Joe Rogan

Its a 53 page thread, so some of it may be valid and some not so much. It all depends on the specific content and the politics of the person observing it.

You said no one cares unless they want to rage post. You seem to want to dismiss a very valid side of the debate that's been going on on this thread as crazy loons rage posting.
You said no one cares unless they want to rage post. You seem to want to dismiss a very valid side of the debate that's been going on on this thread as crazy loons rage posting.

That's your interpretation of it. We have a lot of threads in the CE that are specifically set up to dunk on various people - Rogan, Musk, Cops, Facebook/Amazon etc., where people post only negative things about the topic of the thread to promote a one sided view of each of the people the threads are about. Thus, the threads are specifically set up to invite negative posting about things random posters fiercely object to, some of which I agree with as well. Hence the rage posting bit.

After watching the whole thing (and after his last apology video from last week), I can't imagine he will be allowed to continuously issuing apology clips like this. Spotify must be looking for away out of the deal behind the scenes as we speak.
That's your interpretation of it. We have a lot of threads in the CE that are specifically set up to dunk on various people - Rogan, Musk, Cops, Facebook/Amazon etc., where people post only negative things about the topic of the thread to promote a one sided view of each of the people the threads are about. Thus, the threads are specifically set up to invite negative posting about things random posters fiercely object to, some of which I agree with as well. Hence the rage posting bit.

When even Rogan is making videos apologizing for stuff, what you're saying doesn't seem to fit what's happening here at all. It actually seems you're the one trying to go for an easy dunk on some posters here in a very unfair way.

But anyway, I've made my point, I'll leave it at this.
When even Rogan is making videos apologizing for stuff, what you're saying doesn't seem to fit what's happening here at all. It actually seems you're the one trying to go for an easy dunk on some posters here in a very unfair way.

But anyway, I've made my point, I'll leave it at this.

Except he isn't apologizing because he actually means it. He's obviously only doing it because there are large sums of money at stake should he get pulled from Spotify, which is why we're suddenly seeing videos like this after almost never having seen anything like it from him over the years.
Except he isn't apologizing because he actually means it. He's obviously only doing it because there are large sums of money at stake should he get pulled from Spotify, which is why we're suddenly seeing videos like this after almost never having seen anything like it from him over the years.

We'll disagree then. I'll leave it for those rage posting to defend the validity of their criticism if they wish to do so.
Same shit different smell.

It's all just media consumerism in the end. Imo these show aren't having anywhere near the impact some people say they are. Imo there is a massive trend on blaming the media for the current shit state of the world which I think is a easy get out.

Nope, that's a false equivalency. What's the worst effect of Stewarts liberalism v the worst effect of racism and medical misinfomation. They might be equally annoying to people who disagree but the material effect, which is what I said pages ago is the real point of contention, and there is no comparison.
The three stages of being a Joe Rogan fan.

Stage one: People dislike him because he’s not “left wing” enough. He’s a brilliant podcaster and a smart man.

He's done some brilliant stuff...but no, not left wing enough for the caf! :lol:

Stage two: he might have said some slightly dodgy things but they’re out of context. People just don’t understand what he’s saying and mischaracterise him. He’s not a racist at all.

I often wonder if people have really listened to a whole range of his stuff rather than just jumping on the 'he's a nazi right winger' bandwagon.

Stage three: Okay, so maybe he is a racist but it’s just boring now. I don’t actually care.
It’s all just a bit boring tbf. Rogan has clearly said some racist stuff judging by the videos...but (and this probably makes me a bad person) I don’t think it defines him. I think he’s a decent bloke.
It’s all just a bit boring tbf. Rogan has clearly said some racist stuff judging by the videos...but (and this probably makes me a bad person) I don’t think it defines him. I think he’s a decent bloke.

Decent bloke that racist, eh? F'ing hell :lol:
I find it interesting that Roseanne was fired for an extremely similar joke (invoking Planet of the Apes to describe a person of color).

Will Joe survive because it was longer ago, or because Spotify has different standards than the American networks?
Even I, big Joe Rogan fan, will have to sit this one out. These accusations are serious, so we shall see what happens. I wish Joe the best of luck! This storm is gonna last.
I find it interesting that Roseanne was fired for an extremely similar joke (invoking Planet of the Apes to describe a person of color).

Will Joe survive because it was longer ago, or because Spotify has different standards than the American networks?

He will more than survive. He's grand. Worst case scenario for him. is he gets fully deplatformed and sells subs from a website.

This is the free market in operation not censorship. It's like edgy comedy in a small club, you can tiptoe along the line and pop over it at will but you get your break and get the 7.30 slot on the BBC and there are new lines. It's always been that way. You can't have it everyway.
Wait, why is he a racist all of a sudden? Because he used the n-word in an episode?
It was a serious question. Is it about using that word in an episode? Or were there other things that have surfaced?
The three stages of being a Joe Rogan fan.

Stage one: People dislike him because he’s not “left wing” enough. He’s a brilliant podcaster and a smart man.

Stage two: he might have said some slightly dodgy things but they’re out of context. People just don’t understand what he’s saying and mischaracterise him. He’s not a racist at all.

Stage three: Okay, so maybe he is a racist but it’s just boring now. I don’t actually care.

Good work .
In my experience, right wing white guys think racism is hilarious. And they're never actually well informed on the topic.

Race theory doesn't stand up to scientific inquiry, you can't seperate people into races in a scientific way, using genes doesn't work. Yes, there are some genes that only appear in certain regions, but you will find endless overlap with other groups as you look at the genetics of regions.

Animals have a Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Genus and Species, but no race.