Are you guys serious? At least I know Shammy is kidding around, but you two are acting as if he's done something amazing here.
I get the unplanned, off the cuff aspect, but its not anything difficult that he did there. I'm certain 99% of pros and the majority of us lot are able to curl a ball into a full sized goal from a similar starting position. Maybe not first time, but after a few goes.
I'm so pathetic that I'm actually tempted to go down to the park / goals this weekend and do it just to prove someone wrong on the Internet.
He's standing well behind the goals. It's hardly like he's at a similar angle to where the corner flag would be. It's like a basketball player shooting over the backboard. It's impressive. Nobody is saying he's the only guy that can do it or anything but it's impressive nonetheless.
There's some serious salt emerging in here, btw. Love it