Made-up XIs

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Slabber said:
They weren't around when you were a kid.

Actually, they were.

How Halls came about

The Hall Brothers started the Halls business in 1893 originally to produce soap and jams but began to produce confectionery such as chocolate limes, humbugs and caramels shortly after. In the 1930s Halls invented its Mentho-Lyptus formula, using a combination of menthol and eucalyptus, and began producing its popular cough drops. The cough drops were introduced into the US during the mid-1950s. Warner-Lambert recognised the potential of the product and acquired Halls in 1964. In 1971, the American Chicle sales force, part of Warner Lambert, began selling Halls under the Adams family, and the first national television campaign was aired. The results were a resounding success.


1893 Halls Brothers, a British company, is formed.

1930s Halls invents Mentho-Lyptus cough drops.

1950s Halls Cough Drops are introduced into the US.

1964 Halls is acquired by Warner-Lambert.

1971 Halls joins the Adams family.

1970s Halls expands throughout Latin America.

1980 Halls is launched in Japan.

1990 Halls Plus is introduced as the only cough drop with a soothing syrup centre.

1994 Halls Vita-C, a drop with all the Vitamin C of a fresh orange, is launched in South Africa; it is then launched in Europe in 1995 and in Latin America/Asia in 1998-2000.

1994 Halls Sugar Free is launched in the US; it is now sold in 14 countries.

1999 Halls Defense, a Vitamin-C supplement cough drop, launches and becomes the second largest brand in its category.

2002 Halls Fruit Breezers is launched, the first non-mentholated product.

2002 Cadbury Schweppes announces its intention to purchase Adams including Halls.

2003 Shotgum, Halls' first gum product is launched in the UK and Ireland.
Plechazunga said:
Ways of Dying/Killing Yourself XI

Stewart Drowning
Ole Gunnar Solstarvation/Laurent Charvetion
Sami Hyypothermia
Marc Overdose
Self-Mimmolation by Fire

Marc Run-overmars
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