That’s what I thoughtThat was a “humane trap” it was in, not a pet cage or carrier. I had the one similar to get rid of all raccoons at my old house. The animal walks in and a gate slides shut behind it. Poor little fella.
That’s what I thoughtThat was a “humane trap” it was in, not a pet cage or carrier. I had the one similar to get rid of all raccoons at my old house. The animal walks in and a gate slides shut behind it. Poor little fella.
It looks like the brand I had, Hav-a-hart:That’s what I thought
I use Windy to check for live and forecast weather conditions, they're usually pretty accurate. Seems like monday is going to be a bit more windy with average windspeeds reaching up to 30kts in the Palisades fire region, lower in other parts. Otherwise it looks relatively calm until the mid-week. Wind directions remain rather steadily north-easterly.What’s the wind forecast looking like? BBC suggesting it’s picking up again. Any way of knowing for how long? Terrible stuff.
Too bad his house survived. It was enjoyable watching him sob & weep on CNN trying to elicit sympathy.In completely unsurprising fashion, James Woods has said this:
And to that I say, motherfeck him. He’s a complete fecking wilfully ignorant thundercnut. I’m sorry, but I will never, ever have sympathy for disgusting filth like him who say shit like this.
A point of clarification , the budget for Fire was 2% lower because LA was still negotiating with LAFD, something Fox keeps failing to report. they set aside additional money and finished that negotiation outside the normal budget one. While $17M initially was “cut”, the department actually received $50M more, about a 5% increase. The misinformation is being spread by the right wing owner of the LA Times.
This is alarming: last year State Farm dropped more than 70% of its home insurance policies in the Palisades. This article also discusses the state's FAIR insurance plan, and why we are all fecked.
Insurance companies have some of the best resources to model the impacts of climate change. They are pulling out of CA because of fires, they are all pulling out of Florida because of storms. These arseholes deserve the scrutiny they are getting now, don't get me wrong. But insurance is basically redundant in a world of climate extremes. Insurance requires people to pay continually and hope nothing happens. When things continually happen, insurance systems are literally useless. Again, they deserve all they hate they are getting, but the bigger picture is this is actually telling us the planet is not stable enough for us to live in certain areas any more.
He's a tool, but did some great films.James Woods is an abhorrent human being. The world would be a better place without him in it. It's a shame he wasn't trapped inside his home.
The potential liabilities with so many homes worth millions or even tens of millions must be scarily huge. Governments subsidising or bailing out super rich celebrities' homes would be unpalatable.A lot of insurers are shit but I don’t think people always understand a lot of insurance companies desires for making things work either. The London market had companies figuring out ways to insure boats in literal warzones to get grain out of Ukraine. If they’re telling you something’s uninsurable then it either is or the price it would cost in premiums would make the coverage pointless in the first place.
As soon as the reinsurance market pulls out too then it’s all toast anyway as the insurers don’t have capacity to carry the risk, Florida having massive trouble with that. This is where government and mutual schemes really need to step in, like Flood Re & Pool Re in the UK.
He was great as Hades in Hercules.He's a tool, but did some great films.
The potential liabilities with so many homes worth millions or even tens of millions must be scarily huge. Governments subsidising or bailing out super rich celebrities' homes would be unpalatable.
Who knew he was just playing himself?He was great as Hades in Hercules.
I'm following this person's information. I assume this is more up to date than his previous tweet saying they were $52m overbudget seeing as his tweet in this thread clarifies that they made budget cuts that were sworn in. My apologies if not.
Definitely an axe grinder.Is that a not so subtle dig at the Lapd? The $35M for liability and outside litigation/counsel money that was moved from the Lafd's budget.
Used that to satisfy my curiosity as to house prices in some of those neighborhoods:Detailed satellite photography of Pasadena and the Pacific Palisades. When you zoom in you just see Street after street razed to the floor.
Pasadena: (Fire starts in the central mountains and spreads SW)
Palisades: (Starts in the NE mountains, spreads S and SW)
Entire neighbourhoods just don't exist any more.
Aye, the scale of what needs to be done is insane.On Saturday I happened to be in a nearby neighborhood (50 miles south of LA) that had a bad fire in May 2022 that destroyed 20 homes.
Those replacement home are still not finished. The new structures are up but it looks like it'll be almost 3 years from the fire to the new homes being ready. And that's only 20 homes.
That 18.5 mil with be25 mil this time net year!Used that to satisfy my curiosity as to house prices in some of those neighborhoods:
18.5 Mil for a 7 bedroom new build on a smallish plot in the 2nd row. Mind boggling. (it no longer exists).
Not too much as LA has been in a drought for years & winters can be somewhat dry it worrying that this is going on in the middle of winter?
Does LA even have winter in the traditional sense? Always looks sunny and dry as feck there. Horrible it worrying that this is going on in the middle of winter?
Never been have you!Does LA even have winter in the traditional sense? Always looks sunny and dry as feck there. Horrible place.
I love the weather here. Yeah, it could rain a bit more to cut down on fires but other than that it's pretty great. Sunny & warm almost every day, even in winter.Does LA even have winter in the traditional sense? Always looks sunny and dry as feck there. Horrible place.
The weather is great. There is a winter but it is cool rather than cold. A fairly standard dry Mediterranean climate.Does LA even have winter in the traditional sense? Always looks sunny and dry as feck there. Horrible place.
We lost 200 homes in our suburb in the 2009 bushfires and it took a decade before they were all rebuilt (well mostly). We worried that it would also tank property prices as who would want to live near such danger but it did the opposite to rent and sales due to reduced supply.On Saturday I happened to be in a nearby neighborhood (50 miles south of LA) that had a bad fire in May 2022 that destroyed 20 homes.
Those replacement home are still not finished. The new structures are up but it looks like it'll be almost 3 years from the fire to the new homes being ready. And that's only 20 homes.