What is the major difference, economic, between the Tory government now, and the Labour government of tomorrow? Can anyone detail this for me in fine analysis? Election is about a year out. Curious.
And those negation of right/freedom to protest bills which came in under the Tories were, despite protests (public), entirely supported by Labour. You have two establishment parties and the difference between them is minute unless I am mistaken and there is a world of economic distance between the Tories and Labour which can be demonstrated? Why not repeal anti-people laws like curtailing the right to protest? It was called authoritarian when the Tories did it, rightly, and now it is something else because people don't want to attack Labour, as if they were a golden gift from heaven, sent to save the people from Tory/establishment rule.
Two parties, minute differences. Until someone can go line for line, policy-costed, and commitment for commitment, then I retain my skepticism regarding Labour as but a red tinted establishment party with tiny symbolic divergences from the blue-tint.
Q: Why won't you repeal the anti-democratic law?
A: (Avoiding Question) We'll focus on growing the economy.
Q: ...but the law you opposed and said you'd repeal?
A: (Avoiding Question) We're very different to Home Secretary, Blue-team...
Q: ...the repeal of that bill/law then?
A: (Continued avoidance/lying) We'll grow the economy and fight for Britain unlike the blue-team [a Johnson line as it goes].
As for O'Brien. A product of the media apparatus parasitical "access" culture. Subtext for the juxtaposition: "[I have spoken with {insert person fools/media types think are worth associating with, for it gives them cultural capital within their own platforms} and I can tell you, what they told me - indicating my "access to them - distinction"] You are a fool/naive to assume that people I interact with and indicate my access to, for such is my parasitical "seagulls follow the trawler" job, and these people, red-team, assure me that you are a fool to doubt them, and thus let me announce with authority, by virtue of access, your lack of access and my own bonafides".
Therein lies the manufacture of consent, subliminal, as social fact, within the media apparatus. Likes of O'Brien are aware to a certain extent, but entirely "uninformed" regarding the broader sociological fact.
Chomsky: I'm sure you believe everything - journalistic intent - you say/write, but if you believed differently, [divergent frame from orthodox], you would not be sitting where you are sitting. That is the basic nuance of media types. Nothing to do with Marxism everything to do with basic structural/sociological facts.
For reference ^
That is O'Brien within the modern media landscape. Inculcation of establishment values and then incapacity to depart from them less they lose their membership ticket (not self-censoring, as Chomsky says, but the subliminal/institutional inculcation of loyalty to any given state system: you do not, at all, in establishment/legacy media, reach said positions without adhering to state-lines within a predictable degree of convergence/divergence.