Made-up XIs

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Resigned to defeat XI

Shay Given up
John Pembeaten
Patrice Whatevra
Abandon Ferdinand
Phillippe Surrenderos
Esteban Can'tbearsedo
Jobi McAnuffalready
Marc Giveovermars
Vincenzo Iaquitter
Mikel Forrssake
Geoff Horsfailed

Marcus Heddown
Defeated Sheringham

Manager: Graeme Souness
I was going to put in Mike Throw in the Stowell, but I thought it was too weak. After Wayve the White Flagooney, I have learnt that nothing is too weak for the Made-up XIs. Well done.
sincher said:
I was going to put in Mike Throw in the Stowell, but I thought it was too weak. After Wayve the White Flagooney, I have learnt that nothing is too weak for the Made-up XIs. Well done.

I know it's weak. I firmly believe the word flagooney should exist though.
Emile Heskyield
Matthew Give-Upson
Chris Lay-Down-Your-Armstrong
Cesc Wave the White Flagregas (;) eat that Sutty)
Stuart McCall it Quits
One for the Snakes in a Plane XI:

Warren Asp-in-aisle
The Germany 2006 XI

Mark Van U-Bomberll
Hans Frank Lampard
Paul Second World Warhurst
Giuliano Nazi-oli
Escape to Victoryian Dowie
Jan Vennegoebbels of Rudolf Hess-elink
Ashley Helmut-Kohl
Momo S.S oko
Ivan Concentration Campo
Willem Holo-Korsten
Cesc Fabregas Chamber
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