Knox/Sollecito Appeal Verdict due Today

Not shocked by the verdict, would not have been shocked had it come out the other way. If as we all suspect, Knox is not extradited, then Sollecito could end up doing time while she stays free.
Not shocked by the verdict, would not have been shocked had it come out the other way. If as we all suspect, Knox is not extradited, then Sollecito could end up doing time while she stays free.
Italy's Court of Cessation has to confirm the verdict, there shouldn't be any jailing or requests for extradition until or if then although I would expect that they'll stop Sollecito from leaving the country if he hasn't already.
Sollecito's lawyers said afterwards it is the first case they have come across where the judges all seem to be ignoring the expert findings and prefer to go on rumours.

It's a very heavy sentence to give her if they are going on the pretence that she is an accessory of murder which I would think they would have to as the other fella has confessed hasn't he?

Knox's lawyers say they are sad for Amanda and are glad she is in the US.
Italy's Court of Cessation has to confirm the verdict, there shouldn't be any jailing or requests for extradition until or if then although I would expect that they'll stop Sollecito from leaving the country if he hasn't already.

He has already been told that he has to surrender all travel documents as far as I am aware.
I was listening to the radio during the week and an Italian journalist was being interviewed and he felt a guilty verdict was a certainty from well before the trial began. His view was that the Italian judiciary didn't like being made to look foolish on the world stage.
He has already been told that he has to surrender all travel documents as far as I am aware.
You don't really need one to leave Italy but Europe is a bit harder. The Dominican Republic has no extradition treaty with Italy. I understand Knox has recently visited.
You don't really need one to leave Italy but Europe is a bit harder. The Dominican Republic has no extradition treaty with Italy. I understand Knox has recently visited.

If I were him I would do my best to get out of Italy as soon as I could.
In fact it would not surprise me in the slightest if Sollecito's team actually had a contingency plan to move him out of Italy and fast if a guilty verdict was handed down as it has been.
Be interesting. I'd go through Austria and keep going east lol.

I would head straight for the boarder. I wouldn't be hanging around that's for sure.
Yes, that too.

Hell he wasn't in court today because he said he felt too stressed for it. Who knows, maybe they were just waiting for the verdict to be revealed and he has possibly already fecked off somewhere.

However the more realistic side of things is he is at home and will eventually be fecked into prison provided this new conviction is upheld.
I would not have even bothered sticking around for the trial.

Neither would have I. However been tonight he still would have a very small window of opportunity to get the feck out of Italy.
Hell he wasn't in court today because he said he felt too stressed for it. Who knows, maybe they were just waiting for the verdict to be revealed and he has possibly already fecked off somewhere.

However the more realistic side of things is he is at home and will eventually be fecked into prison provided this new conviction is upheld.
He was in the court in Florence earlier today. Puglia is about 7 hours away where his home is, the French Border is about 2 hours away, the Swiss one 3 and the Austrian about 4 hours. He's had time if they haven't kept an eye on him.
He was in the court in Florence earlier today. Puglia is about 7 hours away where his home is, the French Border is about 2 hours away, the Swiss one 3 and the Austrian about 4 hours. He's had time if they haven't kept an eye on him.

Yeah he definitely has had an opportunity. A few hours tonight where he could have got out of Italy undetected.
Maybe Italy has extradition treaties with France, Switzerland and Austria and hopping borders would not do him any good. He'll be re-captured and brought back to Italy. He needs Clint Eastwood to help him.
Some days the more you read about the various criminal justice systems around the world (and yes the US system is a part of this world) the more I think if you are ever accused of a crime that running is your best option.
Maybe Italy has extradition treaties with France, Switzerland and Austria and hopping borders would not do him any good. He'll be re-captured and brought back to Italy. He needs Clint Eastwood to help him.
All European countries have a form of extradition treaty I believe, my thoughts are that he heads east from Europe.
Some days the more you read about the various criminal justice systems around the world (and yes the US system is a part of this world) the more I think if you are ever accused of a crime that running is your best option.

Especially if it gets a lot of coverage. You only have to look at the 9 11 conspiracy nuts.
She's guilty all right, She stole my heart.

Some days the more you read about the various criminal justice systems around the world (and yes the US system is a part of this world) the more I think if you are ever accused of a crime that running is your best option.
Don't know about that, Knox incredibly got off last time around.
Italy's system does seem particularly shambolic.
The justice system is based on Roman law and the Napoleonic Code, it's a bit older than most of ours and thus a bit difficult for some of us to relate to but you know what, there's that saying about "When in Rome..."? If Amanda wanted to commit crimes in another country then she submits herself to that country's code of justice.
The justice system is based on Roman law and the Napoleonic Code, it's a bit older than most of ours and thus a bit difficult for some of us to relate to but you know what, there's that saying about "When in Rome..."? If Amanda wanted to commit crimes in another country then she submits herself to that country's code of justice.

While that is true, it doesn't prevent criticism against the code of justice. You can't legitimise the stoning of an adulteress in Iran, for instance.
I don't hold entirely with that line of thinking. I do in the sense that you can't really complain if you drink in public in Saudi and get punished for it - breaching specific laws that differ from home. On the other hand when a miscarriage of justice occurs, and this was that irrespective of her guilt as the evidence was very dodgy and the police tactics unconscionable, I think you are quite entitled to object.
While that is true, it doesn't prevent criticism against the code of justice. You can't legitimise the stoning of an adulteress in Iran, for instance.
One of the reasons I wouldn't go to Iran but yes that is a good point. However I think an awful amount of misinformation has been propagated by the Big Amanda Knox PR machine about the Banana Republic known as Italy while in the US of A you can be stopped in your car and have all your belongings confiscated on little or no evidence. Let's please not forget that there are miscarriages of justice everywhere and having just a little knowledge of Italy myself I'm skeptical of statements attesting to their "backwardness".
One of the reasons I wouldn't go to Iran but yes that is a good point. However I think an awful amount of misinformation has been propagated by the Big Amanda Knox PR machine about the Banana Republic known as Italy while in the US of A you can be stopped in your car and have all your belongings confiscated on little or no evidence. Let's please not forget that there are miscarriages of justice everywhere and having just a little knowledge of Italy myself I'm skeptical of statements attesting to their "backwardness".

I agree with you. While Italy probably is far from perfect, they're still subject to the European Convention on Human Rights and EU regulations. Any major injustice in the proceedings would certainly be subject to a trial by the European Court of Human Rights, entitling the defendants to damages from the Italian state.
I agree with you. While Italy probably is far from perfect, they're still subject to the European Convention on Human Rights and EU regulations. Any major injustice in the proceedings would certainly be subject to a trial by the European Court of Human Rights, entitling the defendants to damages from the Italian state.
I can't say I'm fully conversant with the Italian legal system but I think it differs to the UK and USA in that there is no presumption of innocence. Also there is no "Double Jeopardy, just as there isn't any now in the UK. Interestingly I discovered that Louisiana follows the Napoleonic Code also but is alone of the other 49 states of the USA to do so.

I certainly agree that I would think that Knox's lawyers will appeal in the Italian Courts and then the European Court of Human Rights but again I'm skeptical that these have been infringed despite accusations against the Italian police. I've never run afoul of the police in Italy but where I've had contact with them they have been thoroughly civilised, intelligent and thoughtful. But them I wouldn't want to cross them, I doubt that they take any nonsense.
Be interesting. I'd go through Austria and keep going east lol.
Apparently Sollecito was stopped at the Austrian border following the verdict.
I can't say I'm fully conversant with the Italian legal system but I think it differs to the UK and USA in that there is no presumption of innocence. Also there is no "Double Jeopardy, just as there isn't any now in the UK. Interestingly I discovered that Louisiana follows the Napoleonic Code also but is alone of the other 49 states of the USA to do so.

I certainly agree that I would think that Knox's lawyers will appeal in the Italian Courts and then the European Court of Human Rights but again I'm skeptical that these have been infringed despite accusations against the Italian police. I've never run afoul of the police in Italy but where I've had contact with them they have been thoroughly civilised, intelligent and thoughtful. But them I wouldn't want to cross them, I doubt that they take any nonsense.

My knowledge of the Italian justice system is limited, but they do seem to have the presumption of innocence like all "civilised" states. Whether this is implemented in practice or not, I can't say. However, both the presumption of innocence and the prohibition of "double jeopardy" are clearly part of the European Convention of Human Rights. Consequently not implementing these principles would be a very costly affair for Italy.
My knowledge of the Italian justice system is limited, but they do seem to have the presumption of innocence like all "civilised" states. Whether this is implemented in practice or not, I can't say. However, both the presumption of innocence and the prohibition of "double jeopardy" are clearly part of the European Convention of Human Rights. Consequently not implementing these principles would be a very costly affair for Italy.
That's interesting then, presumably if that is so then the UK must also run afoul of the European Court of Human Rights.
That's interesting then, presumably if that is so then the UK must also run afoul of the European Court of Human Rights.

I don't know. The almighty source of law, Wikipedia, states that double jeopardy in the UK is only allowed under certain, exceptional cases, which may be justifiable.
I don't know. The almighty source of law, Wikipedia, states that double jeopardy in the UK is only allowed under certain, exceptional cases, which may be justifiable.
Yes that sounds likely. Wasn't Double Jeopardy ignored with the suspects in the Stephen Lawrence case where they had been originally tried and acquitted and then tried again?
Yes that sounds likely. Wasn't Double Jeopardy ignored with the suspects in the Stephen Lawrence case where they had been originally tried and acquitted and then tried again?

Must have been a case of new evidence being found. In such cases, a new trial makes sense.
Must have been a case of new evidence being found. In such cases, a new trial makes sense.
Presumably the difference then is that the Italian Court of Appeal overturned the Not Guilty verdict on Appeal because they said that not all of the evidence had been "considered".