Made-up XIs

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this isn't a thread for spamming...thats what the "fecking Bollocks" thread is for...kindly take your spasticity elsewhere...
Big Andy said:
this isn't a thread for spamming...thats what the "fecking Bollocks" thread is for...kindly take your spasticity elsewhere...
ie the Cricket forum?

Unoriginal XI

Gael Cliche
Zinedine Inane
Marc Overused
Banal Quinn
Wayne Routine
David Platitude
Shabani Nondascript
Patrice Evraday
Danny Run-of-the-Mills

They play for Vapid Vienna.
Can't be arsed checking to see if its already been done...

Sweet 11.

Managed by Dave Bertie-Basset

Flapjack Charlton
Alan FireBall
SherBert Trautman
Steve McManM&M
Dwight Yorkie
Rodney MarshMallow
Nicky Butt-erscotch
Uncle Joe Royles Mint Balls
sincher said:

Unoriginal XI
They play for Vapid Vienna.
That was truly brilliant. You still need a goalkeeper tho' the best I can do is Grey Clemence.
peterstorey said:
That was truly brilliant. You still need a goalkeeper tho' the best I can do is Grey Clemence.

Ta. Dennis Rommedull.
sincher said:

Unoriginal XI

Gael Cliche
Zinedine Inane
Marc Overused
Banal Quinn
Wayne Routine
David Platitude
Shabani Nondascript
Patrice Evraday
Danny Run-of-the-Mills

They play for Vapid Vienna.

David O'Dreary
David Dunn Before
Chris Blunt
Paul Ince-ipid
Tedious Sheringham
sincher said:

Unoriginal XI

Gael Cliche
Zinedine Inane
Marc Overused
Banal Quinn
Wayne Routine
David Platitude
Shabani Nondascript
Patrice Evraday
Danny Run-of-the-Mills

They play for Vapid Vienna.

peterstorey said:
That was truly brilliant. You still need a goalkeeper tho' the best I can do is Grey Clemence.
How about Mervyn Worka-Day

Feeling a Bit Gloomy XI

Thierry Ennui
Listles Ferdinand
Manic DepresSean Maloney
Stan Melancollymore
Stuart Downer
Mart Gloom
Pissedoff Dugarry
DejecTed McMinn
Diego Forlorn
Jimmy Grieves

Needless to say, they play in Blue.
Anna_Liviia said:

Feeling a Bit Gloomy XI

Thierry Ennui
Listles Ferdinand
Manic DepresSean Maloney
Stan Melancollymore
Stuart Downer
Mart Gloom
Pissedoff Dugarry
DejecTed McMinn
Diego Forlorn
Jimmy Grieves

Needless to say, they play in Blue.

Sero-Tony-in Cascarino
Benito Lithium Carbone-ite :)
Anna_Liviia said:
Prozac Knight


Stan Melancollymore and the Pederson one were excellent!.

Difficult subject this one tho.

Steve G(y)uppy-Flu :)

Lee-thargic Sharpe.

Marc Hangover-mars. (makes u feel down..)
Snakes on a Plane XI

Adder Snakein-by-ye
Emmanuel Adder-by-door
Loose Boa! More tea?
Walter Samuel Jackson
Cobra Jones
Pascal Chimbanaconda
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