Very good points. You rarely see the guys cry when another guy leaves its usually the girls. Didn't he save someone the other day as it would upset him too much to lose him? Jordan maybe when they were at the clubbing event? Initially he came across as a male version of Maura hence why I'd have put them together, however he seems very sensitive and sweet. You've raised very interesting points. It may just be hes not massively into Belle or can tell she is game playing so doesn't want to lead her on unlike a certain dancer however he was quick to bin Amy at the start so would he just stay with her for the sake of it?
As an aside they should do a gay/lesbian/ bi/ trans etc love island think it would be more interesting than the straight one
Yes he saved Michael because he wanted “to end the journey together”, but when it came to Yewande he said “its love island not friend island”, but he’s the only one who’s barely tried to find love.
It could be edited of course, but from the beginning i’ve thought that he was playing a game and that the only interest he showed in the girls was to gain approval from the rest of the lads. The whole peacocking thing he did when Arabella came in and he spent about 30 mins getting ready for her sealed the deal for me - it was clear that he was seeking approval from the lads, and every attempt at getting a girl has come across as purely platonic.
Contrast that with the first week he was literally all over Tommy and practically holding his hands and rubbing his shoulders every chance he got
The bum shaving thing is a bit of a smoke screen I feel, like if he says it himself then he can come across as being so secure in his heterosexuality to admit something like that on National TV, whilst being this muscular & masculine gym bro, so you wouldn’t think he’s gay at all.
However based on nothing but anecdotal stories from my gay friends & my own intuition - those are type of guys who are more likely to be closeted.
On your aside - there’s another show based in the US that’s even more toxic and full of idiots called ‘Are you the one’ where like 10 girls and guys have a chance at winning a share of $1m if they correctly couple up with each other. As each week goes by, if they don’t guess every couple correctly then the prize money goes down - and of course people ignore the rules and stay with people even though they aren’t a match with and cause chaos in the house. Plus they have sex like almost every night, it’s truly wild

They have a LGBTQ version this season - where everyone falls somewhere on the spectrum - and honestly it’s a mess, everyone is sleeping with everyone else