while Rashford is going to struggle once his pace starts to fade and the bad news for Rashford are the signs are already there.
This was your view on Rashford in January 2021:

“ Looked phenomenal for us yesterday. His quality of passing is what can cause exasperation among many fans because he is an exceptional passer so it's always great to see him use it. Is starting to develop an aura about him that reminds me of some of the PL's best, like Henry and currently Son, which absolutely terrifies defenders with good reason. Apart from heading, which, let's face it, is awful he is a very complete player.”

Your current view is agenda driven drivel. I think Sancho is a great little player and he is going to be fantastic for us. I’ll still be supporting him if in a year or two’s time he goes through a lack of form. You’ll no doubt be saying how you’ve known all along that he isnt good enough and eulogising about whichever new signing or potential signing you’ve seen do well on FIFA recently.
What's wrong with that? I never doubted his ability, he has all the attributes to be a top player, the trouble is we rarely see that put to good effect and the clock is now firmly ticking. Said it from the beginning with Rashford it is an attitude thing and there is no fix for that. Actually the best fix is being dumped out of the team by someone willing to do all the stuff you don't. On a good day he has looked unstoppable, the trouble is good days are running at a ratio of about 1:25. In that post you have dug up note the verb: 'starting'... was it sustained? is it ever sustained? That's the trouble.

Also FIFA :lol:
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What's wrong with that? I never doubted his ability, he has all the attributes to be a top player, the trouble is we rarely see that put to good effect and the clock is now firmly ticking. Said it from the beginning with Rashford it is an attitude thing and there is no fix for that. Actually the best fix is being dumped out of the team by someone willing to do all the stuff you don't. On a good day he has looked unstoppable, the trouble is good days are running at a ratio of about 1:25. In that post you have dug up note the verb: 'starting'... was it sustained? is it ever sustained? That's the trouble.

Also FIFA :lol:

Nothing wrong with that but your view has changed from him being a “very complete player” just over 12 months ago to one who is an “absolute liability”. In that time, whether you like it or not, he has had injury issues and an operation, so the reality is that you are really judging it on 4 months post-op when he’s struggled to re-find his form.

As I said, in my post above that you described as bs, if he does get his form back he’s one of the most dangerous left sided attackers in Europe. However, from most of the threads on here, most “supporters” seem happy to send him on his way in the summer - the lack of patience is fairly astounding.
Sure, Rashford has tailed off in form recently but freezing him out of the side and then telling him that he’s free to move on at the end of the season if chooses just seems a tad harsh.
This is the kind of discussion they should be having with Maguire.
Sure, Rashford has tailed off in form recently but freezing him out of the side and then telling him that he’s free to move on at the end of the season if if chooses just seems a tad harsh.
This is the kind of discussion they should be having with Maguire.

What's Harsh about it?

Is he frozen out of the side? Is it the club that said he can leave? Or is it his camp that said he might want to leave?

WHy should that discussion be had with Maguire? has he come out and said he wants to leave?

Agenda FC,
Sure, Rashford has tailed off in form recently but freezing him out of the side and then telling him that he’s free to move on at the end of the season if chooses just seems a tad harsh.
This is the kind of discussion they should be having with Maguire.
Nothing harsh at all. Why is it harsh?
Nothing wrong with that but your view has changed from him being a “very complete player” just over 12 months ago to one who is an “absolute liability”. In that time, whether you like it or not, he has had injury issues and an operation, so the reality is that you are really judging it on 4 months post-op when he’s struggled to re-find his form.

As I said, in my post above that you described as bs, if he does get his form back he’s one of the most dangerous left sided attackers in Europe. However, from most of the threads on here, most “supporters” seem happy to send him on his way in the summer - the lack of patience is fairly astounding.
I’ve got much more sympathy with the side that want to send him packing for the numerous reasons posted in this thread. Not going to get drawn into something because I praised his attributes a few times, that’s ridiculous. I generally try and be positive about all our players and the fact I struggle with rashford says a lot.. He has had so much time now to work on the inconsistencies in his game and the lack of effort shown under Rangnick combined with the pr stuff is enough evidence to simply call a spade a spade now. The difference between top clubs and us is they don’t wait around for years for player x to come good, it’s simply foolhardy. I support the club not Rashford.
Man Utd 0:1 Atletico Madrid
fecking useless this guy is at the minute. Need to stop wasting a sub on him as he ends up being a defender for the other team.
Not sure what's going on out there but he looks genuinely terrified of having the ball. Didn't want to put in a cross as he was scared.

He'll come back from this, but right now is rock bottom for him.
Does he train 2 hours a week and the rest of the time he is promoting some off the field stuff? What a useless excuse of a footballer. He is a mascot. Fred the red would be better out there.
Did he make a successful pass? Or a single dribble? That was honestly an absolutely atrocious showing
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