Keir Starmer Labour Leader

Other than it being a daft security risk, it was quite funny. Sadly the 'if you think that bothers me, you don't know me' response was the genuine Starmer, he doesn't give a feck about anything other than what he thinks he needs to say to get in. Remember when he used to join picket lines? That was just what he needed to do then, not what he believes in.
Cheers. Although imo that’s still very weird for a politician in 2023 to bring up.

Not really when you consider what the world/planet is facing, in the next 5-10 decades or so.

It is in the nature of the male of the species to build and then to destroy whereas the inherent nature of the female of the species is to tend towards nurturing, and if this world/planet needs anything in the next 50 to 100 years it's lots and lots of nurturing.... 'and the meek shall inherit the earth.

*I won't be around to see it, but if women don't start to rule the world, by the end of the 21st century.....there won't be one left.
Must be great seeing a professional looking labour party behaving like a government in waiting, eh?
Must be great seeing a professional looking labour party behaving like a government in waiting, eh?
"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."
"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

Translation: “Yep, it’s great and I’m in no way bitter about being stuck on the margins”.
Must be great seeing a professional looking labour party behaving like a government in waiting, eh?

Other than it being a daft security risk, it was quite funny. Sadly the 'if you think that bothers me, you don't know me' response was the genuine Starmer, he doesn't give a feck about anything other than what he thinks he needs to say to get in. Remember when he used to join picket lines? That was just what he needed to do then, not what he believes in.

I think thats him trying to seem tough. He really believes he needs to be a proto-Tory to get elected. It reminds me of when he told environmental protesters to "go home" or all his posing with flags. It's just him cosplaying as a tough guy.
You're like a brexiteer, gloating about drinking remainer tears.
Maybe a bit, but I'm mostly trying to encourage people on here to see and accept that this is what an electable Party actually looks like, and it's good thing. You need to hold these memories, they will inoculate you against the next bout of activist driven political madness in the future.
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I mean its obvious, if there's anything we've learned in British and American politics, is that taking a dissenting stance against Israel is often akin to career suicide. Starmer would have been chewed out by the media had he shown a modicum of solidarity with Palestinian suffering.
I mean its obvious, if there's anything we've learned in British and American politics, is that taking a dissenting stance against Israel is often akin to career suicide. Starmer would have been chewed out by the media had he shown a modicum of solidarity with Palestinian suffering.
Yea, 100%. Just look at what the media did to Corbyn for his stance.
"The media".


Can you imagine the contortions Corbyn would be dragging Labour through re: the attack, if he was still leader now. Oh. My. God.
Aye, good thing we have upstanding Sir Keir supporting essential warcrimes of collectively punishing and depriving a desperate people of food, water, medicines and electricity.
Aye, good thing we have upstanding Sir Keir supporting essential warcrimes of collectively punishing and depriving a desperate people of food, water, medicines and electricity.

The couple's son and daughter are being brought up in the Jewish faith of their mother - wikki.

His wife is Jewish. Do you think he'd take the side of people that filmed themselves killing people (civilians) in a field even if his wife wasn't Jewish?
Do you think he'd take the side of people that filmed themselves killing people (civilians) in a field even if his wife wasn't Jewish?

How is this relevant here? He wasn’t asked about supporting Israel… That’s normal. Everyone supports Israel.

He was asked about the inhumane collective punishment being enacted as revenge and he kind of supported that.
How is this relevant here? He wasn’t asked about supporting Israel… That’s normal. Everyone supports Israel.

He was asked about the inhumane collective punishment being enacted as revenge and he kind of supported that.

I'm just saying that he wouldn't even speak about it, he might say it's wrong - but if your looking for politicians to be some kind of mural compass, you're looking in the wrong place.
The lengths his apologists go to defend him makes the 'cult' crap from the last leader look even more like the projection we knew it was. Turns out even announcing that he feels Israel have the right to ignore international law isn't beyond their attempts.

LBC are also desperately trying to cover their arses after letting a guest announce support for war crimes on air without one iota of pushback.

Quite frankly if you vote for this guy, you're a cnut.
Even I didn't have him down as someone who'd come out in support of war crimes. Fair play Keir, even more authoritarian than I gave you credit for.

Human rights lawyer.

Anyone who votes for this shite just isn’t left wing in any sense.
Even I didn't have him down as someone who'd come out in support of war crimes. Fair play Keir, even more authoritarian than I gave you credit for.

Feck sake we've got another politician who is given 2 phrases to repeat again and again to answer any question asked. Don't they realise that it makes no fecking sense?
New to this chat, and new-ish to this country - looking for a bit of an explanation.

What would it take for the folks in this country, who clearly are fed up with the Tories, to not say feck off to every Labour PM candidate the instant they put one foot wrong?
Any comments on your boy coming out in support of war crimes, nick?
There are no angels in any of this mess Dobba, but if you want, at this time, to use the murder of a bunch of Israelis as an excuse to score facile political points, then go ahead.
Even I didn't have him down as someone who'd come out in support of war crimes. Fair play Keir, even more authoritarian than I gave you credit for.

I don't understand the logic that says you should provide your enemy with power, food and water.
They are your sworn enemy who has just carried out attacks on your people killing many hundreds of them and doing unspeakable things to them.
There are no angels in any of this mess Dobba, but if you want, at this time, to use the murder of a bunch of Israelis as an excuse to score facile political points, then go ahead.

The leader of one of the two major parties in the UK comes out in support of war crimes, and you try to deflect. Meanwhile, if a student says something, you're on their case:

People should be allowed to grow up. But it's a stain especially if you are at Harvard because you want to enter the top 0.1%, a group not particularly well known for its radicalism or its sense of humour.

They may be students but they are also adults accountable for their opinions.
I don't understand the logic that says you should provide your enemy with power, food and water.
They are your sworn enemy who has just carried out attacks on your people killing many hundreds of them and doing unspeakable things to them.
I'm genuinely shocked that you would post this. Do you really not understand?
I don't understand the logic that says you should provide your enemy with power, food and water.
They are your sworn enemy who has just carried out attacks on your people killing many hundreds of them and doing unspeakable things to them.
It's morals not logic.