Lost - Questions from Seasons 1-4

I've seen all episodes from this series when it was first broadcasted, now I will start from the beggining and watch the entire series. The Pilot is almost 8 years old but it still has an immense quality, and the sheer scope of it is still rare on today's TV.
Was thinking of giving this a watch again up to Season 3 at some point. Some of the moments from the first 2 seasons in particular were so memorable.


Obligatory post of this scene:

No ending would have been up to scratch, I've made my peace with it, it was all right if they'd closed out all the characters out in a totally bitter-sweet way that was just perfect, if only they hadn't totally copped out on the Island itself, some exposition about it would have been pretty satisfying.

least it got to end, which is a plus, not every show does.
That must be why you always show up.

Bollocks man...why don't you accept what I and the non IQ challegend minority tell you? Let me get this right, Nim, you like watching inane crap...and fantasy daytime soaps, do not question yourself, at all? You're the EF's MichaelS. Can't you see you are hurting your development?
Bollocks man...why don't you accept what I and the non IQ challegend minority tell you? Let me get this right, Nim, you like watching inane crap...and fantasy daytime soaps, do not question yourself, at all? You're the EF's MichaelS. Can't you see you are hurting your development?

Fool, it's spelled challenged.

Oh, and MichaelS? That's cold. That's fecking cold.
Shittest show, ever?

And do one Nimic...you seem to be attracted to er...shit.

It didn't have to be shit. It just kind of got.....lost?

Or maybe it did have to be shit 'cause it was so wacky. I still haven't seen the last series but I refuse to watch it.
It didn't have to be shit. It just kind of got.....lost?

Or maybe it did have to be shit 'cause it was so wacky. I still haven't seen the last series but I refuse to watch it.

Yeah... lost. It was a bit Dallas in the sense they were pushing it as much as they could, but folk were hooked hence they got away with it. Could have been worse...the whole series could've been JR's nightmare.
I tried to watch this again but it felt so hollow, I couldn't take it seriously at all which is a shame as I've never enjoyed watching a TV show as much as when I used to watch this, but I choose to remember the good times rather than get bitter about the end! When a new Lost episode was online it was like Christmas day, absolutely addicted to it.

On the subject, have the writers ever said anything in reference to the widely regarded shite ending? I'd love to hear what hey have to say.
Well, to be fair, how else is he supposed to avoid the alien cosmic ray chem trails?

I have to laugh. I've just clocked what you remind me of.

You're like the kid that was picked last every time in football during school...The kid that everyone avoided at the weekend when they were going out, and the kid that turned towards economics and politics to derive his own social significance.

Basically, you strike me as such an inane, sycophantic little bender. So incredibly cliche, and so absurdly and immeasurably boring in every way. Was trying to think what it was that you reminded me of after reading through that near-death experience thread whereby you contributed absolutely feck all apart from cheap, pointless little remarks, and it seems quite clear at this time after a few drinks. You seem like an absolute gimp, really.
I watched it week by week when it was first on, and watched it all...really confused for most of it...

I've since watched it back again with the missus who missed it completely first time round...and its still confusing...
One of my greatest contributions to mankind is warning people not to invest in seven seasons of Lost, unless you like being dicked around.
I have to admit, he's quite good at his "here's how I see you" rants. The problem is that he's overplayed his hand. He has described me half a dozen times already, so I think he's running out of original material.


One of my greatest contributions to mankind is warning people not to invest in seven seasons of Lost, unless you like being dicked around.

Hang on a tick... 7?
I tried to watch this again but it felt so hollow, I couldn't take it seriously at all which is a shame as I've never enjoyed watching a TV show as much as when I used to watch this, but I choose to remember the good times rather than get bitter about the end! When a new Lost episode was online it was like Christmas day, absolutely addicted to it.

On the subject, have the writers ever said anything in reference to the widely regarded shite ending? I'd love to hear what hey have to say.

No, they just wrote Prometheus instead.
They have, basically they told the story they wanted and if you don't like it fair enough but they're proud of it and wouldn't change it.

I don't get what people wanted from the ending, story arc wise it was perfect, the symbolic eye close as the final shot was fantastic, every character, bar the island got a decent send off.

Even if you hated the ending, you got 6 years of excellent television that I'd take over another fecking procedural cop or doctor show any day.
I have to admit, he's quite good at his "here's how I see you" rants. The problem is that he's overplayed his hand. He has described me half a dozen times already, so I think he's running out of original material.

Just responding to yet another cheap, unprovoked little remark (with what I'm guessing was a description not particularly far off the mark).

I find the bolded bit amusing. There's a reason I've done it so many times - you keep following me round the friggin' forum, or just post in random threads as to my supposed insanity, irrationality et al. It's so utterly weird. I should know better, and the same could be said back, but does it make you feel better about yourself or something? I cannot understand it. You seem unable to drop an issue which, ultimately, should've been sorted about a year ago.

There is an element of not really wanting to look like some sort of class clown in responding to these posts (given that all serious debate will eventually stop, even in the football forums), and it is somewhat tedious constantly replying in this fashion. I keep thinking... "maybe if I call him up on it again or respond, just maybe...he'll grow up a bit this time?"

I genuinely cannot believe there is such a level of immaturity from someone who I'm guessing is quite far into his life.

Let's move past this and put forward another fantastic scene from Lost. One that really warmed the heart:

The directing was a bit gay when they synced the 'I love you' and started going mad switching the camera between Penny and Desmond rapidly, but I must admit that I found that scene very touching.
Not sure why anyone was bothered by the ending, from the first show on it was really the only way out of the twisting storyline.

Not really. The ending wasn't in anyway related to most of the story that was told. That was the main problem. The whole thing wasn't purgatory as some seem to believe.
The side reality was meant to be purgatory or something similar I thought.