Lost - Questions from Seasons 1-4

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Lets get this going. If you watch Lost, you can't forget about the millions of questions raised throughout the show, and the lack of answers. Let's remember some of the questions that we so badly wanted answers for. Number them, and lets see how many we can get.

If you don't have any questions to post, feck off and don't post about Lost being shit etc. I don't care about that. You can post that in the countless other lost threads that deal with that.

Edited: Appreciate that MikeUpNorth. Thank you.

Spoiler Warning. This thread will have possible spoilers below.
Why was Jack's dad's coffin empty, why did he keep appearing round the island, where the feck is he now?
2. Why was there a polar bear?

3. Where is Micheal and Walt?

4. Why was there a tattoo on the shark, what was the point?
5. The smoke monster, what is it? Where is it? Why is there. Why was it making sounds every night in the first series, but we haven't heard from it for weeks.
Where did the polar bear come from?
What is the black smoke?
Who are Adam and Eve that Jack and Kate found?
How did The Black Rock end up in the middle of the jungle?
Does Walt have some psychic powers?
Where is the island and why can't it be found easily?
Why is there a time lapse when leaving the island?
Why is Charles Widmore so keen to find the island?

They are definately dead.

What was the relevance of that snow globe stuff?
You wanna compile these into a list in your first post Hectic?
Yer then we can send them in to the creators and make sure they get answered before the world blows up.
How and why has Cindy been "converted" by the Others? Why was she taken?
Why are the Oceanic 6 lying about what happened on the island?
Why was Jack so far from the crash site when he woke up?
Whose funeral does Jack go to in the future?
Why does Jack want to go back to the island?
Why was Libby in the mental institution with Hurley?
Why is Sayid working for Ben as an assassin in the future?
Did Walt's comic book containing polar bears have anything to do with polar bears appearing on the Island?
What happened to Walt and Michael after they left on the Others' boat? Were they able to leave the Island?
Why were the Others at war with the DHARMA Initiative?
Why is the crew of the freighter looking for Ben?
What is The Temple?
Who, what is Jacob? Why does the Cabin only appear sometimes?
Why did Ben say to Richard Alpert that he wouldn't remember a birthday? Does he not age?
After leaving the Island, why does Jack ask Dr. Rob Hamill to get his father "down here" and see which of the two is drunker? Isn't he dead?
Will Claire and Jack learn that they have the same father?
Why did Radzinsky shoot himself?
How and why does the smoke monster uproot trees?
How and why has Cindy been "converted" by the Others? Why was she taken?
Why are the Oceanic 6 lying about what happened on the island?
Why was Jack so far from the crash site when he woke up?
Whose funeral does Jack go to in the future?
Why does Jack want to go back to the island?
Why was Libby in the mental institution with Hurley?
Why is Sayid working for Ben as an assassin in the future?
Did Walt's comic book containing polar bears have anything to do with polar bears appearing on the Island?
What happened to Walt and Michael after they left on the Others' boat? Were they able to leave the Island?
Why were the Others at war with the DHARMA Initiative?
Why is the crew of the freighter looking for Ben?
What is The Temple?
Who, what is Jacob? Why does the Cabin only appear sometimes?
Why did Ben say to Richard Alpert that he wouldn't remember a birthday? Does he not age?
After leaving the Island, why does Jack ask Dr. Rob Hamill to get his father "down here" and see which of the two is drunker? Isn't he dead?
Will Claire and Jack learn that they have the same father?
Why did Radzinsky shoot himself?
How and why does the smoke monster uproot trees?

How did the Nigerian plane crash on an island in the Pacific?
What are the whispers?
What is the sickness?
How were the Flight 815 survivors able to survive the crash with only minor injuries?
Why do bad things happen to the people involved with the Numbers?
Nope, must have missed that or not thought it was important.
God damnit i really am an idiot.
How did Walt help Locke after he had been shot?

Seeing all these unanswered questions makes me doubt that we'll ever see answers to half of them.
Wasnt that explained as a Dharma experiment? (cages that sawyer was locked in)

Yep. And im also guessing that they were used for time travelling experements - thats how that one got to Tunisia.

I always wondered how the Polar bears got to the main island, from the Island where they were kept in cages. But i later saw a documentry that said they could swim for miles.
Who faked the plane crash ?

Who's dead bodies were recovered from the plane ?

Why is charles windmore after ben ?

Is Jin really dead or he faked his death ?

Who's in the coffin ?

Why doesn't Richard age ?

How did the dharma collar get to the dessert ?

Why are the oceanic 6 dieing after getting off the island ?

Why didnt anyone question how the oceanic 6 survived when there bodies and the whole plane were found ?

What is the smoke monster ?

Is the island in a time loop ?

Can Desmond, Ben and Richard time travel or foresee the future ?

Why did Ben want Walt in season 1 ? Is he also special ?

Why was Walt taller. Is the time on the island slower than the rest of the world ?

Why was there a polar bear on a tropical island ?

Why do pregnant mothers and there babies die on the island ?

After Locke blew the submarine, how did the others get on and off the island ?

How did Kate get hold of Aaron ? Is Claire dead ?

What is the significance of the numbers ?

What happened to the guy from whom Hurley got the numbers ?

Why was Libby also in the mental institution ?

Who is Jacob ?

Can everyone see the cabin or only those "sought" after can see the cabin and the cabin moves around the island ?

Why is Michael working as a workman in the boat and that too under a different name ?

Apart from the oceanic 6 who are the other two got off the island and apparently died ?

Who is Ben's spy on the boat ?

Why does Ben has so many passports and money in many various currencies ?

Why is Sayid working as a assassin and helping out Ben ?

Who built the statue and why does it have 4 toes ?

Why can people only get off the island after following a specific co-ordinates ?
Yes, I meant how are they going to explain it. He can't just come back a few years older with no explanation as to why.

Why not? Thats just one of the issues when casting a kid in a role in a TV problem thats meant to be spread across 100 odd days, when its actually fillmed over 5 years.

It would be daft for the writes to say "leaving the island ages you by 3 or 4 years - look at Walt, hes now shaving!!!"
Yep. And im also guessing that they were used for time travelling experements - thats how that one got to Tunisia.

I always wondered how the Polar bears got to the main island, from the Island where they were kept in cages. But i later saw a documentry that said they could swim for miles.

Forgot about that bit actually!
Why not? Thats just one of the issues when casting a kid in a role in a TV problem thats meant to be spread across 100 odd days, when its actually fillmed over 5 years.

It would be daft for the writes to say "leaving the island ages you by 3 or 4 years - look at Walt, hes now shaving!!!"

:lol: "Walts balls dropped as a result of the immense turbulence suffered when leaving the island"

If they were going to ignore the issue I don't think Locke would have said 'it was Walt but bigger'