they get on the boat...and desmond loses his memory so it should be interesting

in another 15 mins the episode will be available for download
they answer one questions and then pose 3 more questions

but i dont like this idea of flashforwards dominating the episodes like the previous two episodes

i expect this one to be better
Yeah I agree about the flash forwards, the main focus should be on the island, looks like there will be more action in tonights episode.

Do we know if Desmond is one of the six that make it off? If not the flash forwards might be of him still on the island, though that would probably give us to many answers. So if he's not one of the six todays episode might be fully about the present.
Yeah I agree about the flash forwards, the main focus should be on the island, looks like there will be more action in tonights episode.

Do we know if Desmond is one of the six that make it off? If not the flash forwards might be of him still on the island, though that would probably give us to many answers. So if he's not one of the six todays episode might be fully about the present.

I thought the six were Sayid, Jack, Ben, Kate, Hurley and Erin?
Aaron wasn't on the plane in person so I doubt he's being counted as one of the Oceanic 6, particularly given the fact that Kate's passing him off as her own.

Edit: Neither were Ben or Desmond for that matter. They can all be off the island without being part of the Oceanic 6
It's shit, I stopped watching halfway through series 2.

Same. I got tired of tuning in all excited only to be told it would be 3 weeks until the next new episode and in the mean time we would get to see another recap show.
Hands down the greatest ever episode of the series or any other show for that matter...they reveal quite a lot in this episode...am i the only one that thinks most episodes of lost are way better than most hollywood blockbuster movies?
Atleast all the time loop shit has been proven wrong.
Dateline on island and outer world is the same. It's just that you lose time while crossing over.
Atleast all the time loop shit has been proven wrong.
Dateline on island and outer world is the same. It's just that you lose time while crossing over.

Although it seems very likely that the time-loop theory has been de-bunked, the date dec 24 as viewed by desmond was outside the island and they may just have time traveled in that one day absence jack was talking about.

Amazing ending to this episode with desmond actually being the Constant.
Although it seems very likely that the time-loop theory has been de-bunked, the date dec 24 as viewed by desmond was outside the island and they may just have time traveled in that one day absence jack was talking about.

Amazing ending to this episode with desmond actually being the Constant.
It's been debunked. The whole point was when they get off they will land in a completely different year.
Nah. It has redeemed itself from the blunders of S2. But does not touch the likes of Wire, Sopranos or Dexter.
lost is blowing me away this season, well since half way through season 3 it has really stepped up a gear
What a brilliant episode!

Desmond and Penny, stand up and take a bow!

Desmond > Liverpool
What a brilliant episode!

Desmond and Penny, stand up and take a bow!

Desmond > Liverpool

I so thought Desmond was gonna die at the end of that ep, him and Penny shared their love on the phone, finding happiness, that's usually the cue for a character to kick the bucket.
That episode also makes it clear why only Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayeed, Jin and Sun have been taken off the island at this stage as they were the only ones who were well away from the blast when the hatch blew. Anyone near the hatch would go through the same thing Desmond did if they tried to get off the island by that route.

Ben & Aaron must have come off the island by a different route.
What an episode. not sure exactly where it puts all of the theories, but sweet episode.