Kyle Rittenhouse | Now crowdfunding LOLsuits against Whoopi Goldberg, LeBron James, and The Young Turks

wow. I called that one wrong. Just fecking stunned. Wow. This trial was a shit show and a joke from the beginning all the way through the verdict. Our justice system is a laughingstock.

Conservative cretins like DeSantis are now using Rittenhouse for fundraising. Just, staggering. Rittenhouse should change his name and go live an unassuming life somewhere and thank God every day that he is not in prison. Somehow I know that won't happen, and this little shitweasel cumstain will be appearing on all the right wing talk shows and will be gaining fame and notoriety.

It's important to remember that he will have a target on his back for the rest of his life, and he will be looking over his shoulder every minute he's outside his house, and some day someone is going to punch his ticket.
Yeah she saw an armed guy getting into a situation he knew he was not welcomed and his presence would cause hostility. Then you see how he behaved with his buddies, with the whole let's stir shit up mentality, and you put 2 and 2 together, it's not that hard.

Not what was in the evidence though. I’m sure if it was the prosecution would have presented it.
wow. I called that one wrong. Just fecking stunned. Wow. This trial was a shit show and a joke from the beginning all the way through the verdict. Our justice system is a laughingstock.

Conservative cretins like DeSantis are now using Rittenhouse for fundraising. Just, staggering. Rittenhouse should change his name and go live an unassuming life somewhere and thank God every day that he is not in prison. Somehow I know that won't happen, and this little shitweasel cumstain will be appearing on all the right wing talk shows and will be gaining fame and notoriety.

It's important to remember that he will have a target on his back for the rest of his life, and he will be looking over his shoulder every minute he's outside his house, and some day someone is going to punch his ticket.
Followed by a new self-defense trial? :nervous:
Judging by what I've read/seen in the last few days, this outcome makes sense. It's not surprising at all, imo. Leaving aside ideology and fear that this might become a precedence, it seems more justifiable than to sentence him guilty.

Trouble is, most people have a difficult time leaving out their cultural and political views when analyzing a situation like this. Instead of looking just at the legal issues, most privilege their preferred moral outcome over the facts.
wow. I called that one wrong. Just fecking stunned. Wow. This trial was a shit show and a joke from the beginning all the way through the verdict. Our justice system is a laughingstock.

Conservative cretins like DeSantis are now using Rittenhouse for fundraising. Just, staggering. Rittenhouse should change his name and go live an unassuming life somewhere and thank God every day that he is not in prison. Somehow I know that won't happen, and this little shitweasel cumstain will be appearing on all the right wing talk shows and will be gaining fame and notoriety.

It's important to remember that he will have a target on his back for the rest of his life, and he will be looking over his shoulder every minute he's outside his house, and some day someone is going to punch his ticket.

Didn’t people assume this about Zimmerman?
I'm not an attorney, but letting Rittenhouse walk free on a self-defense claim makes no sense. He brought a visible weapon into a heated situation and by virtue of the fact alone that he was carrying a visible weapon he presented himself as a potential danger to others, none of whom were proven to have lethal intent or the means to kill Rittenhouse.

How on earth can a self-defense claim be in any way credible, based on what we all saw at trial?
Not what was in the evidence though. I’m sure if it was the prosecution would have presented it.

I'm not a lawyer nor a judge. I see the way he behaved, I see the way he acted with his little fascist buddies, glamorizing violence and showing hostility towards those protesters. I see he carried an assault weapon he didn't have permission to have. I see him inserting himself into a volatile situation carrying that weapon, the same weapon he obviously fantasized about using.

If you don't see these things then fair enough, even though I can't understand why.

But if you do, I don't see how you can conclude something else other than his obvious will to go there and cause violence.
did you see something everybody else missed? There was absolutely no indication of that. It’s dangerous to just make shit up about a person.
I'm not making shit up about anymore. He's a calculated killer who knew how to work the broken judicial system. He put himself in that situation to stir shit up hoping for a reaction and an excuse to shoot a few people.
wow. I called that one wrong. Just fecking stunned. Wow. This trial was a shit show and a joke from the beginning all the way through the verdict. Our justice system is a laughingstock.

Conservative cretins like DeSantis are now using Rittenhouse for fundraising. Just, staggering. Rittenhouse should change his name and go live an unassuming life somewhere and thank God every day that he is not in prison. Somehow I know that won't happen, and this little shitweasel cumstain will be appearing on all the right wing talk shows and will be gaining fame and notoriety.

It's important to remember that he will have a target on his back for the rest of his life, and he will be looking over his shoulder every minute he's outside his house, and some day someone is going to punch his ticket.

Didn't they say the same about Zimmerman though? As far as I remember, he even joked about it all on social media and is still breathing.
I'm not a lawyer nor a judge. I see the way he behaved, I see the way he acted with his little fascist buddies, glamorizing violence and showing hostility towards those protesters. I see he carried an assault weapon he didn't have permission to have. I see him inserting himself into a volatile situation carrying that weapon, the same weapon he obviously fantasized about using.

If you don't see these things then fair enough, even though I can't understand why.

But if you do, I don't see how you can conclude something else other than his obvious will to go there and cause violence.

Absolutely this. It’s fecking bollocks.
Trouble is, most people have a difficult time leaving out their cultural and political views when analyzing a situation like this. Instead of looking just at the legal issues, most privilege their preferred moral outcome over the facts.

So you think most people here would be defending a black lad doing something like this at a trump rally and killing a couple of people?
I'm not a lawyer nor a judge. I see the way he behaved, I see the way he acted with his little fascist buddies, glamorizing violence and showing hostility towards those protesters. I see he carried an assault weapon he didn't have permission to have. I see him inserting himself into a volatile situation carrying that weapon, the same weapon he obviously fantasized about using.

If you don't see these things then fair enough, even though I can't understand why.

But if you do, I don't see how you can conclude something else other than his obvious will to go there and cause violence.

It‘s definitely possible (in fact, likely) he went there to throw his weight around, bully and intimidate people. To feel like a big man (or an alpha, as dickheads like him are fond of saying)

But did he go there intending to kill (or even seriously injure) someone? Not sure how you can say that with any certainty.
I'm not a lawyer nor a judge. I see the way he behaved, I see the way he acted with his little fascist buddies, glamorizing violence and showing hostility towards those protesters. I see he carried an assault weapon he didn't have permission to have. I see him inserting himself into a volatile situation carrying that weapon, the same weapon he obviously fantasized about using.

If you don't see these things then fair enough, even though I can't understand why.

But if you do, I don't see how you can conclude something else other than his obvious will to go there and cause violence.
Exactly he orchestrated it all and a part of him knew this would be the outcome. They have no fear because they know they can just pull the victim card and literally get away with murder
He went there with the intent to kill. That's the bottomline.

Exactly. He may have been being pounded on or whatever and can see that being self defense but it doesn't change the fact he had (as far as I know) absolutely no reason to be there, let alone with a gun
So you think most people here would be defending a black lad doing something like this at a trump rally and killing a couple of people?
You're asking if most people here (Redcafe you mean?) would be defending a black guy doing the same as Rittenhouse did? I'm pretty sure they would.
Trouble is, most people have a difficult time leaving out their cultural and political views when analyzing a situation like this. Instead of looking just at the legal issues, most privilege their preferred moral outcome over the facts.

Yeah, unfortunately so, laymans tend to do that. I'm just a little bit surprised that so many people do not even try to understand the necessary objectiveness of the law and why cases that have such an outcome are not necessarily a sign of an unhealthy/biased legal system.
Two wrongs don't make a right. I understand that many on the left and black people in general are looking for more validity/standing in the US, but demanding biased jurisdiction in any direction won't fix the issues the US have.

Kyle Rittenhouse is most likely a racist asshole and a despicable human being - at least from what I judge by - but that wasn't what that trial was all about, actually. Many have confused these two things, which is rather unfortunate.
It‘s definitely possible (in fact, likely) he went there to throw his weight around, bully and intimidate people. To feel like a big man (or an alpha, as dickheads like him are fond of saying)

But did he go there intending to kill (or even seriously injure) someone? Not sure how you can say that with any certainty.

I can't read minds, no, but when I put everything together I can't conclude anything else.
You're asking if most people here (Redcafe you mean?) would be defending a black guy doing the same as Rittenhouse did? I'm pretty sure they would.

That's actually an interesting point. If a black kid did that and killed a couple of white Trump supporters (in the same manor, but lets say he had a pistol instead), I would have probably been much more sympathetic which does show my bias.
Watching MSNBC coverage as they will be the most critical. All their lawyers are saying the prosecution really didnt prove their case.
Exactly he orchestrated it all and a part of him knew this would be the outcome. They have no fear because they know they can just pull the victim card and literally get away with murder

Absolutely, it's impossible to ignore the way these feckers acted beforehand, acting like they were going to afghanistan.
You're asking if most people here (Redcafe you mean?) would be defending a black guy doing the same as Rittenhouse did? I'm pretty sure they would.

What? Are you serious? Can you quote a few posts?
Watching MSNBC coverage as they will be the most critical. All their lawyers are saying the prosecution really didnt prove their case.

I agree with that and wonder what the motive was. From what I know about prosecuting attorneys they don't like to take cases they think they can't win. So why did they fail so badly here? My suspicion is that they were protecting the city of Kenosha, Kenosha country and the police from financial damages.
OK Pogue... yeah that's it, I'm secretly fantasizing about killing people I hate.

I think he means you're biased and judging because of ideology, not that you're secretly fantasizing about killing people.