Look what I just found hiding in the cupboard....


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana

How cool is that?
My NES, SNES, Sega and N64 have all stopped working.
I think I'm going to try Super Mario Kart with the nipper, I think he'll be ok with that. I have this weird cart that I can't remember a thing about, it's a Konami game called Super Probotector Alien Rebels. :confused:
It is amazingly cool! I had the best fun on that console over anything else I've ever played.

We had one in mint condition, sold it a few years ago, wish we had kept it now.
It bloody well is, the best of the 16 bit consoles in working order, mint condition, and original SFII box. Unfortunately, the other carts do not have boxes.

I never played one, my first console was the Sega Megadrive. Now that was the business.
Mine's under my TV :D Well, not literally under the TV, on the shelf below.

It's that I'm in England and I'm going through some of my old stuff that I never took to Spain. There's an Atari 2600 in there, but I don't have the controllers. I have some joysticks back in Spain that will fit it, but it appears to be still working as well.

There are two Amigas in the cupboard as well, one a CD32!
That is fecking sex, I used to love it when I was a kid

I was more of a Sega Mega Drive lad but my cousin used to have a Snes and I would go postal on his bitch ass in Street Fighter, good times

I used to just bash all the buttons, you know with that Sumo Lad?

Ok I'm telling you guys half my life story, as you were
It bloody well is, the best of the 16 bit consoles in working order, mint condition, and original SFII box. Unfortunately, the other carts do not have boxes.

I only recently sold mine - it's the last console I bought. Just got the emulators running and downloaded all the roms of my favourite games to save space. Some great games were made for SNES.
It is amazingly cool! I had the best fun on that console over anything else I've ever played.

We had one in mint condition, sold it a few years ago, wish we had kept it now.

Try this: ZSNES Home Page - About ZSNES

I never played one, my first console was the Sega Megadrive. Now that was the business.

I had both the Megadrive was nowhere near as good as the SNES, but it did have it's fair share of great games too.
I've still got it setup in the front room, haven't played it for donkeys though. Link To The Past is in it at the moment.

I still have the original NES though in it's box in my wardrobe somewhere.
I've still got it setup in the front room, haven't played it for donkeys though. Link To The Past is in it at the moment.

I still have the original NES though in it's box in my wardrobe somewhere.

Me too. And a Megadrive. Also got a pong machine.

I can't be arsed sticking them on ebay though after the debacle with the SNES (the twat who bought it waited three months and then flagged it as a fraudulent transaction and got his money back, Paypal debited my account). Therefore free to any home.
Look what I just found hiding in my cupboard:


We're baking a cake together now. He put a bit of flour on the end of my nose and we both giggled.
The SNES was the pinnacle of gaming - it was all downhill from there.

I remember I had about 200 games for it because I got one of those devices that would copy catridges to floppy disc - then my mum gave it all away to my little cousin without even asking me !! :mad:
Look what I just found hiding in my cupboard:


We're baking a cake together now. He put a bit of flour on the end of my nose and we both giggled.


We used to have a SNES and a Mega Drive in our 6th form room a few years ago, great fun, they got at least as much play time as the newer consoles.
Anyone know why they made separate consoles for North America and the rest of the world? The SNES in the US looks quite different.
Anyone know why they made separate consoles for North America and the rest of the world? The SNES in the US looks quite different.

A friend of mine had the Japanese NES - the "Famicom" and that was really different looking too.

I think some of it had to do with making sure the cartridges were physically incompatible between European and American models, but obviously they could have just designed the cartridge slots to be different and left the rest the same.
We've got the ol' Amiga 500 lying somewhere, and I think it's more or less functional. Most of the games probably aren't, though. And finding new (that is, old) games isn't easy.