Louis Van Gaal - Press Conference vs Burnley - Feb 10th

All these stats are so dumb. Allardyce was referring to the last 20 minutes, when United blatantly bought Fellaini on so they could hoof the ball to him. There's no point denying it because anyone with eyes could see it happen.

Not only that but Allardyce was very clearly half joking when he said it...and in anycase if you don't like being accused of it, don't do it.

We are managed by a genuine moron.
I'm not too bothered, but he really should have just ignored him or make some comment along the lines of 'he's free to say what he wants, but he's wrong' or something.

If it were Rodgers or Wenger we'd be ripping the shit out of them.

Or Moyes
References to meltdowns are wide of the mark. Being drawn into this kind of nonsense should really be beneath Van Gaal, but the comments from Ian Ladyman re "pricked ego" are probably about right. He's a pompous, cantankerous old goat, but then we all knew that before he was hired.
All these stats are so dumb. Allardyce was referring to the last 20 minutes, when United blatantly bought Fellaini on so they could hoof the ball to him. There's no point denying it because anyone with eyes could see it happen.

Not only that but Allardyce was very clearly half joking when he said it...and in anycase if you don't like being accused of it, don't do it.

We are managed by a genuine moron.

Jesus. Your brain is weird.

It's basic journalism, advertising and psychology. Say "not something", "isn't something" or "don't something" and it'll make people think more of the something than the denial, advice or restriction.

If you put up "don't take drugs" signs on every corner it works more as advertising than warning. If somebody takes out the front page of the Sun to say "I didn't have an affair" , "I'm not tight" or "I don't support terrorism", about 5 million more people will think they are the thing they denied than if they'd just stayed quiet.

Every paper in the country will go with the "Van Gaal says United aren't long ball" headlines tomorrow and the word everyone forgets is "aren't". More people smoke when they walk past "no smoking" signs. Go up to somebody and tell them not to think of giraffes and they'll immediately think of a giraffe.

The words "United" and "long ball" in headlines in every paper will only increase the link between the two in the general consciousness, no matter how well argued the point that it isn't true. It's like a "Joey Barton not a thug" headline. People will see Barton and thug in the headline and think "there's no smoke without fire; why would he deny it if it wasn't partly true".

Also it gives every paper license to find their own stats to make United look bad again and makes it a hot topic for any writer short of ideas for an opinion piece for the next few weeks. If he doesn't talk about it the story dies in days. Now it should hang about a few weeks if not months, unless something really special happens in the next couple of league games.
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@luckyspurs has a point actually. If LVG just ignored the whole thing, it wouldn't be so much of a big deal any more. It will be forgotten about in a few days. LVG's response pretty much added fuel to the fire and the whole 'Long Ball United' thing will be referred to for weeks, maybe even months.
It really isn't; it's incredibly basic journalism, psychology and advertising. Saying "isn't something" or "don't something" makes people think of the something more than the denial or the restriction. If you put up "don't take drugs" signs on every corner it works more as advertising than a warning.

Every paper in the country will go with the "Van Gaal says United aren't long ball" headlines tomorrow and the word everyone forgets is "aren't". More people smoke when they walk past "no smoking" signs. Go up to somebody and tell them not to think of giraffes and they'll immediately think of a giraffe.

The words "United" and "long ball" in headlines in every paper will only increase the link between the two in the general consciousness, no matter how well argued the point that it isn't true. It's like a "Joey Barton not a thug" headline. People will see Barton and thug in the headline and think "there's no smoke without fire; why would he deny it if it wasn't partly true".

Also it gives every paper license to find their own stats to make United look bad again and makes it a hot topic for any writer short of ideas for an opinion piece for the next few weeks. If he doesn't talk about it the story dies in days. Now it should hang about a few weeks if not months, unless something really special happens in the next couple of league games.

So are people going to always associate us with 'long ball' now? Is that your logic? Shall we just change our name to Long Ball United just to save some time? You love your stats, so why don't you go and stand outside a newsagents and ask people what they think of when they think of 'Manchester United'? Then you can compare it to the data that you carried out a few months ago to see if a change has occured. I hope it hasn't though. We would be fecked.
It really isn't; it's basic journalism, advertising and psychology. Say "not something", "isn't something" or "don't something" and it'll make people think more of the something than the denial, advice or restriction.

If you put up "don't take drugs" signs on every corner it works more as advertising than a warning. If somebody takes out the front page of the Sun to say "I didn't have an affair" , "I'm not tight" or "I don't support terrorism", about 5 million more people will think they are the thing they denied than if they'd just stayed quiet.

Every paper in the country will go with the "Van Gaal says United aren't long ball" headlines tomorrow and the word everyone forgets is "aren't". More people smoke when they walk past "no smoking" signs. Go up to somebody and tell them not to think of giraffes and they'll immediately think of a giraffe.

The words "United" and "long ball" in headlines in every paper will only increase the link between the two in the general consciousness, no matter how well argued the point that it isn't true. It's like a "Joey Barton not a thug" headline. People will see Barton and thug in the headline and think "there's no smoke without fire; why would he deny it if it wasn't partly true".

Also it gives every paper license to find their own stats to make United look bad again and makes it a hot topic for any writer short of ideas for an opinion piece for the next few weeks. If he doesn't talk about it the story dies in days. Now it should hang about a few weeks if not months, unless something really special happens in the next couple of league games.

No is the new yes.
All these stats are so dumb. Allardyce was referring to the last 20 minutes, when United blatantly bought Fellaini on so they could hoof the ball to him. There's no point denying it because anyone with eyes could see it happen.

Not only that but Allardyce was very clearly half joking when he said it...and in anycase if you don't like being accused of it, don't do it.

We are managed by a genuine moron.
:lol: !

All these stats are so dumb. Allardyce was referring to the last 20 minutes, when United blatantly bought Fellaini on so they could hoof the ball to him. There's no point denying it because anyone with eyes could see it happen.

Not only that but Allardyce was very clearly half joking when he said it...and in anycase if you don't like being accused of it, don't do it.

We are managed by a genuine moron.

Somehow I suspect he's not a genuine moron.

Allardyce called us "long ball United" and this bothered Van Gaal - who has a massive ego and prides himself on coaching his teams to play with a specific possession-based style - hence he responded. All very petty and unnecessary but really not that big a deal. Just the sort of stuff we were warned to expect when Van Gaal took over. Surprised it took this long for him to pick a fight with someone tbh.

Honestly, the drama and hyperbole in this thread (and so many others in recent weeks) is just weird.
@luckyspurs has a point actually. If LVG just ignored the whole thing, it wouldn't be so much of a big deal any more. It will be forgotten about in a few days. LVG's response pretty much added fuel to the fire and the whole 'Long Ball United' thing will be referred to for weeks, maybe even months.

Why should he ignore it, though?

If someone feels someone is wrong about something, you question them. It happens on this forum on the time. Look how quick the papers were to label us as 'Long Ball United' when Alladyce mentioned it. Hopefully now that Van Gaal has actually got some stats, the fickle media and fans will take note.
Nothing wrong with this, people have been using the long ball comment for a while. A big part of his philosophy is the switch of play and he has simply stated switching play is used to keep ball possession but since the ball travels more than 25m it is considered a long ball but it is diagonal (Guardiola uses this) and part of keeping ball possession.

He is using this to simply tell the media to stop calling us a long ball team, it's been happening before Sam's comment. He also said it is true things didn't work and then he bought Fellaini on and played more forward long balls but that got the goal and so he thinks was a good decision by him.

The problem is the media have no desire to report truth and being critical of United will sell papers, he can't win with them, the best thing he can do is give the journalists that write stupid things one word answers and then ask them questions instead, he should say "you also think we are a long ball team? what do you think is a long ball team?", they will say something like knocking the ball up top and then he can shame them, show them the stats, tell them they need to go specsavers.

Do they sponsor us? That would be amazing if he did that, then said "they do shome nice glasses, shee?" whilst showing them his glasses.
All these stats are so dumb. Allardyce was referring to the last 20 minutes, when United blatantly bought Fellaini on so they could hoof the ball to him. There's no point denying it because anyone with eyes could see it happen.

Not only that but Allardyce was very clearly half joking when he said it...and in anycase if you don't like being accused of it, don't do it.

We are managed by a genuine moron.
Take your dam positivity out of here!!!
This place is so predictable sometimes. LVG is less popular here these days so this is taken as him having a meltdown. Yet if it had happened at the start of the season people would have been delighted with it, in the way they were with so much random shite from his first few press conferences.

In reality this has less to do with LVG feeling pressure and more to do with him being someone who can't stand to lose an argument. Still, if he had started cursing/shouting/banning journalists like SAF did on a few occasions then I guess there'd be no problem? Or if he suggested there was a conspiracy against the club, as SAF and Mourinho both did in the past?

People see what they want to see.
People will believe what they want to believe whatever you say, which is quite in evidence on here
Exactly, until fat Sam stated that we were 'long ball United' there wasn't a noise about it in the media, now it's been blown out of all proportion, all this will only increase peoples belief that we are the new West Ham.
Doesn't sit well with me. Should have just said, "He's entitled to his opinion but I don't agree." if he wanted to make a statement. Going to the extra effort comes across a bit pathetic really. He should be concentrating on the next game, not Big Sam's wind ups.
This place is so predictable sometimes. LVG is less popular here these days so this is taken as him having a meltdown. Yet if it had happened at the start of the season people would have been delighted with it, in the way they were with so much random shite from his first few press conferences.

In reality this has less to do with LVG feeling pressure and more to do with him being someone who can't stand to lose an argument. Still, if he had started cursing/shouting/banning journalists like SAF did on a few occasions then I guess there'd be no problem? Or if he suggested there was a conspiracy against the club, as SAF and Mourinho both did in the past?

People see what they want to see.

Spot on.

To be honest, I'm not sure what's more annoying. The hysterical hatchet job that accompanies every press conference in the last couple of months, or the frantic circle jerking after all of his first few forays in front of the press last summer.
Most cringeworthy, embarrassing, pointless presser I remember as a United fan.

I wish he'd delegate press conferences to Giggsy.
Exactly, until fat Sam stated that we were 'long ball United' there wasn't a noise about it in the media, now it's been blown out of all proportion, all this will only increase peoples belief that we are the new West Ham.

But do we care, the media have been slagging the club off for donkeys years for one reason or another, a good sign
This place is so predictable sometimes. LVG is less popular here these days so this is taken as him having a meltdown. Yet if it had happened at the start of the season people would have been delighted with it, in the way they were with so much random shite from his first few press conferences.

In reality this has less to do with LVG feeling pressure and more to do with him being someone who can't stand to lose an argument. Still, if he had started cursing/shouting/banning journalists like SAF did on a few occasions then I guess there'd be no problem? Or if he suggested there was a conspiracy against the club, as SAF and Mourinho both did in the past?

People see what they want to see.

Agreed, it is all a bit unnecessary from LVG but nothing to do with him feeling the pressure. It is all about his ego and we knew this when we hired him.
Why should he ignore it, though?

If someone feels someone is wrong about something, you question them. It happens on this forum on the time. Look how quick the papers were to label us as 'Long Ball United' when Alladyce mentioned it. Hopefully now that Van Gaal has actually got some stats, the fickle media and fans will take note.

You think the media and fans are going to talk about this less because of what Van Gaal said? Ultimately it doesn't matter, as long as he gets results on the pitch and I'm sure Van Gaal knows perfectly what he's stepping into making those types of comments and decided to do it regardless, but it has made it more of a talking point and forged a link between the words.

Anyone remember AVB's press conference argument with Neil Ashton and Martin Samuel. The press just doubled up their critcism and a lot of what they were giving him before was completely unfair and inaccurate.
Somebody need to send LvG that famous Caf rant. I like the disdain LvG has shown to the press. Reminds me of the good ol' days.

Now please go win the league, Mr. van Gaal.
He's just putting more pressure onto himself. Imagine we draw/lose tomorrow, the media will have a field day.
Talksport are putting the boot in now.

The only thing I will say, probably not knowing me, is that he is worrying far too much about stats. Which is likely the root of a lot of our troubles.
Spot on.

To be honest, I'm not sure what's more annoying. The hysterical hatchet job that accompanies every press conference in the last couple of months, or the frantic circle jerking after all of his first few forays in front of the press last summer.

Oh definitely the former.

Stewart Lee had it right though.

Football fans = Filthy reactionary scum.
It is obvious but there will always be posters like @Cassidy who don't see it.

Or maybe I already know that, but it isn't the only point. The long balls from the back are also a problem. However yes ignore that the only thing that is wrong is tempo of the passing.... yeah ok
Oh definitely the former.

Stewart Lee had it right though.

Football fans = Filthy reactionary scum.

I think it's a close run thing. All that shit about "oh look how he inspires confidence!", "this is what a press conference should sound like!" and "you'd never hear this bloke talking about trying to win games!" got very boring, very quickly.
Why? He's just responded to a manager's accusation.

This whole mind games malarky is just bollix.

I said nothing about mind games.

Big Sam wound him up nice and proper and pricked his massive ego.

Jamie Carragher: "I love Van Gaal's press conferences!! "Give this to Big Sam""

Jamie Carragher: "Van Gaal fought back about the long ball tag today & immediately people say he's lost it! Managers get plenty thrown at them from fans & press so I like to see them come out at times to fight their corner. Plus it's better than the normal cliched interview from most managers!"

Jamie Carragher: "On using the long ball to Fellaini what's the problem? He found a way to get something out of the game, that's the job of all managers."
Also, why is the club employing a team of people who's purpose seems to be to produce poxy diagrams designed to distort the truth so we can pretend we didn't spend part of a game hoofing the ball when actually we did?
I think it's a close run thing. All that shit about "oh look how he inspires confidence!", "this is what a press conference should sound like!" and "you'd never hear this bloke talking about trying to win games!" got very boring, very quickly.
I agree totally it was cringy. He was treated like jesus

But not everyone was like that (me) and I am being critical of today
The unbridled glee with which some of ye have decided our manager has lost the plot is a bit pathetic tbh.

The Rafa "fachts" thing was all about the delivery. The tremor in his voice and the way he seemed genuinely emotional. No idea if Van Gaal came across the same way but that's really all that matters. Squabbling over stats is neither here nor there. He's always been a cantankerous, confrontational git too. Even in seasons where he won league titles. So deciding that this little rant (if it was a rant) means he's somehow lost his shit completely is kind of stupid.

And the way these things are overrated and blown out of proportion as if they give some definitive and decisive verdict, is utterly weird.

Mourinho is the best example. Everytime he does something daft, everyone goes "oh, that's classic, mourinho. Taking pressure off his players. Genius.", despite it often making him look like a tit and being something tons of managers do all the time.
Also, why is the club employing a team of people who's purpose seems to be to produce poxy diagrams designed to distort the truth so we can pretend we didn't spend part of a game hoofing the ball when actually we did?
He didn't pretend anything in fairness, he admitted we played the traditional long ball game when Fellaini came on.