This article from two academics seems like a good place to start -
There’s a lot to be gained from research in the social sciences which will often have universal principles, and comparing the UK with other countries that spend far less per citizen on police but have better law and order outcomes.
Huh? I’ve literally posted you a link that’s a starting point on why defunding the police and focusing investment elsewhere could be the best way to get there. My counterclaim to you would be post the evidence that more funding for the police is the way to get there. There’s only one of us attempting to engage with the literature here which is kinda unhelpful, especially when you then accuse me of deflecting.
Im going to rant a bit and its not directed at you in particular but the problem with articles like this is that they are written by people who do not have the slightest clue about day to day policing and dont seem to have the slightest clue about people in general and the nastiness of the world and it always shows.
These people I imagine have never been victims of serious crime and don’t know anyone who has. I also imagine these people probably aren’t suspects in serious crimes. Because hilariously enough, actual criminals I meet talk more sense than these muppets.
I’ll pick out a particular bit of that which just makes me roll my eyes.
However, part of the reason police appear overstretched is that they are being called upon to respond to incidents and issues – such as rough-sleeping, mental health crises, drug and alcohol-related problems, domestic violence, issues relating to Covid-19 – that could be far more effectively and humanely addressed by well-funded, community-based emergency support teams, crisis intervention and violence de-escalation workers.
Community based work support teams? I keep seeing shit like this. Once you’ve defunded police and try to set up your ‘Community based support teams‘, just who the feck are the people lining up to take on these jobs?
Who are these people out there willing to attend rough sleeper, domestic violence, drug and alcohol calls multiple times a day and at 3am in the morning Who aren’t the police? Who are these feckin people? Where are they? Do people honestly think there are thousands of people out there lining up to take on these roles? Jobs?
Honestly, the delusion of articles like this.
Attending these type of calls requires a certain trait. Most people DO NOT and are completely frightened by the idea of confrontation.
This is why mental health workers, LAS workers and social workers call police to assist them with their patients when things get out of hand. They don’t call their fecking ‘neighbours’.
Whilst these people are vital and do a fantastic job they have no interest in physical or verbal confrontation.
‘Crisis intervention and de-escalation workers’ yeah they’re called fecking police you obnoxious ignorant twat. Joe public has no fecking interest in rolling around on the edge of balconies and in the middle of the road with people high on coke. You cannot fecking micromanage these incidents and pick and choose like it’s clear cut because it never ever is.
To this end, ‘defund the police’ might have its most direct translation in calls to stop the planned expansion of police budgets and recruitment of police officers, to disarm police of their
guns and tasers, to remove stop and search and
strip search powers and to abolish units such as the Territorial Support Group, which exist only to quell social unrest.
There are 40,000 assaults on Emergency workers in a year (including ambulance staff etc)
There have been 18 deaths by taser in 16 years in policing. Yeah it’s clear police in the U.K. need less PPE.
I guess this falls into people’s desperation to relate things in the U.K. to things in the US. As if we have issues with death by gun and taser. Stop embarrassing yourselves and grow up you muppets.
That articles also claims the 2011 riots were anti police riots? Ah yes of course, that’s why thousands were breaking into stores stealing Nike trainers, TVs and mobile phones. That’s why they were destroying and stealing from small local businesses and corner shops. Yeah they really showed the police.
What I mostly hate about articles like this is the complete and utter disregard for the long suffering victims out there who suffer horrendously because of a lack of numbers and resources in policing, a lenient justice system and a lack of accountability and criminality of certain offences.
All these extreme lefties seem to forget about these people in their delusional ‘community based support workers’ crackpot world.
When you say defund the U.K. police think about what you’re saying, think about the bigger picture. You’re not going to just take money away from ‘naughty stop and search officers’ or ‘ TSG’ you’re going to take money away from domestic violence victims, rape victims, burglary victims, robbery victims, sex trafficking victims, child abuse victims.
Are these people even aware of how much money, time and resource is pumped into policing and investigating these crimes and putting the criminals away? I just can’t fathom this thinking.
Just please shut the feck up, you don’t know anything About anything, keep your self satisfying, delusional thoughts in your mind and stop plastering them all over social media you insufferable cretins.
Leave policing procedures and politics to the people who know about it and stick to what you know.... calling Tory voters cnuts and shoving your massively flawed opinions down the throat of anyone who has the misfortune of following you on social media. Don’t overstretch.