Look what I just found hiding in the cupboard....

Shufflepuck Cafe was one of my favourites on the Amiga.

Also, I have seen the old CD32 in the flesh - they used to have one in a computer shop at the top of Penny Meadow in Ashton.
My favourite console as a kid. Unfortunately, I sold mine years ago to fund my N64 purchase. On a positive note, alot of the classic games from the SNES era are being re-released on the DS
I used to like "Zombies ate my neigbors" game for SNES.
Might ask my son if i can borrow it for a while.
Also liked "Bubble Bobble" whatever console that was on.... :D
I used to like "Zombies ate my neigbors" game for SNES.
Might ask my son if i can borrow it for a while.
Also liked "Bubble Bobble" whatever console that was on.... :D
'Zombies Ate My Neighbours' is superb. The sequel, 'Ghoul Patrol' sucked, though.
Still got a SNES, NES, Amiga CD32, Gameboy and Atari 2600 kicking about the parents' house. The SNES still gets a seasonal run-out of Mario Kart or ISS.
It might sound daft, but I bought that because it was cheaper than the official CD drive for the Amiga itself at the time, and with a simple cable, you could read CD media into a "proper" Amiga.

I remember when I was younger, my dad upgraded the Amiga with extra RAM. He went all the way to Yorkshire for it and added a whopping 1MB to the thing!
It's beautiful!

Weaste's old SNES and this thread in general. I'm a technology pack-rat too - in fact I've never thrown anything out ever (mid 80s to today).

"...my dad upgraded the Amiga with extra RAM. He went all the way to Yorkshire for it and added a whopping 1MB to the thing!" and "I went all the way to Leeds also and my A1200 has a 50Mhz 68030 with 10MB of RAM and an 80Mb HDD." -- it's almost making me misty-eyed.

Wonderful, wonderful thread! :)
Super Nintendo SNES Video Game Collection Box Manual

It's beautiful!

Weaste's old SNES and this thread in general. I'm a technology pack-rat too - in fact I've never thrown anything out ever (mid 80s to today).

"...my dad upgraded the Amiga with extra RAM. He went all the way to Yorkshire for it and added a whopping 1MB to the thing!" and "I went all the way to Leeds also and my A1200 has a 50Mhz 68030 with 10MB of RAM and an 80Mb HDD." -- it's almost making me misty-eyed.

Wonderful, wonderful thread! :)

I'm actually surprised, because I thought that it was only me that horded such things. I have a photo incoming........
I'm actually surprised, because I thought that it was only me that horded such things. I have a photo incoming........
And what a photo it was! :eek: & :drool:
(saves under 'geek porn' ;))

Of course you're not alone. I could never ever throw away any hardware, in fact I've still got my Game and Watch Silver 'Parachute' my dad brought back from Japan '81.

Cheers once again for the great photos & a wonderful thread. :D
I've always had the highest respect for people who look after things properly, something my Dad instilled in me and something I am forever preaching to my son.

Weaste, don't feel alone in the hoarding, myself and Waltraute could set up a mini e-bay with techo-goodies.

Love the location btw Waltraute, HP Lovecraft.

When age fell upon the world, and wonder went out of the minds of men; when grey cities reared to smoky skies tall towers grim and ugly, in whose shadow none might dream of the sun or of Spring’s flowering meads; when learning stripped the Earth of her mantle of beauty and poets sang no more save of twisted phantoms seen with bleared and inward looking eyes; when these things had come to pass, and childish hopes had gone forever, there was a man who traveled out of life on a quest into spaces whither the world’s dreams had fled.
My 15 year old niece is working as an "au pair" in NY and she's always posting some photos. One of them caught my attention...

Really wish I had this computer.
The Super Nintendo was a great system, it had so many great fecking games
I absolutely love the SNES. So many good games from so many different genres. It really had something for everyone.

RPGs like Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana I, II, Final Fantasy IV, V, VI (3), Breath of Fire I, II, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, Uncharted Waters 2, Zelda 3
Platformers like Donkey Kong I, II, III, Super Mario World I, II, TMNT IV Turtles in Time, Super Metroid, so many Mega Man games,
Sport/Racing like F-Zero, Super Mario Kart, NBA Live, NBA Jam, Madden, FIFA, NHL, Top Gear I, II, Super Punch Out, Boxing Legends of the Ring
Even shooters like Star Fox, Puzzle Games like Puzzle Bobble Bust a Move, Strategy games like Harvest Moon or Sim City 2000, Fighters like MK, Street Fighter, the Dragonball games
Even feckin Monopoly was fun on SNES

Not only that the controller was pretty much the foundation of all our modern controllers. That four action button diamond layout is there in X-Box, all the Playstation controllers, Dreamcast, Wii classic, and a shit-ton of third party gamepads. Anything that deviated too far from that wasn't very successful.
We've got the ol' Amiga 500 lying somewhere, and I think it's more or less functional. Most of the games probably aren't, though. And finding new (that is, old) games isn't easy.

I sold mine way back in 90 or so to help finance my first PC remember buying a 512KB Memory add-on from the UK which cost me a bloody fortune with the custom duties and getting a 2MB Memory add-on that fitted to the side expansion slot if I remember I paid around 5-800DM for that at the time almost as bad as paying 400DM for disk drive for C64.
I can't believe people have PAL snes systems and haven't switched them up for Ntsc mode! Now that's gaming, Mario Kart at 60hz.

Do your's Weaste! I'm appalled you haven't already ;)

I have an A500 in the cupboard.

I've got both a 500 and an Atari ST sitting side by side in storage. The only thing I don't own and never have is a Sam Coupe.
I'm from Hyde. ...but know Ashton very well. :)
What about you?

Born in Ashton. Lived in Dukinfield, Denton and, for a short while, Newton before moving out of Tameside. Not been to Hyde for years but still go to Ashton and Duki often.

Hydes Anvil :drool:

That's a couple of miles from me now, over Hulme. I'm sure you knew that though. All Hyde is famous for is the unsavoury characters that have lived there over the last half century, such as MUM, probably some others... Oh and that awful bloody smell that used to hang over the place.
Psycho Fox on the Master System! My mate with the Famicom had that - we spent hours on it.

That's an original bought from the shop on the first day of release. fecking fantastic.

It get's better though, I've got him an NES (american version) of Kid Kool and of course, the wonderful De-Cap-Attack on the Genesis!

For those who don't know, Psycho Fox remains to this day pure genius in terms of platforming originality. The other two are by the same team, and are almost equally as brilliant.
I'm not sure I ever played Kid Kool and I only just found out that De-Cap-Attack was the sequel. Will have to get a ROM of that one.
That's an original bought from the shop on the first day of release. fecking fantastic.

It get's better though, I've got him an NES (american version) of Kid Kool and of course, the wonderful De-Cap-Attack on the Genesis!

For those who don't know, Psycho Fox remains to this day pure genius in terms of platforming originality. The other two are by the same team, and are almost equally as brilliant.

Wait, I just re-read that, did you say he had Psycho fox on the Famicom? Impossible!