rufus diabolus
Full Member
Anyone know what time tonights episode will be available?
Edit: in UK time
Edit: in UK time
Yeah I agree about the flash forwards, the main focus should be on the island, looks like there will be more action in tonights episode.
Do we know if Desmond is one of the six that make it off? If not the flash forwards might be of him still on the island, though that would probably give us to many answers. So if he's not one of the six todays episode might be fully about the present.
It's shit, I stopped watching halfway through series 2.
Atleast all the time loop shit has been proven wrong.
Dateline on island and outer world is the same. It's just that you lose time while crossing over.
It's been debunked. The whole point was when they get off they will land in a completely different year.Although it seems very likely that the time-loop theory has been de-bunked, the date dec 24 as viewed by desmond was outside the island and they may just have time traveled in that one day absence jack was talking about.
Amazing ending to this episode with desmond actually being the Constant.
Nah. It has redeemed itself from the blunders of S2. But does not touch the likes of Wire, Sopranos or Dexter.
What a brilliant episode!
Desmond and Penny, stand up and take a bow!
Desmond > Liverpool