Let’s all laugh at Germany

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:lol: What's wrong with laughing at Germany ? Seriously Germany's supporters, wheter they're Germans or not are so self absorbed and lack sense of humor. Banter is part of football, if you're not ready to take it just don't come to read the forum so soon after an embarassing defeat

By all means laugh away! This is just funny to me seeing as English supporters themselves are quick to label the Scots and Irish as 'small time' when supporters of those countries poke fun at them every time they get eliminated from big tournaments.
By all means laugh away! This is just funny to me seeing as English supporters themselves are quick to label the Scots and Irish as 'small time' when supporters of those countries poke fun at them every time they get eliminated from big tournaments.
Hypocrisy is part of it all. It's harmless fun
I just want to point out that Germany's capitulation was greater than France 2002/Italy 2010/Spain 2014. It was perfect from the moment Mexico skinned them, through Kroos's last minute winner vs Sweden to give them a false hope that they're through, ending with the massive bottle job vs S. Korea. What made it more special is how Neuer, the arrogant clown that he is, finally got what he deserves.
They should've started Brandt the last game, criminal that he didn't start and others did.
By all means laugh away! This is just funny to me seeing as English supporters themselves are quick to label the Scots and Irish as 'small time' when supporters of those countries poke fun at them every time they get eliminated from big tournaments.

Yet here you are complaining about England fans having a laugh at the Germans when you are one of the most small time anti England fans on here!

The English dislike of Germany doesn’t hit anything like the levels of the home nations dislike of England. I lived in Scotland and they support teams playing against England like they support their own nation, it’s very odd. Weirder still because we have no actual sporting rivalry with them in terms of football, it’s a one way street. Many England fans don’t mind seeing the home nations do well. OK Germany have been much better than us since 66 but at least we’ve beat them in a World Cup final and given them close games in other major tournament semi finals.
Yet here you are complaining about England fans having a laugh at the Germans when you are one of the most small time anti England fans on here!

The English dislike of Germany doesn’t hit anything like the levels of the home nations dislike of England. I lived in Scotland and they support teams playing against England like they support their own nation, it’s very odd. Weirder still because we have no actual sporting rivalry with them in terms of football, it’s a one way street. Many England fans don’t mind seeing the home nations do well. OK Germany have been much better than us since 66 but at least we’ve beat them in a World Cup final and given them close games in other major tournament semi finals.

Blame the English media. There’s nothing more annoying than the English media talking about England in a tournament.

And as for us always supporting whoever England are playing, you said it yourself. We suck, so need live vicariously through other nations :lol:. It’s all in good fun for most of us though, nothing taken too seriously.
I'm not even German i'm Dutch and i'm supposed to hate Germany , but this is just pathetic .
I'm German, and tbh even I find it hilarious. :D
Love the media in Germany right now.

Especially, how after Sweden everyone already acted as if Germany already got into next round.
Blame the English media. There’s nothing more annoying than the English media talking about England in a tournament.

And as for us always supporting whoever England are playing, you said it yourself. We suck, so need live vicariously through other nations :lol:. It’s all in good fun for most of us though, nothing taken too seriously.

Fair enough on on your second point but I don't get the whole 'English media' thing. It's a small number of gutter papers that deal in hype and sensationalism. OK you get pundits that are confident in the side etc and rate our players but I'm sure that is normal in every country.
:lol: What's wrong with laughing at Germany ? Seriously Germany's supporters, wheter they're Germans or not are so self absorbed and lack sense of humor. Banter is part of football, if you're not ready to take it just don't come to read the forum so soon after an embarassing defeat
German and Bayern (who make up the majority of fans on here) are the worst. Complete lack of humor mixed with a inferiority complex just fishing for compliments how awesome Bayern and Germany are and ready to bark at everyone who disagrees.
Fair enough on on your second point but I don't get the whole 'English media' thing. It's a small number of gutter papers that deal in hype and sensationalism. OK you get pundits that are confident in the side etc and rate our players but I'm sure that is normal in every country.

Well, I can’t speak for everyone but I can’t get away from the constant bombardment of England, England, england. England are going to do this, do that, Sterling is a sensation, Kane is the best there ever was etc etc etc. Theres Harry Kane jingle stuck in my head and it’s annoying as feck :lol:. See, England isn’t Scotland. England is to us, what Germany is to us, or Italy, or South Korea. It’s a forgein country, but because we share media, we get a constant thick of stream of how great England are. It’s the same every tournament.
If you can’t have a gentle dig at a side that beat us on pens in 90 and 96 and then 4-1 in 2010 I don’t know what the world is coming to.
It was ok to laugh at Brazil after the 7-1 and its ok to laugh now!
The Liverpool thread is still the best though.....
Well, I can’t speak for everyone but I can’t get away from the constant bombardment of England, England, england. England are going to do this, do that, Sterling is a sensation, Kane is the best there ever was etc etc etc. Theres Harry Kane jingle stuck in my head and it’s annoying as feck :lol:. See, England isn’t Scotland. England is to us, what Germany is to us, or Italy, or South Korea. It’s a forgein country, but because we share media, we get a constant thick of stream of how great England are. It’s the same every tournament.

See, I don't really perceive the Home Nations as foreign countries, granted I've never set foot on Ireland but living in Scotland was the same as living in England by and large and Wales is just down the road.
German and Bayern (who make up the majority of fans on here) are the worst. Complete lack of humor mixed with a inferiority complex just fishing for compliments how awesome Bayern and Germany are and ready to bark at everyone who disagrees.
I know who you have in mind. We are not all the same though.

We should have done a lot of things differently. Starting with taking Sane to the World Cup.

Definitely. My good German friend was not happy with the choices throughout.
Failing in Russia, a German tradition since 1945.
German and Bayern (who make up the majority of fans on here) are the worst. Complete lack of humor mixed with a inferiority complex just fishing for compliments how awesome Bayern and Germany are and ready to bark at everyone who disagrees.

Anyway, enjoyable thread. What a bunch of idiots not bringing Sane.
German and Bayern (who make up the majority of fans on here) are the worst. Complete lack of humor mixed with a inferiority complex just fishing for compliments how awesome Bayern and Germany are and ready to bark at everyone who disagrees.
I know right ? Part of what makes forums enjoyable is the banter so really no point in taking yourself too seriously
Well, I can’t speak for everyone but I can’t get away from the constant bombardment of England, England, england. England are going to do this, do that, Sterling is a sensation, Kane is the best there ever was etc etc etc. Theres Harry Kane jingle stuck in my head and it’s annoying as feck :lol:. See, England isn’t Scotland. England is to us, what Germany is to us, or Italy, or South Korea. It’s a forgein country, but because we share media, we get a constant thick of stream of how great England are. It’s the same every tournament.
Nah, it's not.

I'm Welsh/in Wales but our best signal is still via the NW so we get NW England news and the build up has been pretty tame considering.

And despite saying England is just like any other foreign country, you've come onto a thread that's jokingly taking the mick of Germany (and well deserved) to moan about England/English media?

You can be pro-your country and not be anti-English. Wales aren't in the WC (again!) so I just watch as a football fan. I don't care who wins if they deserve it.
Germany disaster started since Mexico game. Look at how Mexico play in that game, so fluid, attack from right/left flank, fast counter attack and seems Germany defender and DM doesn't have any clue.

Versus Sweden match, unlike Mexico even Germany having ball possession and already won 1-0. Mexico still counter attack and fast move the ball. Sweden stop playing in second half. What a poor tactics. In the end, luckily Germany won it.

And in the end, South Korea, The Minion :D The last match, degraded, unfavorable to win this match, even draw was very fortunate. But they finish it with 2-0. OMG OMG. Miracle !!
They went kaput this World Cup but They'll be back with better technik.
Nah, it's not.

I'm Welsh/in Wales but our best signal is still via the NW so we get NW England news and the build up has been pretty tame considering.

And despite saying England is just like any other foreign country, you've come onto a thread that's jokingly taking the mick of Germany (and well deserved) to moan about England/English media?

You can be pro-your country and not be anti-English. Wales aren't in the WC (again!) so I just watch as a football fan. I don't care who wins if they deserve it.

I actively (and quietly) support England in World Cups. Always have as Wales haven't got there since I was born and I support an English club so it's the closest I can get.

Would be different obviously if Wales get there.
Nah, it's not.

I'm Welsh/in Wales but our best signal is still via the NW so we get NW England news and the build up has been pretty tame considering.

And despite saying England is just like any other foreign country, you've come onto a thread that's jokingly taking the mick of Germany (and well deserved) to moan about England/English media?

You can be pro-your country and not be anti-English. Wales aren't in the WC (again!) so I just watch as a football fan. I don't care who wins if they deserve it.

No, no. I’m not moaning about England, or defending Germany. They deserve their ridicule considering how cocky they were at the last World Cup. Was just offering an opinion into an on going conversation. And as I said, I don’t speak for everyone, and you’ll forgive me but the relationship between Scotland and England isn’t the same as England and Wales. But let’s not turn this into a political disgussion. Let’s just enjoy the fact that Germany who keep banging on about how the winter break rejuvenates them, are now taking thier summer holidays as well :D.
A minute of silence.

mwhahahahahahhahahahahahha :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Nice one :lol: The best thing is you couldn't have predicted their WC journey any better after getting the result against Sweden.
Yet here you are complaining about England fans having a laugh at the Germans when you are one of the most small time anti England fans on here!

The English dislike of Germany doesn’t hit anything like the levels of the home nations dislike of England. I lived in Scotland and they support teams playing against England like they support their own nation, it’s very odd. Weirder still because we have no actual sporting rivalry with them in terms of football, it’s a one way street. Many England fans don’t mind seeing the home nations do well. OK Germany have been much better than us since 66 but at least we’ve beat them in a World Cup final and given them close games in other major tournament semi finals.

Im not complaining about England fans having a laugh im calling them small time in all fairness but again like I said I understand the rare opportunity to laugh at a team that has dominated the one you support for decades. You can't pretend to find it weird that Scots or Irish for that matter would support teams playing against England given all the years of mockery and anti Scot and Irish sentiment out of English mouths that continues to this day. I know it goes both ways but those countries have had these historic grievances for reasons we both know.

The home games were heated affairs during the days of the British home championship so maybe you don't see the Scots as rivals (for probably the same reasons the Germans don't see really see England as rivals) but the Scots do. Hasn't it been accepted by United fans as part of 'banter' to call City fans small time and label them 'bitter' and use Fergie's famous 'noisy neighbors' line as retorts to them laughing at us after defeats over the years?
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All laughing aside, it's sad to see how deeply associated Löw is with his butt sniffing.

As if you guys never take a sniff to check your ass status.

I can honestly say I've never sniffed my arse while managing the German national team.
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