Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Had my shoes sticking to the floor in there more than once in my youth.

My overriding memory is 50p drinks and everyone going nuts when Killing In The Name Of came on.

YES! Me and a mate started a mosh once, bouncers werent too pleased :lol:
I've been guilty before of hoping Adele would fall on top of Christ Martin but fair play he does write some top tunes.
5th Ave & 42nd Street. Indie Staples. There was South too where Clint Boon and Cain Dingle used to DJ.
42s has a vending machine. Any establishment with a vending machine is anything but a club :lol:

42s is another yeah. Hated it with a passion though.
Someone tweeted that gif of the policeman dancing with those kids and I'm now a mess
Don't care what anyone says I think Coldplay are class.

Wonders never cease, he must have had an almighty backlash to resort to apologising.

You're still a cnut piers
Ill always love Coldplay for their Game of Thrones musical for Red Nose day