Yes I did, in my previous posts. Go and see on the previous page. I did not say because Farage endorsed it, it must be egregious. I said the fact Farage felt able to endorse it is illuminating in regards to why someone might feel it is egregious. Clearly, if the leader of the Labour party has said something which a figure as contemptible as Farage endorses, there's a good chance he's said something potentially egregious. It's also quite insulting to suggest that I quoted a Black person based only on their colour. He offered an insightful perspective of what Starmer said that never occurred to me and which I had not covered in my posts, that's why I shared it.
Again, it is another strawman. Nobody is saying Starmer should come out and say he does not support the police and wants to defund them. This is tiresome. Literally not a single person on here has argued that. Yes, it would be politically detrimental, no one said otherwise.