Rooney sleeping around with prostitutes at hotels while his pregnant wife was sat at home? Ryan Giggs sleeping with his brothers wife for years? We still sing the songs and cheer them on.
Originally Posted by SirAF
Why did you delete the comment?
All three cases are morally wrong but Lance's issue just affects the people around the world more than either Rooney or Giggs' issue. Also maybe what Rooney and Giggs did may not be affecting anyone big outside their family since it is their personal issue. What Lance has done for the cancer community for the last 15 years has been so big and the lives he has touched and affected are far greater. I am not saying all his work has been undone here. I know cancer and cycling are like two separate things that kinda got mixed up here. But the fact is his story affected and inspired so many millions of people worldwide. Everyone just thought he won everything on his own even after surviving cancer.
Go for it.
Apparently, OM players received injections prior to the CL final.
Not defending what he did, but the does not deserve the "death penalty" (meaning being banned for life, not the literal meaning), as he put it himself. And yes, he deserves his suspension and need to pay back prize money. However, I think that this great athlete (and he was either way how you are looking at it) should be allowed to run in sanctioned marathons or triathlons before he is too old. There is not much to gain there, other then him being allowed to do what he loves the most.
Yay, lets give the most notorious sports doper ever exactly what he wants. That will send out a great message in the fight against doping!
Armstrong's actual physical doping is almost a side issue now. The guy amassed a $100m fortune solely on the back of his lies. He then proceeded to aggressively destroy the credibility of anyone who dared to tell the truth about him.
His Oprah interview was a farce anyway, everyone with a brain knows that he is lying about his comeback. His biological passport was stated as having 'a million in one chance' of belonging to a clean athlete. There is little doubt in my mind that he paid the UCI off and that he was doping before his cancer too.
The guy actually deserves to be in prison, in my opinion. What he did might not strictly be a crime but he managed to amass a fortune via an elaborate fraud.
How do you know that he is a 'great' athlete? He never won anything significant that he can prove being clean for. It is more likely that he is just the guy that EPO had the most profound effect on and the guy who pursued and ran the most effective and sophisticated doping program.
Can't argue with that.
I deleted it because it was not very well thought-through, due to reasons you are touching upon here. Anyway, I was just trying to make a point about me thinking that he is being treated unfairly.
Not defending what he did, but the does not deserve the "death penalty" (meaning being banned for life, not the literal meaning), as he put it himself. And yes, he deserves his suspension and need to pay back prize money. However, I think that this great athlete (and he was either way how you are looking at it) should be allowed to run in sanctioned marathons or triathlons before he is too old. There is not much to gain there, other then him being allowed to do what he loves the most.
Not defending what he did, but the does not deserve the "death penalty" (meaning being banned for life, not the literal meaning), as he put it himself. And yes, he deserves his suspension and need to pay back prize money. However, I think that this great athlete (and he was either way how you are looking at it) should be allowed to run in sanctioned marathons or triathlons before he is too old. There is not much to gain there, other then him being allowed to do what he loves the most.
Of course he does.
Are there clean, elite-level, trophy winning cyclists? I don't really care much about this sport, it's as boring as it gets, in my opinion. But the general idea I have is that most (recent) past figures of the sport have at some point being accused of doping.
Would it be too naive to think that all of them (at the top top bracket) do it and we are witnessing a collective fraud being gradually unveiled.
I don't disagree with what is happening to Armstrong. Being the highest profiled athlete ever in his sport, it's a wonderful example that it's being set for future generations of cyclists and other sportsmen. That said I maintain my (fairly superficial) admiration for him as an athlete, as I don't think he was doing any different than most his competitors. And it's fairly easy to understand why and how it happened, and also fairly easy to understand why he lied and denied it all for ages. Certainly not an example of character, but are any of his past competitors?
Probably not going to be a popular post, but then that sort of supports my point here doesn't it.
Lance was almost certainly the greatest cyclist in the sports history.
Lance was almost certainly the greatest cyclist in the sports history.
Can't argue with that.
I deleted it because it was not very well thought-through, due to reasons you are touching upon here. Anyway, I was just trying to make a point about me thinking that he is being treated unfairly.
Not defending what he did, but the does not deserve the "death penalty" (meaning being banned for life, not the literal meaning), as he put it himself. And yes, he deserves his suspension and need to pay back prize money. However, I think that this great athlete (and he was either way how you are looking at it) should be allowed to run in sanctioned marathons or triathlons before he is too old. There is not much to gain there, other then him being allowed to do what he loves the most.
Also i'd have money on Lance joining at somepoint WADA and using his experiences to help rat out cheats etc.
Also i'd have money on Lance joining at somepoint WADA and using his experiences to help rat out cheats etc.
I'd just like to point out, that if Lance's comeback was found to hold EPO, then why the feck was he not pinged like Alberto Contador was? Yes a 1 in a million chance, but he didn't fail a test in that time period. If he did indeed cheat, then it makes a complete mockery of the system and this super fantastic blood passport that the UCI keep waving around as the bee's knees in the battle against doping.
Also i'd have money on Lance joining at somepoint WADA and using his experiences to help rat out cheats etc.
Isn't it pointless to even discuss the farcical idea that Armstrong was 'the greatest cyclist in the sports history' when prior results strongly suggest he'd never have achieved anything truly special without doping?
He never did (well, probably once) so that's no argument. We're literally talking about a one in a million shot here. Not even Mother Teresa deserves the benefit of the doubt at them odds.
Eddy Merckx says hello.
Technically, Armstrong hasn't won the Tour De France, so it's kind of hard to justify that statement, anyway.
Stick doping in there and you will never know what the true level of human performances are. Everyone reacts to doping differently, and not everyone dopes to the same levels (indeed, some won't dope at all).
He is probably the greatest doper and greatest fraud in cycling of all time (and you could make an argument for all sport). He's probably a good cyclist and athlete because he does do triathlons but for all intents and purposes, we probably won't ever know how good he was at cycling.
Eddy Merckx says hello.Lance was almost certainly the greatest cyclist in the sports history.
You need to read what I quoted again.
Nothing to do with doping.
I never suggested Merckx was completely clean. I just said that Merckx was better (just look at his race record). Even factoring in the doping, it's hard to compare Merckx with Armstrong (Lance got stripped of all titles since 1998!).
I don't see the point in chucking around random statistics like 5% of riders being clean. This link suggests it's in the region of 30-40% in terms of Tour de France years' winners being clean.
Is the sport clean? No, but Armstrong was taking stronger stuff for longer, and his record is still inferior to Merckx's.
You say that its nothing to do with doping and then you use that as your argument. Comparing drugs used and records doesn't really work. Armstrong was up against people taking the same hard core drugs whereas Merckx was up against people drinking too much coffee. I've never seen Merckx ride so I can't comment on him being better/worse than Armstrong but my guess is like most sports it is very difficult to compare across decades.
I bet the wiki article it inaccurate. Not too long ago all of lances wins would have been considered clean and now we all know it is not. My guess is that there are many others on that list that were not hounded like Armstrong was and they've simply gone unnoticed perhaps even purposefully to give the sport at least a shred of credibility.
I use doping in my argument to show that even despite the doping, Merckx's record is superior.
I don't know why you assume everyone on the circuit doesn't have access to similar things. They did have performance-enhancing drugs in Merckx's day, you know, just as everyone who wanted to do EPO back in the 90s could get their hands on it.
You still think Lance is a scapegoat? Seriously? Just look at the list of sanctions done by USADA:
Lance isn't a scapegoat. USADA and WADA go after anyone they think is doping. Maybe they haven't found all the cheats yet - but then again, maybe they are clean. Innocent until guilty. Be sceptical about their cleanliness, sure, but to think that USADA and WADA care about the sport's credibility needs a tin-foil hat, quite frankly. Maybe the UCI care - but the doping agencies sure don't.
Again, both were doping and both were up against others who were doping. Armstrong was up against dopers who were using drugs/methods relevant to their era whereas Merckx was up against dopers from another era. Therefore, to say Armstrong had an advantage over merckx because he used more serious drugs is absurd. You can't compare like that. It would be like saying armtrongs record is not as good because he had access to a better bike.
Not sure why you think I believe others didn't have access. I believe they all have access and most use(d) it. That's precisely my argument. Both riders doped and both were up against other dopers.
Scapegoat? Absolutely not. Spacegoat perhaps. Actually, the only thing that bothers me is that others are not treated the same way. They all should be hung drawn and quartered like he was. Why arent others getting life bans in all sports? The only reason is because he won so many tours and to me that is irrelevant. Cheats are cheats.
His foundation does very little for cancer. It donates little, if anything, to actual research - it's just support and a useful PR facade for Lance.By the way, when he was winning the tours I hated this guy. Aside from the amazing work he's done for cancer I still do. I just dislike hypocrisy.
You said Merckx was up against those who drank too much coffee while he was getting found doping. I'm saying that's silly because people were doping too in Merckx's era, not just "coffee".
Because it's not just doping Lance is getting done for. The doping is arguably the least of his offences, in many ways. He threatened his teammates to comply with the doping regime, putting others in danger. He covered up evidence. He may have bribed or blackmailed the testers to get away with positive tests. He spoke out against those who called the sport dirty, such as Filippo Simeoni. He committed perjury. He did all of this for over a decade. This isn't just doping during a tour - this is systemic bullying and cheating. That is why he is getting a life ban, rather than a ban for a number of years.
His foundation does very little for cancer. It donates little, if anything, to actual research - it's just support and a useful PR facade for Lance.
Just support. Wow I can't believe you'd just dismiss that. I'm in research myself and I have far more admiration for those who provide support than my fellow researchers.
Systemic bullying isn't worthy of a lifetime ban. Systemic cheating is but then they are all systemic cheats. Why do they get to compete? Ban them for life and use the same rules for all. This reminds me a little of Rio's ban. 9 months for missing a test versus others who were actually positive and got less.
Systemic bullying isn't worthy of a lifetime ban.
Systemic cheating is but then they are all systemic cheats.
Why do they get to compete? Ban them for life and use the same rules for all. This reminds me a little of Rio's ban. 9 months for missing a test versus others who were actually positive and got less.
Absolutely this!! We all know Armstrong is a cheat and has been rightly stripped of his TDF titles. However, if he got a ban for cheating, then it should apply to all the others i.e. Schleck or Contador for a start. The authorities have turned a blind eye on letting these two take part in this years TDF when in reality they should have been banned. This would have sent an even clearer message to all those who want to win through cheating;
I am not a great fan of the bible, but I do believe that this particular expression rings true for the TDF: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." There is not one rider who has ever won the TDF cleanly, yet they make an example out of Armstrong, yet by the same token treat the likes of Mercxx like a hero. They were both cheats, nothing more, nothing less.
Freud is pissing himself in his grave.Lance has been drug through the mud, and "stripped" of his titles.