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The Football Wrench
And in response to this bit of the post, no he's not. But he does have a very vocal fan-club who jump all over anyone that offers the merest hint of a criticism. As SA found out.
Like you and Carrick then
And in response to this bit of the post, no he's not. But he does have a very vocal fan-club who jump all over anyone that offers the merest hint of a criticism. As SA found out.
That's daft. Are you saying united fans don't have their preferences with regards to their own players? That their opinions about united players are completely free from bias? There are chaps who never give Carrick credit for anything. Are they not biased against him for refusing to acknowledge anything good he does?
Listen, I can see I am in a minority here but I stand by my opinion. Is Nani the best winger in the country? Arguably. Is he a good player? Yes, he is a very good player. But he is extremely frustrating, he dribbles when he should pass, he shoots when other people are in a far better position than he is... he makes the wrong decision - for me - too often.
Looking at other players who have had a claim to be the best winger in the country at one time or other, I think Nani falls short. Kanchelskis. Beckham. Overmars. Pires. Giggs. Ronaldo.
Either way, his response is valid.
Pathetic the way people cry "bias/biased" (usually using the incorrect version, although not this time) because people dare to have a different opinion to them about a player.
Why the feck would anyone be biased against a Manchester United player anyway? The whole concept is absurd. Is Nani meant to have screwed someone's sister or something? Maybe it's because he's negrito?
He's more talented than any of them and if he has another few of years at this level will be considered better than them, by me at any rate.
It shouldn't be, it's clearly not bias, that doesn't make sense, but we do have our favourites, more so than others at any rate, and everyone is guilty of that to an extent, which can lead to these issues.
Someone turned Pogue's tolerance-for-criticism-of-United players dial WAY up today
He's more talented than any of them and if he has another few of years at this level will be considered better than them, by me at any rate.
He seems to have his head in a far better place.
Of course they're not biased. I don't think you're even using the word properly. They just have different expectations from a central midfielder and don't fully appreciate what he brings to the team.
Besides, Carrick's been getting absolutely unanimous praise for his league performances this season. No dissenting voices at all. That's because he's been consistently excellent.
If Nani hadn't had a longish dip in form over autumn no doubt he'd be getting unanimous praise too. The simple fact is, he HAS been inconsistent this season. As has more or less every player in our squad. For some reason comments mentioning the "i" word about Nani causes knee-jerk vehement condemnation from a small cohort of caftards. As evidenced by the last couple of pages of this thread.
I don't think I've ever heard a positive comment about his head before, good on you
He's more talented than any of them and if he has another few of years at this level will be considered better than them, by me at any rate.
Thanks, it's really reducing his overal praise, having a head that actually just looks like a high-top.
Yes. Agreed.
The truth is usually in the middle of the most extreme criticism/praise.
Ergo, Nani has been better than "decent" but falls short of the consistently excellent performer he's often portrayed as.
Robben as well. For that year or so at Chelsea, he was a class winger.
Anyway, just to clarify, are you saying Nani is not only the best winger in the country, but the behind only Ronaldo and Giggs in the premiership era? In terms of natural ability, at least?
In terms of talent.
Sad state of affairs for the Premiership if that only makes him "decent".
You're changing your opinion constantly, first you say he's decent, then you say he's better than decent, now you're saying he's very good. Which is it?
His main point was always that compared to the general standard of the best wingers in the league - the Giggs', Ronaldo's and co. - he fell a bit short. Really isn't necessary to quibble over one bad choice of words. I don't disagree much either, really. I can't see him hitting the peaks of competing for a Ballon D'or, which was the case for a couple on there...but I'd be very disappointed if he didn't surpass the achievements of some of the others. There's that nagging fear he might just up and leave though, and if he left now I would be surprised if any fans outside of United put him up there with the others.
It's people who claim he's still inconsistent, or selfish, or makes bad decisions etc, things that are blatantly obvious to not be true any more, that's what really irks me.
Nani busted through last season and further strides might have been expected. I still think the problem is that you don't really control things in CM and hence don't give the front four a proper platform to work from.
Nani busted through last season and further strides might have been expected. I still think the problem is that you don't really control things in CM and hence don't give the front four a proper platform to work from.
I'd say before last season. As far I'm concerned Nani was there on 31st January 2010 when he led the demolish at the Emirates. Even though we didn't win the title that year Nani was easily our best player that season behind pre-injury Rooney and a good argument can be made that he has been our second best player since, some would say our best.
Where I agree with you is on the centre midfield issue. When team's are intimidated by the aura of United and sit off us its easier for someone like Nani to cause nightmares. You saw that in the Wolves game and stuff. Nani ripped them a new one. But when people press us, unless we find a way to counter he can get marginalised. Our season went wrong the second Davies took out Cleverley and whilst there have been highlights since nothing like what went before.
Playing in some kind of a free role today. Definitely not playing on the left wing.
He must be knackered, playing non stop for 4 weeks. I thought Fergie should have rested him today.
He must be knackered, playing non stop for 4 weeks. I thought Fergie should have rested him today.