Lost - Questions from Seasons 1-4

They have, basically they told the story they wanted and if you don't like it fair enough but they're proud of it and wouldn't change it.

I don't get what people wanted from the ending, story arc wise it was perfect, the symbolic eye close as the final shot was fantastic, every character, bar the island got a decent send off.

Even if you hated the ending, you got 6 years of excellent television that I'd take over another fecking procedural cop or doctor show any day.

Couldn't agree more. I loved it and however you ended it would always be anticlimactic.

Not really. The ending wasn't in anyway related to most of the story that was told. That was the main problem. The whole thing wasn't purgatory as some seem to believe.

That's the line most frequently tripped out about it. Anyone still believing it's about purgatory should read around a little bit; it's a lazy misunderstanding.
Not really. The ending wasn't in anyway related to most of the story that was told. That was the main problem. The whole thing wasn't purgatory as some seem to believe.

It was very related to the story, as I've said already the only thing they failed to address is "what the feck is the island ? How did it become like that ?" but it's a very cyclic question, who made that, who made them, where did the universe come from. I'd have like to have heard it too but it's not essential.

Every major character resolved their story to the very end.

The sideways world that existed in the flash"back", was most definitely purgatory, the whole island experience Season 1-5 is very much real.

They all went off and had their lives and some of it was happy, some of it was sad, some of it was possibly tragic, then they died but in the end they all found each other again and together they moved on to the next thing heaven or reincarnation or whatever that maybe.