Edgar Allan Pillow
I'll start tomorrow's games at 10am nyt if that's OK.
I'll start tomorrow's games at 10am nyt if that's OK.
About 3pm, I think.What time is that in England? Just as I'm on nights so don't want to miss too much of the start.
About 3pm, I think.
Sent my stuff to @Edgar Allan Pillow . Ready when you are, @harms
I'm considering running a draft in the newbies. Would anyone that's ran quite a draft before be able to give me a hand with a couple of bits. Should be able to run it without a co-mod but if someone wanted to fulfill that role I wouldn't mind.
When setting up match threads always press reply to the PM as it will then have all the tags you need so you can paste them direct into the match thread.
What help do you need? Most here don't have newbie access.I'm considering running a draft in the newbies. Would anyone that's ran quite a draft before be able to give me a hand with a couple of bits. Should be able to run it without a co-mod but if someone wanted to fulfill that role I wouldn't mind.
What help do you need? Most here don't have newbie access.
@RedTiger @Šjor Bepo @Marty1968
Any word about when you want to play this? I've submitted my tactics, so let me know when suits.
it all depends from tiger, think he is finishing his cricket draft so will be available after....
it all depends from tiger, think he is finishing his cricket draft so will be available after....
its taken 3 months to finish that, so I wouldn't wait for that to be honest haha. @DavidG we have submitted our write up. @Edgar Allan Pillow @antohan start when you are ready.
Have sent some stuff but want to fix something. Give me a bit longer
@Edgar Allan Pillow don't start yet
I've sent up mine as well, good luck guys.
@Raees I'm good anytime now
21st, Fri -
22nd, Sat -
23rd, Sun - Chesterlestreet vs Skizzo/Annah
24th, Mon - harms vs Aldo && P-Nut vs Tuppet
25th, Tue - Onenil vs MJJ && Joga/mazhar13 vs Enigma_87
26th, Wed - Jayvin vs crappy
27th, Thu -
28th, Fri -
Raees/Invictus vs DavidG
Pat_Mustard vs RedTiger/Sjor Bepo/Marty
Put us for Thursday
I'm out on vacation so I left the burden to @MJJ@MJJ @VivaJanuzaj writeups?
21st, Fri -
22nd, Sat -
23rd, Sun - Chesterlestreet vs Skizzo/Annah
24th, Mon - harms vs Aldo && P-Nut vs Tuppet
25th, Tue - Onenil vs MJJ && Joga/mazhar13 vs Enigma_87
26th, Wed - Jayvin vs crappy
27th, Thu - Raees/Invictus vs DavidG
28th, Fri -
@Pat_Mustard vs @RedTiger / @Šjor Bepo / @Marty1968 ???
I don'tind, it's up to @Pat_Mustard21st, Fri -
22nd, Sat -
23rd, Sun - Chesterlestreet vs Skizzo/Annah
24th, Mon - harms vs Aldo && P-Nut vs Tuppet
25th, Tue - Onenil vs MJJ && Joga/mazhar13 vs Enigma_87
26th, Wed - Jayvin vs crappy
27th, Thu - Raees/Invictus vs DavidG
28th, Fri -
@Pat_Mustard vs @RedTiger / @Šjor Bepo / @Marty1968 ???
When's cool for you bro?
Btw, @Edgar Allan Pillow
1. Is Messi available in the reinforcements? When he was stolen he should've become P-Nut's 8th pick.
2. Are we moving every time you roll the dice but only pick in the times we chose to? (before announcing the number though, that part I got)
Let's do it for Sunday, is that cool with you?I'm good to kick off any time other than Saturday evening really. My write up is submitted, so let me know when suits you.
Let's do it for Sunday, is that cool with you?
What about Monday? I should have 2 days off work this week, Sunday and MondayTurn out and participation will be very low on Sunday. Can't you do any weekdays?
What about Monday? I should have 2 days off work this week, Sunday and Monday