Music Kanye West

I can’t remember who I saw say it on Twitter earlier, but I can’t help feeling that this long distance diagnosis of mental illness that people are engaging in, without knowing anything about him really, is somewhat disturbing.
I kinda get what he was trying to say although it is still totally ignorant .

He is saying if he was a slave he would have rebelled and not just took it and compared himself to black heros who did rebel against slavery .

In a way it's like when Mark Wahlburg said if he was on one of the 911 planes things would have been different .

Both statements are stupid ignorant and completely disrespectful and that is what Kanye is guilty off .

He is not the first rap artist to say dumb stuff , freedom got an ak by the da lench mob covers the same ground as his slavery comments but kanye does tend to say dumb stuff a lot .

The best reply iv seen to this so far is by Wendell Pierce from the wire he wrote a few tweets today which really went at Kanye .
What heroic act has he ever done to suggest that? :lol: I'm sure writing a song about being vilified would have changed everything.
I guess he'd join his friend Donald when running into that school too...
I can’t remember who I saw say it on Twitter earlier, but I can’t help feeling that this long distance diagnosis of mental illness that people are engaging in, without knowing anything about him really, is somewhat disturbing.

Probably people are just finding it hard to believe that he is actually that stupid.
Is every corner of the TMZ office covered by live microphones?

I feel like I'm watching TOWIE.
I can’t remember who I saw say it on Twitter earlier, but I can’t help feeling that this long distance diagnosis of mental illness that people are engaging in, without knowing anything about him really, is somewhat disturbing.

In fairness he has mentioned a few times that he was on anti-depressants like Lexapro. Given he was also hospitalised in 2016 after experiencing a bout of paranoia and hallucinations, I'd say the fact that he has had mental health issues in the past is public knowledge at this point.

It's the claims that he's doing X, Y or Z because of those issues that are really questionable as it's a very glib and dismissive way to talk about someone.
His knew trainers look horrible, but no doubt they’ll sell for thousands just because they’ve got his name on it.

It’s a great social experiment, It just shows something is cool if you’re told it is.
Interesting video but I feel he tries too hard to seem like some philosophical genius when what he says is actually just a load of bollocks, for lack of a better term.

I thought Kimmel was brilliant in how he went about it which was why I posted the interview more than for Kanye himself at one point he completely shut Kanye up by bringing up the "Bush hates black people" moment.

Kanye did have one good moment where he said black people don't medicate themselves and that was a big part of his earlier creativity and how his music changed with since then through 808s to the latter years.

The only ‘bizarre’ thing here is why we, as a society, are quite happy to continue down this ‘We’ll censor what we don’t approve of and silence those guilty of wrong-think” route our media overlords are forcing on us and accept this phenomenon as being okay.

History will not look kindly on these past two/three years when the dust eventually settles, I’m convinced of it.
The only ‘bizarre’ thing here is why we, as a society, are quite happy to continue down this ‘We’ll censor what we don’t approve of and silence those guilty of wrong-think” route our media overlords are forcing on us and accept this phenomenon as being okay.

History will not look kindly on these past two/three years when the dust eventually settles, I’m convinced of it.

Whilst I don't disagree with what you're saying, I think his rant didn't air because it went over the allotted time slot for SNL, not because of the political content.

Personally, I think both the left and the right are happy playing their roles.
The left are comfortable having a holier-than-thou attitude, particularly when it comes to social justice
And the right are thriving off the 'woe-is-me, won't somebody think about me? Everybody is a libtard' victim complex too.
Kanye doesn’t seem to understand the irony of talking about peace and love while wearing a maga hat. And check out all the white maga folks on twitter “caring” about racism now.
The only ‘bizarre’ thing here is why we, as a society, are quite happy to continue down this ‘We’ll censor what we don’t approve of and silence those guilty of wrong-think” route our media overlords are forcing on us and accept this phenomenon as being okay.

History will not look kindly on these past two/three years when the dust eventually settles, I’m convinced of it.

Huh? Kanye was defending the god damn President of the United States. He was defending a guy who is part of a party that controls all 3 branches of government. Who in the hell would be censoring him?
Huh? Kanye was defending the god damn President of the United States. He was defending a guy who is part of a party that controls all 3 branches of government. Who in the hell would be censoring him?
Er......a private corporation of course, don't you know how free speech works!?!?!?

I'm joking, your right this has nothing to do with free speech
Also note the amount of people, including Kanye, who fail to see the irony that he was invited to perform on SNL to begin with, knowing his views and tendencies to be controversial. Censorship, my ass. Just idiocy.
Also note the amount of people, including Kanye, who fail to see the irony that he was invited to perform on SNL to begin with, knowing his views and tendencies to be controversial. Censorship, my ass. Just idiocy.

He has been alienating his core fanbase for most of the year yet it has not hurt his popularity too much.
He has been alienating his core fanbase for most of the year yet it has not hurt his popularity too much.
He's probably gaining new fans as much as he is losing them. But he's still putting out good hits so as long as he does that, he's going to still be popular. Music wise, I'm still a fan. I just think he's a bit mental upstairs.
I heavily disagree with that statement. TLOP was mediocre, Ye was pure hot steaming trash.

Anyways, this is how Kanye has always been. New music is about to come out, he’ll say/do something stupid to bring attention to himself to try and juice the numbers (beef with 50 during Graduation). Par for the course with most rappers really, he’s just so OTT that it’s corny now. I would brush it under the rug if the music was great, but it’s not. The poop scoop song, as much of clownshow as it was, had the best Ye beat since Yeezus, which is pretty sad.
I meant hits as in it’s still “hot” on the airwaves. Nothing he puts out holds a candle to Graduation days.
It's like him and Trump are having a competition to be the biggest cnut. And somehow, he's actually winning.

I only ever liked one of his songs somewhat (the Ray Charles cover), but my God, he's such a monumental tool. I'm half convinced he's just an actor playing an elaborate fake persona to troll us.
Huh? Kanye was defending the god damn President of the United States. He was defending a guy who is part of a party that controls all 3 branches of government. Who in the hell would be censoring him?

Come on, this is a bit disingenuous. I’m an Englishman with only a faint knowledge of SNL and NBC but even I know it’s ridiculously left wing with a huge amount of anti-Trump sentiment. Most of American TV and Hollywood, alas the arts in general, is incredibly left wing. It’s very rare to hear anything pro-Trump or of conservative ideology. Can you not see the basis for suspicion?
Given how badly Trump hitched his wagon to Kanye it'd be fecking hilarious if yandhi is a vicious Trump diss from A to Z.
Come on, this is a bit disingenuous. I’m an Englishman with only a faint knowledge of SNL and NBC but even I know it’s ridiculously left wing with a huge amount of anti-Trump sentiment. Most of American TV and Hollywood, alas the arts in general, is incredibly left wing. It’s very rare to hear anything pro-Trump or of conservative ideology. Can you not see the basis for suspicion?

SNL is so left wing they had Donald Trump host after he started campaigning for President.

> We will provide jobs for all who are free from prisons as we abolish the 13th amendment

Jeff Sessions is the fecking AG :lol:
Likelier to repeal the abolition part of the amendment, not the prison exception.
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I actually like this guy. He's a moron, but I like him for some reason.


Hard to believe that Kim comes across as the sensible one here and it's like she's taking care of another child.
I still believe he’s playing a character.