Leighton Baines

He's a fecking pussy.
My opinion of him has completely shifted after these last two games.
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Out of his depth at the elite level. Slow, uncoordinated and struggles without the football being catered for his talents. We did, indeed, dodge a bullet.

Pretty much what I was going to say, he's been exposed at this tournament.
He's not a good fullback.

I got slated for saying he wasn't a good fullback when Moyes was on his one man crusade to bury us, now it seems people are slowly coming round to the fact that he can't defend.
Out of his depth at the elite level. Slow, uncoordinated and struggles without the football being catered for his talents. We did, indeed, dodge a bullet.

Said this about Baines before (and Shaw is the same). People underestimate the protection he gets from the system he plays in at club level. One on one he isn't great. He takes up awkward positions off the ball and gets beat a lot when standing wingers up. Ashley Cole is twice the left back.
He's a fecking pussy.

My opinion of him has completely shifted after these last two games.
This is my main gripe.

I mean he was positionally terrible against Italy and bad against Uruguay, but he's such a timid player who is easily overawed. Caceres gave him a bit of a battering quite a bit.
He didn't even tried to show his best side which are solid crosses to strikers.

The feck he was doing all the time in Everton to suddenly stop playing properly...
Defensively he is woeful. He gets away with it because of his attacking stats.

But Gibbs and Shaw are the future. People seem to think Baines is.
This is my main gripe.

I mean he was positionally terrible against Italy and bad against Uruguay, but he's such a timid player who is easily overawed. Caceres gave him a bit of a battering quite a bit.

There were a couple of occasions where he has a load of space in front of him to either to run into or wip a ball in - you know, like any normal full-back would do - and almost exclusively, he'd just do nothing, wait for a Uruguay player to close him down, and then pass it 5 yards.... normally backwards.
He's simply not dynamic enough, and is useless in an attacking sense unless he has lots of space to cross or a decoy winger.
You can kind of see where the whole 'homesick' thing at the last World Cup came from, too. He's a big girl's blouse.
Defensively he is woeful. He gets away with it because of his attacking stats.

But Gibbs and Shaw are the future. People seem to think Baines is.

Would have liked to have seen those two either side of Jones and Smalling. Wilshire alongside Henderson would also have been a better option if we're building for the future.

Even if a miracle happens and we get through the group let's not kid ourselves we'll be progressing much further. Part of me is hoping for an Italy and Costa Rica draw tomorrow so more of the youngsters can get some experience on the big stage. In fact, stick Barclay on for Rooney if that happens. This is definitely Gerrard's last tournament and I can only see Rooney declining over the nest two years.
He's decent at his level but he'd be a major downgrade on Evra and would have cost a fortune. The amount of people that wanted him at United last season was ridiculous. Thank god we didn't sign him.
Imagine getting him and Fellaini for the 40m it would've probably cost. Everton were dumb not to sell him tbh.
We had a corner, from the right-hand side, in the 94th minute. If Baines had some balls, he'd have marched over there and insisted on taking it - considering it's on his side and what not. Laughable.
He's too one footed, you can get away with that if you have a high level of pace or ability to take people on, but as it is he's been woefully found out going forward. In hindsight, at 29, he's not got a future, and Cole should have gone instead, with Shaw back up.

His corners have also been terrible, however to single that out when Gerrard and others have been similarly guilty would be harsh.
He's just not that good, he's been hyped to the high heavens for years. Evra has had a better world cup so far.
I think this past season his performances dropped a bit, just when he finally became first choice for England.
Baines was always a poor defender, I knew he was going to get exposed at this level.
You've all been brainwashed by Moyes. Never good enough for United.

Nonsense he has been the best left back in England for a few years now. Add to that how much of a decline Evra has had and you are saying he's not good enough for united?
Nonsense he has been the best left back in England for a few years now. Add to that how much of a decline Evra has had and you are saying he's not good enough for united?

There's a big difference between delivering goods at United and doing well with some random small EPL side. Fellaini is a clear example of that.
Baines has never been as good as Evra.


Some idiots in the media said he was the new Denis Irwin......An absolute insult. I'd do them in court if I were Denis!
I'm glad we didn't get Baines but in fairness to him, he's normally not as bad as he has been over the last two games. Midfield left him very exposed and up front there were too many players wanting to take control of the game themselves so not as much opportunity for him to attack.

If we're judging English players solely on this tournament then there's a good few players being written off as shit, including Welbz and Rooney.
Gets utterly found out at the highest level. Amongst the best left backs around going forward, but he's nothing special defensively and in a system that gives him less freedom he's average.
OK that might be true but what about Jagielka?? Rio should take note how to not defend..
shaw should start the next game, plan for the future right away. baines is out of his depth at this stage.

It's funny. England always seem to be "planning" for the future during major international tournaments.