Kyle Rittenhouse | Now crowdfunding LOLsuits against Whoopi Goldberg, LeBron James, and The Young Turks

Clearly a psychopath looking for trouble.

Walking the streets with an automatic weapon should be banded in every country in the world. There are just to many nut jobs out there.

Or trying to defend the town from being looted / burned down. Clearly there's lots of nut jobs out there, Joseph Rosenbaum for one.
Or trying to defend the town from being looted / burned down. Clearly there's lots of nut jobs out there, Joseph Rosenbaum for one.
He had mental health issues, had just been released from hospital after attempting suicide.
He had mental health issues, had just been released from hospital after attempting suicide.

Also a piece of shit by most accounts

By 18, he was in prison for sexual conduct with five preteen boys, the children of people who had taken him in after his mother told him to leave her house, according to a presentencing report. He spent most of the next 14 years behind bars.
Or trying to defend the town from being looted / burned down. Clearly there's lots of nut jobs out there, Joseph Rosenbaum for one.

I'm not going to argue, about nothing I know little about. 17 year old walking the streets with a weapon.. fanatic.

Can't even buy beer, but a weapon..yeah.. okay.

Next thing you'll tell me is that an ambulance cost more than a taxi to a hospital in the US.
Did you see the story about the article you mentioned and the controversy surrounding the story? The author, (no longer with the NYTs) was told that her work wouldn’t get published until after the election?
No I didn't see that story.
I suppose that makes molesting preteen kids okay :rolleyes:

Neither him being abused as a child or him being an adult abuser are ok, nor did either justify him getting killed by "Kyle". His demise was strictly because he ran after a guy with a loaded weapon.
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Not being content with Rittenhouse being found not guilty, some people now seem intent on making the shooting not just not illegal, but strictly morally good, or righteous. Not just the references to the child abuser, as if Rittenhouse could have had the slightest idea about that, but also framing it as if he was "just looking to protect business". Not his businesses, of course, or businesses whose owners had asked him to protect them, nor even businesses in his state.

Though, even during the trial itself some people were very quick to focus on the fact that he carried a first aid kit and said he was a medic, which he wasn't.
If he did, would he have been sent home by policemen?

2 or 3 in particular. I'd actually prefer it if they came out and said so (show some balls) but these nicey nicey posts
"I'm unbiased BUT.." is disengenous.
This thread has really been an eye-opener about certain posters politics
No one who has ever been in this thread is gonna see the username and think of anything else. Of all the causes you could make the one you're so belligerent on that it comes to define you.
In my mind @Drainy is Kyle Rittenhouse
So we can call him a security guard, an EMT and a firefighter despite him being none of those things but we can’t call him a murderer after he’s killed two people. Ok then.
Well, the people he killed weren't "victims" apparently
It always is with this lot
Well I just remember footage from that night and I wonder when people feel entitled to burn down people's private property. As a matter of principle I would want someone burning down my stuff arrested and convicted. For people who think that is off-topic people are linking his not-guilty verdict with the rise of Nazi Germany.
The black lives matter movement is about the disregard of the social contract when applied to people of colour. If they're breaking the social contract, why shouldn't the people on the other side of the argument.

If anything, this vibes are coming from people like you, the hard left-wingers.

And you know it and you are proving it with every post you make.

Yeah, you completely fell for the left-wing propaganda and probably you would have fell for the Nazi propaganda back then aswell.
fecking hell, do you want a white supremacy badge?!
White privilege is just a construct that the media applies selectively to fit a narrative. It's been applied to Rittenhouse but not the other guy who drew a gun and got shot in the arm.

Strictly speaking far as the case is concerned, there's no racial angle here whatsoever, but the media will fan the flames for ratings. It all started when we got these 24/7 "news" channels, that are not news but "infotainment".
How the feck did work that one out? I'm guessing you're white, so it's just normal for you, you don't see how you're privileged
So, white guy shooting three other white guys is white privilege. However, the third white guy who drew a pistol but got shot in the in the arm instead is not white privilege because he was team blue.

Got it.
The white privilege is that he got to trial, whereas a POC wouldn't have lasted the night.
Complains about the quality of posts.

Makes posts like this; “White privilege is just a construct that the media applies selectively to fit a narrative.”
An adult man anally raped 9 year old children and that is your response?
You may not appreciate that many abusers were themselves abused, it doesn't make it alright in any way but it has an origin in a previous abuser. Children learn that it can be the only way to gain affection and carry that belief into adulthood. I just prefer not to try to de-humanise these people, not that it has any bearing on his death but his history was being brought up so I explained that there was more to the history.
WTF so funny? The quality of posting in the current has gone down the toilet.

Can't debate ideas anymore without these pomeranians barking all over the place.

If you have a point to make, please articulate it
Thank you, I so enjoy it when a poster is reduced to being abusive, particularly in this instance, you.
You may not appreciate that many abusers were themselves abused, it doesn't make it alright in any way but it has an origin in a previous abuser. Children learn that it can be the only way to gain affection and carry that belief into adulthood. I just prefer not to try to de-humanise these people, not that it has any bearing on his death but his history was being brought up so I explained that there was more to the history.
90% of abusers were abused. Simple fact is that when you mess up a kid when he's young, you feck him up for life
90% of abusers were abused. Simple fact is that when you mess up a kid when he's young, you feck him up for life
Different studies produce differing percentages.

A current one suggests that at least one in twenty men are abusers/pedophiles.
You may not appreciate that many abusers were themselves abused, it doesn't make it alright in any way but it has an origin in a previous abuser. Children learn that it can be the only way to gain affection and carry that belief into adulthood. I just prefer not to try to de-humanise these people, not that it has any bearing on his death but his history was being brought up so I explained that there was more to the history.
Okay, feel free to defend the paedophile rapist. You might say you're adding context but we know what you're really doing.

I mean... they were tears of happiness. Not tears of sadness. Of course he was going end up smiling after getting a few minutes to calm down.

I don't like the guy and I don't agree with the verdict. But this tweet just smacks of sensationalism for the sake of it.