L'Oreal sack first transgender model for racism

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Is she? First sentence in that video is "Racism comes from white culture...". Didn't even bother listening after that. That's not even remotely true. There's evidence of racism across the entire human race from one group against another based on colour, religion, ethnicity or any differentiating factor people find. That's the human (animal) nature, tribal.

Yep. Rwanda, Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia and Cambodia are to name just a few examples in recent times. Atrocities committed by a variety of races, ethnicities and religions against other races, ethnicies and religions.
You can exist within a system and point out its flaws without being a hypocrite because to operate outside of it is logically impossible. So, any point of hypocrisy is entirely redundant.

I'm not saying she's a hypocrite, I'm saying she's ignorant and just plain wrong when she says all white people are racist and keep black people down.
Yep. Rwanda, Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia and Cambodia are to name just a few examples in recent times. Atrocities committed by a variety of races, ethnicities and religions against other races, ethnicies and religions.

So countries that have probably in one way or another been affected by white imperialism at some point in the past few hundred years?
So countries that have probably in one way or another been affected by white imperialism at some point in the past few hundred years?

If you're attempting to blame those genocides on white imperialism, then I really don't know what to say to you. Nazi Germany, Japan against Chinese, Ottoman Empire etc etc Pretty much every country at one point or another has done something they shouldn't be proud of.
I was being sincere. Besides, as I've said it's not her 'point' that was the problem. It was her racist comments.

Saying racism comes from white culture is not the same as saying every white person is racist. It's like the difference in saying rastafarianism comes from Jamaican culture and every Jamaican person is a rasta. You interpret her words in the way that best suits you.
Saying racism comes from white culture is not the same as saying every white person is racist. It's like the difference in saying rastafarianism comes from Jamaican culture and every Jamaican person is a rasta. You interpret her words in the way that best suits you.

Did you actually read her comments?
If you're attempting to blame those genocides on white imperialism, then I really don't know what to say to you. Nazi Germany, Japan against Chinese, Ottoman Empire etc etc Pretty much every country at one point or another has done something they shouldn't be proud of.

And certain races alot moreso than others.
Yes, white people today, through no fault of their own (they didn't ask to be born white) "benefit" from things that white European cultures did long before we were born.

That's how history works.

Generalizing all white people because of their skin color is not the correct response to that realization.
Did you actually read her comments?

I read her comments and listened to her speak and as I've admitted she didn't express herself as accurately as she needed to, but thats inevitable when you're trying to articulate a feeling and one that is extremely hard for most people to do in a way that won't be misinterpreted, particularly by people who are close-minded enough to view what she's saying as a personal attack rather than come to a genuine understanding of the point she's making. She went on to implicitly state that she does not view all white people as racist, that for that to be true you would have to be born a racist and the absurdity of that logic.
I wonder if she's going to turn down the next big modelling contract.

Saying racism comes from white culture is not the same as saying every white person is racist. It's like the difference in saying rastafarianism comes from Jamaican culture and every Jamaican person is a rasta. You interpret her words in the way that best suits you.

To be fair, it seems like you haven't read what she actually said to get herself sacked.

Sure she has since clarified it, although it still isn't brilliantly made, but her original comments were racist.
Yes, white people today, through no fault of their own (they didn't ask to be born white) "benefit" from things that white European cultures did long before we were born.

That's how history works.

Generalizing all white people because of their skin color is not the correct response to that realization.

If you accept her point that a white person that may not think of themselves as being racist but all the while sees things like systemic racism and does nothing whilst enjoying a white privilege they may not even be aware of is in fact a racist then what she's saying is valid.
And certain races alot moreso than others.

What is the measure for racism? I'm all ears. How is one a lot more racist than another who is also racist.

Saying racism comes from white culture is not the same as saying every white person is racist. It's like the difference in saying rastafarianism comes from Jamaican culture and every Jamaican person is a rasta. You interpret her words in the way that best suits you.

And how exactly did racism start from white people. Again, I'm all ears.
I read her comments and listened to her speak and as I've admitted she didn't express herself as accurately as she needed to, but thats inevitable when you're trying to articulate a feeling and one that is extremely hard for most people to do in a way that won't be misinterpreted, particularly by people who are close-minded enough to view what she's saying as a personal attack rather than come to a genuine understanding of the point she's making. She went on to implicitly state that she does not view all white people as racist, that for that to be true you would have to be born a racist and the absurdity of that logic.

She seemed pretty clear to me. I don't think it was a question of misinterpretation, she literally said all white people are racist. I mean, how can you say that and then claim you were misinterpreted when you posted those words on the internet for everyone to see? She must have known how that would come across, regardless of what point lay at the centre of it. At worst she's a racist, at best a bit naive.
I read her comments and listened to her speak and as I've admitted she didn't express herself as accurately as she needed to, but thats inevitable when you're trying to articulate a feeling and one that is extremely hard for most people to do in a way that won't be misinterpreted, particularly by people who are close-minded enough to view what she's saying as a personal attack rather than come to a genuine understanding of the point she's making. She went on to implicitly state that she does not view all white people as racist, that for that to be true you would have to be born a racist and the absurdity of that logic.

Come on man, she actually specifically said "ALL white people" then went on to rant about how we are racist deep down.

How is that not a sackable offence in any job?

If you accept her point that a white person that may not think of themselves as being racist but all the while sees things like systemic racism and does nothing whilst enjoying a white privilege they may not even be aware of is in fact a racist then what she's saying is valid.

Is it also valid then to say ALL white people do that too?

You are dangerously close to defending racist comments here mate.
If you accept her point that a white person that may not think of themselves as being racist but all the while sees things like systemic racism and does nothing whilst enjoying a white privilege they may not even be aware of is in fact a racist then what she's saying is valid.
I'd love to know what your definitions of "doing something" and "doing nothing" are.
I'm not saying she's a hypocrite, I'm saying she's ignorant and just plain wrong when she says all white people are racist and keep black people down.
If that's solely what she means, then she's wrong. But on a systematic level she has a point in terms of historical race exploitation and its role in creating the disparity we see today.
And certain races alot moreso than others.

I don't really want to get into some kind of who has done worse pissing match. But the Arab-Africa slave trade was pretty much as big as the Atlantic's with some estimates that it was bigger. I didn't see Arabs coming under condemnation in her posts?
Yes, white people today, through no fault of their own (they didn't ask to be born white) "benefit" from things that white European cultures did long before we were born.

That's how history works.

Generalizing all white people because of their skin color is not the correct response to that realization.
This post sums up my thoughts on the topic more or less exactly.
At the risk of getting into another of those circular arguments about what is and isn't racism I can never take it very seriously when white people accuse black people of being racist. Especially relatively mild stuff like this. I mean, where's the harm?
If that's solely what she means, then she's wrong. But on a systematic level she has a point in terms of historical race exploitation and its role in creating the disparity we see today.

That's the problem. I never disputed that part, she's right. It's the rant that came with it. She seems like someone who should probably take a few deep breaths before opening twitter.
Did you actually read her comments?

Did you actually read her comments? Because what we have available is an article summarising what she said which could easily write things out of context and equally so a television interview were she could be attempting to backtrack and therefore not be as visceral with her spoken words as she was written, or maybe she's like most of us, we speak more fluently and with greater accuracy about things than we're able to write.

The overall point is whether you want to use one reported word in a particular place to discredit her and her larger and salient points about racism because rather than think and react to something of more consequence you feel the need to defend yourself against what you see as a personal attack either because of small-mindedness or purely because honestly you just don't care for the sentiment of what she's saying but you can't admit that.
At the risk of getting into another of those circular arguments about what is and isn't racism I can never take it very seriously when white people accuse black people of being racist. Especially relatively mild stuff like this. I mean, where's the harm?

Anybody should be fired for being racist. It shouldn't matter what colour your skin is or what gender you are (or, of course aren't these days).
At the risk of getting into another of those circular arguments about what is and isn't racism I can never take it very seriously when white people accuse black people of being racist. Especially relatively mild stuff like this. I mean, where's the harm?

Ironically that's pretty racist. That's a bit like saying Rooney shouldn't really care when he was playing for us and one of us says he's shite at football because none of us were ever anything close to an elite player ourselves.
Did you actually read her comments? Because what we have available is an article summarising what she said which could easily write things out of context and equally so a television interview were she could be attempting to backtrack and therefore not be as visceral with her spoken words as she was written, or maybe she's like most of us, we speak more fluently and with greater accuracy about things than we're able to write.

The overall point is whether you want to use one reported word in a particular place to discredit her and her larger and salient points about racism because rather than think and react to something of more consequence you feel the need to defend yourself against what you see as a personal attack either because of small-mindedness or purely because honestly you just don't care for the sentiment of what she's saying but you can't admit that.

I, myself, have read her posts, the ones she was fired for. And yes, she did makes racist remarkes and has since repeatedly stated she stands by them and wants facebook to reinstate those posts. So although her choice of words have changed, the sentiment clearly hasn't.

Which is the sad thing here, she can't see what's she's actually done wrong with the very valid point she had.
At the risk of getting into another of those circular arguments about what is and isn't racism I can never take it very seriously when white people accuse black people of being racist. Especially relatively mild stuff like this. I mean, where's the harm?

Let me rephrase her comment: "All black people are criminals" - Starting to see the problem now?
Anybody should be fired for being racist. It shouldn't matter what colour your skin is or what gender you are (or, of course aren't these days).

So you think racism is an entirely even playing field? Absolutely no difference the ethnicity of the people concerned? The history of race relations up until this point is completely irrelevant?
Did you actually read her comments? Because what we have available is an article summarising what she said which could easily write things out of context and equally so a television interview were she could be attempting to backtrack and therefore not be as visceral with her spoken words as she was written, or maybe she's like most of us, we speak more fluently and with greater accuracy about things than we're able to write.

The overall point is whether you want to use one reported word in a particular place to discredit her and her larger and salient points about racism because rather than think and react to something of more consequence you feel the need to defend yourself against what you see as a personal attack either because of small-mindedness or purely because honestly you just don't care for the sentiment of what she's saying but you can't admit that.
Are you saying she didn't say...?

Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.

Because most of ya’ll don’t even realise or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of color. Your entire existence is drenched in racism. From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this s***.

Come see me when you realise that racism isn’t learned, it’s inherited and consciously or unconsciously passed down through privilege. Once white people begin to admit that their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth… then we can talk.
What is the measure for racism? I'm all ears. How is one a lot more racist than another who is also racist.

And how exactly did racism start from white people. Again, I'm all ears.

Again, you can interpret what I said in the way that best suits you or you can go back and read what I said and what it was in response to and you'll probably find yourself in agreement. As to the second point, racism in the west came from white imperialists, that's pretty irrefutable.
Nothing to really say here is there, stupid ignornant person makes stupid ignorant statement.

MY history and MY culture wasn't built of the backs of slave culture, my family have been either coal miners or farmers of some description for god knows how many generations.

So, go feck yourself on the way to dole que you fecking racist sack of shit.

But now that's out of the way, to suggest western culture and its success was solely because of the use of slave culture or repressing black people in some way is the dumbest fecking thing Ive heard.

Slavery was horrible, racism is horrible, hating someone because they are another colour is just plain stupid.

But if it had not of been slaves it would have been poor white people being abused instead.

That's not saying one was right, not at all, just the eventual outcome would have been no different.

Because rich assholes would have just found some other poor bunch of feckers to screw over.
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The main problem I see now is your terrible analogy?

A massive unfactual generalisation about an entire race that paints them in a negative light. I don't see much difference at all between the two.
Did you actually read her comments? Because what we have available is an article summarising what she said which could easily write things out of context and equally so a television interview were she could be attempting to backtrack and therefore not be as visceral with her spoken words as she was written, or maybe she's like most of us, we speak more fluently and with greater accuracy about things than we're able to write.

The overall point is whether you want to use one reported word in a particular place to discredit her and her larger and salient points about racism because rather than think and react to something of more consequence you feel the need to defend yourself against what you see as a personal attack either because of small-mindedness or purely because honestly you just don't care for the sentiment of what she's saying but you can't admit that.

First paragraph: come on, you're reaching here. Let's take a scenario where someone posts online "all black people are thieves". Would you rush to defend them while expressing the belief they might be being misquoted? Would you welcome a television interview with them, off the off chance what they said was taken out of context? She put those things out there in black and white (pardon the expression), not anyone else, her. Plus, I personally am far more able to articulate my point in written form rather than spoken, so I'd have to disagree with the end of your first paragraph as well.

As for the bolded, that's just absolute bollocks. All of it.
So you think racism is an entirely even playing field? Absolutely no difference the ethnicity of the people concerned? The history of race relations up until this point is completely irrelevant?

Are you going to keep asking questions like I've actually said those things? To cause an argument you clearly want just because you think it's funny to put words in people's mouths? Despite the fact your first post in here was completely designed to cause said argument you didn't want to be at risk of being involved in? Is this how debates move forward with you now?


But no. I didn't say or think any of those things. But I will say that I don't think colour of skin should be a factor in who gets hired or fired. That's racism right there.
The main problem I see now is your terrible analogy?
"All white people are consciously or subconsciously exploitative colonialist racists" is basically what she said, so I don't see what you're getting at here.

Are you saying that there is some hierarchy of racism that we don't know about?
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