Liverpool 2014/15 | WARNING: Contains strong amounts of Scouse nonsense

Just like how you guys have been rooting for Chelsea, City, Arsenal and pretty much anybody who stood in our way for for the past 20+ years?

Not to the extent of the panic stricken mode last season that bordered on desperation.
None of those clubs are our local rivals.

It's besides the point anyway the comment "everybody hates you" just isn't true.
Denial, how cute :P Another trait that just adds to the reason everybody hates you. Brendan Rodgers could set fire to your house and you'd find a way to blame United and the FA, LOL.
Seriously, are you 7?
Not to the extent of the panic stricken mode last season that bordered on desperation.

So Gerrard deliberately back passing the ball to Drogba and Henry doesn't qualify as desperation then? not to mention the 'come back when you've won it 18 times' banner.

Ok then.
So Gerrard deliberately back passing the ball to Drogba and Henry doesn't qualify as desperation then? not to mention the 'come back when you've won it 18 times' banner.

Ok then.

Not that old story again - remember Chelsea beat you home and away that year, don't rely on others.......

Seriously, are you 7?

At least 8 I would say.
Not that old story again - remember Chelsea beat you home and away that year, don't really on others.......

At least 8 I would say.

Yeah don't rely on others, as you guys weren't relying on Everton at all when they played City and lost. Had you beat Palace, you would have been relying on West Ham, which is why your entire traveling fanbase broke into wonderful tears at Palace. There's always hope until the last kick of the ball.
Yeah don't rely on others, as you guys weren't relying on Everton at all when they played City and lost. Had you beat Palace, you would have been relying on West Ham, which is why your entire traveling fanbase broke into wonderful tears at Palace. There's always hope until the last kick of the ball.

We weren't - the league was lost because we messed up against Chelsea, in our own hands. Nobody else's.

As Gary Neville said, it was like picking between two guys to steal your wife.

Fair enough.
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We weren't - the league was lost because we messed up against Chelsea, in our own hands. Nobody else's.


Don't tell me that hilarious GIF of your travelling fans didn't portray hearts being fecking crushed to pieces when it went 3-3. There was still hope, there was still reliance.

Don't tell me that hilarious GIF of your travelling fans didn't portray hearts being fecking crushed to pieces when it went 3-3. There was still hope, there was still reliance.

Well that's football, there are hilarious GIFs I suppose - cue the Aguero moment against QPR when the camera switches to stunned & tearful United fans in the crowd.

The fact of the matter is the "everybody hates us", was a bit of a school playground kind of comment.
Well that's football, there are hilarious GIFs I suppose - cue the Aguero moment against QPR when the camera switches to stunned & tearful United fans in the crowd. That's football I guess.

Yeah, but your whole point was that you shouldn't rely on anybody else when I brought up the Gerrard back pass. I'm just saying that it's part of a title race, part of football.
Yeah, but your whole point was that you shouldn't rely on anybody else when I brought up the Gerrard back pass. I'm just saying that it's part of a title race, part of football.

You called it deliberate, which is a bit daft. Hence the "if you had beaten Chelsea yourselves" kinda thing.

Anyway this is getting a bit school-like now anyway so leave it at that maybe.
Well last night's "Where are Liverpool's Goals Coming From' post sparked some debate didn't it ? Shame it's now descending into the usual childish mud throwing and bating.

Way too many posts to pick just one or two so here are some general comments in clarification (and of course this is all conjecture .. as are all the responses denigrating my mathematics) ! I think however that I left sentiment out of it, at least consciously, whilst compiling that list and tried to think logically what could be expected of each player, what is asking too much, what is a fair judgement.

1. It's not possible to say that last year's total was based on 11 players and those I listed on p.54 was on 15, as I saw someone say somewhere. That doesn't make any sense at all. I've listed 17 goal scorers for 2014/15 whilst we had actually exactly the same number of goals scorers in 2013/14 !

2. I haven't just increased totals per player for the sake of it, at least some thought went into it ;) Sterling (13 to 15), Coutinho (5 to 8) and Markovic (1 to 3) we hope have all matured and improved on last season, Gerrard (15 to 10) because the number of penalties may drop next season, Sturridge has also decreased (25 to 21) as I think he will be rotated more often and the pressure may get to him, though it could just as easily go the other way with so many better creative talents in the squad.
Skrtel (down 7 to 3), Allen (2 to 1) and the new lads Lallana (10 down to 8), Can (4 to 2) and Lambert (14 down to 7) all have valid reasons for making these assumptions. However I believe we will maintain a high scoring rate because we have more goal-scoring midfielders in the team than last season where Henderson, Allen, Aspas, Moses and Alberto contributed very little in terms of goals (just 9 between the last four of those). This season we have a much stronger goal-scoring presence .. and with probably 2 more to come (striker and attacking MF).

3. The defence has undoubtedly been strengthened with the addition of Lovren, we now have 3 very solid (if not outstanding in Lovren's case) CBs, we have Enrique back (one of the best defensive LBs in the PL based on his previous stats, not so great going forward but an excellent passer and very technically gifted) and it is highly possible another LB to come in too (Enrique is rather injury prone to say the least), Flanno will probably take over as the RB #1 at some point next season (and we have a very exciting young RB from Spain - capped at every level to U21 - Javi Manquillo, to back them up). I genuinely believe that between them they can save us between 8 and 12 goals on last season's rather pathetic 50 goals conceded in the PL alone.

Finally I think I'd agree with some of the sentiments shown above. Those disregarding the above points out of hand are doing so from a biased standpoint, it's wishful thinking if you like, it's OK we're all guilty of it from time to time. It's very nice to see the more logical United fans considering that maybe last year wasn't just a flash in the pan though, and that Liverpool will indeed be very competitive again this season, at least as far as a Top 4 slot is concerned.

There is still some time to go in this window, I expect Liverpool to make 3 more signings, I expect United to make 4-5. Then will be the time to fully appraise the respective squads, just before the season kicks off in earnest. Can't wait !
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Everyone hates us because we post alternative views on a Manchester United forum :lol:

Yeah ok pal.
See? Another reply that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Please, point out where I mentioned anything about your 'alternative views'. You lack any sort of basic reading/speaking comprehension that you can't even understand a simple sentence. It's great to see your obsession with us goes so far as to lurk our forums.
That was just banter. No need for you lot to take it literally.
You do it, it's banter, we do it, we're going ott. That's another thing people hate you for.. You're always the victims, can never do anything wrong etc etc. You're the most delusional bitter supporters in the PL.
See? Another reply that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Please, point out where I mentioned anything about your 'alternative views'. You lack any sort of basic reading/speaking comprehension that you can't even understand a simple sentence. It's great to see your obsession with us goes so far as to lurk our forums.

You do it, it's banter, we do it, we're going ott. That's another thing people hate you for.. You're always the victims, can never do anything wrong etc etc. You're the most delusional bitter supporters in the PL.

Don't stop now...
You do it, it's banter, we do it, we're going ott. That's another thing people hate you for.. You're always the victims, can never do anything wrong etc etc. You're the most delusional bitter supporters in the PL.

There really is no threat whatsoever about this squad now Suarez has gone is there?

I mean, Sturridge will score some goals but he's nothing amazing and everyone else...
This is incredibly blinkered in its analysis as it assumes that teams haven't got the tactical acumen to contend with more than one player. City, United, Arsenal, Everton, Spurs and Southampton were amongst the best defences last season but all failed to stop Liverpool scoring at least 3 goals after Christmas. If you go by your logic these teams were not equipped to contend with one player's talents as they were so preoccupied by his brilliance that the rest of the team ran riot. What are clubs doing paying these managers? Your view totally ignores the contributions made by other players who scored 47 goals in those 19 games.

The narrative that attributes last season's strong showing almost exclusively to Suarez is extremely one-eyed and ignores the realities of what happened.

As for Sturridge, I think he scored 9 goals during Suarez's 10 game absence. A good return.

You are being naive if you think that having one world class talent on the pitch does not open up space for other good players. When we had Ronaldo, he was man marked by 2-3 players and it opened up space in other areas of the pitch to exploit. Similar was thw case with Suarez. With him no longer to be worried about, managers can obviously nake sure they can mark and contain the other dangerous players. I never claimed Sturridge is not good. He is and that's why he will be targeted as the main man along with Sterling. There can only be 11 players on a pitch, so with 2-3 of them trying to manage Suarez, others were given more freedom. I thought that would be common sense.
Sturridge's tally in the 9 league games he played without Suarez - 9 goals. I guess they found other factors to benefit from while away.

He was on a brilliant streak and no one is taking anything away from it. We shall see what happens this time around.
You must buy first.

You have lost one of the beat players in the world and have not replaced his quality having bought a bunch of squad players. You should be more concerned about buying than us. We do need one more player in midfield and I am sure we will get him as well. I am not sure who you lot can buy who can replicate Suarez's effect from last season.
Sterling is the one guy that could step up and minimise the loss of the rodent. He's already improved dramatically in just one year and he could do it again.
Denial, how cute :P Another trait that just adds to the reason everybody hates you. Brendan Rodgers could set fire to your house and you'd find a way to blame United and the FA, LOL.

Everyone doesn't hate them. Most neutrals wanted them to win the league. Some of the fans can be annoying and a bit deluded but overall I quite like Liverpool. Tons of history and play good football whilst not relying on a sugar daddy. They also have an English core which is always a good thing. Rich history to boot.

I'd say there's more hate for United than there is for Liverpool in this country. I'd say the most hated were Chelsea followed by United.