Jordan Henderson | New Athletic Interview: I strongly believe that me playing in Saudi Arabia is a positive thing

Some people are perfectly fine with SA and they don't give a shit about the lgbt community, they just know they're no supposed to come out and say it. By defending these players with strawmen and whataboutism, they're somehow trying to justify to themselves why their own personal views are ok. It's a defense mechanism in a way.

If someone tells me they support lgbt rights but they're fine with what henderson is doing, they're lying about the first.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "support". If it involves spending time or money on pro-LGBT activities, not getting outraged over Henderson doesn't negate their good work.

If the support you're talking about is just berating people on forums at no personal cost, then I agree.
I guess it depends on what you mean by "support". If it involves spending time or money on pro-LGBT activities, not getting outraged over Henderson doesn't negate their good work.

If the support you're talking about is just berating people on forums at no personal cost, then I agree.
I mean in that general sense, like when people answer polls. People who deep down don't care either way but they know they're supposed to say they do.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the hospitality of the hosts, the enthusiasm of the fans, the exciting league and the irreplaceable sense of victory.

Next is better

Great win, looking forward to meeting up with the boys now
How the feck is he still in the England team?
New interview in the athletic. His take on the LGBTQ+ is a load of bollocks. Just take it on the chin you hypocritical cnut.

I don't subscribe to The Athletic so I can't read that, but seeing Crafton's name attached to it, I'm guessing it's gonna be a puff piece parading as pseudo journalism, with a sense of self importance and relevance that barely hides the total incapacity at anything slightly challenging or investigative.
I don't subscribe to The Athletic so I can't read that, but seeing Crafton's name attached to it, I'm guessing it's gonna be a puff piece parading as pseudo journalism, with a sense of self importance and relevance that barely hides the total incapacity at anything slightly challenging or investigative.

I think he presses him as much as he was likely 'allowed' to which says it all really but the answers given by Henderson were nonsense.
Yeah a load of waffle on the LGTBQ+ rights, but what more could we have expected. He's going for the "I'll go there and drive change" angle - let's see how much effort he puts into that.
Yeah a load of waffle on the LGTBQ+ rights, but what more could we have expected. He's going for the "I'll go there and drive change" angle - let's see how much effort he puts into that.

Yeah, but he's like 'I'll go there and drive change' but 'I won't wear rainbow laces because I want to respect their culture and religion'. :wenger:
I think he presses him as much as he was likely 'allowed' to which says it all really but the answers given by Henderson were nonsense.
I think he did the best with what he could, crafton is an exceptional journalist and did stellar work over the summer with exposing United’s handling of the Greenwood debacle.

Here he doesn’t really need to do anything other than let Henderson tell on himself all by himself. The only self important cnut in that interview process was Henderson.

Quite telling he mentioned speaking to Qatari workers as his justification for everything being fine in the country, despite Amnesty International presenting their findings. He condemned the conditions then. Seems he’s susceptible to propaganda who’d have thought, it just makes him look thick.
Henderson: But at the same time, what I wouldn’t do is disrespect the religion and culture in Saudi Arabia. If we’re all saying everybody can be who they want to be and everybody is inclusive, then we’ll have to respect that. We’ll have to respect everyone. And by doing something like that, if that did disrespect the religion, then no, I’m not going to do that.

Oh right yeah - I sometimes forget that he's just a thick cnut.
I think he did the best with what he could, crafton is an exceptional journalist
He's terrible but he definitely feels he's important. Probably still feels a bit sore that he was played by Richard Arnold though.
Oh right yeah - I sometimes forget that he's just a thick cnut.
Definitely not the sharpest. Wonder why he even agreed to do such an interview.
Yeah, but he's like 'I'll go there and drive change' but 'I won't wear rainbow laces because I want to respect their culture and religion'. :wenger:
It’s simply not possible to be an supporter of the LGBTQ+ community if you also respect cultures and religions that make being a member of the LGBTQ+ community punishable by death. You’re either a one or the other, it’s not interchangeable.
Henderson: But at the same time, what I wouldn’t do is disrespect the religion and culture in Saudi Arabia. If we’re all saying everybody can be who they want to be and everybody is inclusive, then we’ll have to respect that. We’ll have to respect everyone. And by doing something like that, if that did disrespect the religion, then no, I’m not going to do that.

Oh right yeah - I sometimes forget that he's just a thick cnut.

Let’s respect the culture that tortures people into confessions of same-sex intercourse and allows the punishment of said “crime” via death by stoning. That’s surely being inclusive and respectful to everyone, right? Well except to the ones being stoned to death maybe, but who cares - for all we know they may have identified as a person that wants to get stoned to death. Or what other reasons would they have for their disrespectful behavior, right?
It’s simply not possible to be an supporter of the LGBTQ+ community if you also respect cultures and religions that make being a member of the LGBTQ+ community punishable by death. You’re either a one or the other, it’s not interchangeable.

I slightly disagree. For example my wife is a muslim and I respect her beliefs while also being supportive of the LGBTQ+ community as is she. I think it also comes down to how you choose to follow that religion or culture in some aspects. Henderson just doesn't seem to understand what he's saying really, it's like he didn't consult anyone before going into the interview and if he did then he should fire them ASAP.
Sports washing works incredibly well. They turned a person advocating for queer rights into an ambassador for fundamental religious nutjobs.
New interview in the athletic. His take on the LGBTQ+ is a load of bollocks. Just take it on the chin you hypocritical cnut.

What a load of absolute dogshit! Who does he think he is kidding with this? I'm not sure, which part is less believable - the "not motivated by money" or the "can make positive change".

I've disliked Henderson for years - now I finally have a good reason.
Saudi move not being money motivated is the best bit.

Daft hypocritical cnut.

Yeah I'm sure your move there will make a positive change.
Oh look Henderson came to our country, we'll change everything.
Fek of.
Should’ve kept his mouth shut the cnut. Money’s the only reason he’s went there and everyone knows it. People would have more respect for him if he just owned it like others that have went there did.
Saudi move not being money motivated is the best bit.

Daft hypocritical cnut.

Yeah I'm sure your move there will make a positive change.
Oh look Henderson came to our country, we'll change everything.
Fek of.
Very true, the level of journalism astounds me here, final question Jordan " Brentford offers you 150kpw and Saudi offer you 150kpw which one are you going to ?"
"Oh I'm of the saudi with the wife to change their ways " . How stupid does Henderson think we all are
I sat down for an exclusive interview with Jordan Henderson recently myself, you know. I'll release a little snippet here.

Interview said:
"so Mr Henderson, hello. How is life treating you in the middle East?"

Jordan sits back and reclines on his chesterfield-styled chair, his new earrings - diamond encrusted, they look to be at least filled to the brim with the 0.60-0.70 carat range, brilliant cut- swaying slightly as he considers the question before taking a puff of his vape. The pungent aroma of caviar surrounds me, the bookcase behind him becomes slightly obscured. In waiting for his answer, I catch a glimpse of a few of the titles: "Dare to Dream", "Pep Ljinders intensity", "Jurgen Klopp - the Paperback", and, curiously, "It's not about the bike" by Lance Armstrong. I wonder at how much a caviar vape might cost, but then after the eternity of a pause, he answers.

"I didn't com£ h£r£ for th£ mon£y" he exclaims. "I cam£ to this country to exp£ri£nc£ a n£w cultur£ and £xpand my own p£rsonal £xp£ri£nc£s, as w£ll as shin£ a light on the practic£s h£r£, p£rhaps bring a pi£c£ of British cultur£ to b£gin the process of chang£."

He crosses his legs over, showing off his nike dior x air jordan ones over his newly styled crisp linen trousers. His shirt is puffed out in a casual but clearly aware manner - the make, a giant Ralph Loren logo present over. I nod and mutter my assent.

"Yes. Many people have considered your attitude toward the LGBTQ+ community and comments in the past to be at odds with your presence in this place, suggesting that perhaps it might seem contradictory to take the money of an organisation which on the face of it is the antithesis of freedom of expression and practice. What do you say to that?"

"W£ll, l£ts b£ hon£st, rainbows ar£ a bit shit r£ally ar£n't th£y". He replies.

"I'm sorry?" I can't help myself from answering. Jordan leans forward, his cap comes forward too. Now I see it from closer, the brand names - all stylishly etched - become visible, next to a tiny little champions league cup in the centre. Jordan's forehead, I see the slightest amount of sweat beginning to form on, but then it is a HOT day. It's always hot here, though.

"I us£d to like rainbows" he adds. "But th3y don't go with anything, and it's hard to shift th£m on your m£rch anyway. Only g£t sal£s in th£ 3-6 age r£gion. So I don't both£r with it anymor£. And it do£sn't rain h£r£ much, did you know that?" he adds, conspiratorially.

"Yes I'm aware of the differences in climate." I try my best not to sarcastically add.

"So no wond£r th£y don't like rainbows. Th£y don't even SEE, th£m" he pushes himself back into the chair. Someone has now entered the room, quietly but enough that it draws my attention - in fact multiple persons, armed with hacksaws and tools. Jordan shakes his head at them, with a nervous laugh, they look at me, wide eyed, and then all
laugh together.

"Just my plumb£rs and gasfitt£rs, I call£d them out £arli£r" he explains.

"Well that's not really the point is it, it's not about the rainbows it's more the injustice and the fr-"

"Thank you, that will be £nough tim£ for th£ day" he smiles and gets up, ushering me up toward the door. "N££d to fix a l£ak in my apartm£nt if you know what I m£an!"

I nod, looking at the burly men, then leave the room quickly. For some reason I check each limb off as I go, and carry on my merry little way to the airport. Speedily.
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Henderson: Every day. It was a difficult time, definitely.
Seriously feck these cnuts. It's been so hard for you to betray people and communites for money. Boo fecking hoo. Henderson, Stevie, Beckham et al. are all garbage humans.

It's not this complicated, nuanced picture you want to paint, you are just footballers who are thick and greedy.
What per$uaded you Jordan to join $audi?

Nothing wrong with it, I would do the same, insane money.
Don't have access to The Athletic but seen his quotes about it not being all about money and about feeling valued :lol:

If he accepts that money was the main motivation there might be a bit of respect about him being honest. I don't blame him for making the move, just seems silly to pretend it wasn't that big of a consideration.
It's funny be says it's not about the money, what other reason was there to go play in Saudi Arabia :lol: Kind off reduces his credibility for the rest of the interview because it's obvious he's not being honest there.

This whole fiasco is funny to read as a neutral.
It's positive for his bank account that's it. Don't know why they aren't honest about it instead of coming out with bullshit