Lost or 24?

Yeah, I sussed it out a few series ago when it was clear they were simply making it up as they went along. Sure the first series was good, but that was mainly because it was an unravelling plot, and they usually do draw you in. However, when they weren't answering questions and simply making up more and more stupid ones, it just got too much. I don't really want to waste my time watching a pathetic ad hoc storyline and a series that may as well be a soap opera. Nah, for me it was meant to be a mystery/thriller not a character study. I can watch Eastenders for that or stick on some old clips of Dynasty. I feel sorry for those who endured it for 6 years. . .the poor sods actually thought they were watching a deep and meaningful show. But yeah Spamms is right, it's for women, teenagers and gays. Just look at the Lost thread.

This is the key thing for me.When the show started to do more and more flashbacks I realized the show lost (:p) its main important aspect.I've never been interested in the lives of the main characters (Jack,Hurley and specially :wenger: Kate).
Yeah, I sussed it out a few series ago when it was clear they were simply making it up as they went along. Sure the first series was good, but that was mainly because it was an unravelling plot, and they usually do draw you in. However, when they weren't answering questions and simply making up more and more stupid ones, it just got too much. I don't really want to waste my time watching a pathetic ad hoc storyline and a series that may as well be a soap opera. Nah, for me it was meant to be a mystery/thriller not a character study. I can watch Eastenders for that or stick on some old clips of Dynasty. I feel sorry for those who endured it for 6 years. . .the poor sods actually thought they were watching a deep and meaningful show. But yeah Spamms is right, it's for women, teenagers and gays. Just look at the Lost thread.

Yup. The whole idea of creating a coherent narrative out of a bunch of different writers telling a story which they're making up as they go along is absurd.

That's why all the best TV series' are usually relatively short and has one person writing the narrative who has a story arc in his head - from start to finish - before they even shoot the first episode.
Never realised this thread got so big!

So, being a huge fan of Prison Break and 24, what would you reccomend me to watch next? I watched Heroes too but it got worse season by season IMO. I've started watching Prison Break season 1 again because I have nothing to do atm. Hook a brother up cafe-turds.