Jermaine Jenas | Sacked by BBC

He just doesn't offer any meaningful insight as a commentator and regularly contradicts himself.

I found it astounding he genuinely thought with that Milner chance, he said should be getting that on target. Get fecked. He couldn't comprehend how we were winning the game everytime we were ahead, because he was so far up Liverpool's arse.
His bias and the 'Trent' thing were annoying but the Milner one made him look an idiot ... or a big-head (suggesting it was relatively easy).

Live I thought Milner did ok but watching the replay and seeing he had to stretch for a bouncing ball, I thought he did well to get it close.

The type of thing 'that tool down the pub' would say. "I'd have buried that"
His bias and the 'Trent' thing were annoying but the Milner one made him look an idiot ... or a big-head (suggesting it was relatively easy).

Live I thought Milner did ok but watching the replay and seeing he had to stretch for a bouncing ball, I thought he did well to get it close.

The type of thing 'that tool down the pub' would say. "I'd have buried that"
:lol: spot on.
Surely it's past time to bring David Icke back in from the sports presenting cold.
Him to present. @GifLord to edit and produce. Linton Kwesi Johnson to add reaction.
He’s a wanker - sure he had an unfunny exchange with United fans recently on social media too.
He was still mentioning Lampard ffs and said Mount gets more stick because he’s English.
BBC aren’t even going to have anymore football to show at the current rate so I wouldn’t worry too much. He can present MOTD which is even more fecking pointless of a show, now that BT and Sky are putting 3 minute highlight reel videos of every match on YouTube.
Absolute feckwit. If it wasn't enough for me having to endure seeing and hearing him when watching the football, it appears the cnut has made his way onto regular prime time television too. Thankfully, it's only the One Show and who the feck watches that.
Can anyone else get a word in? Never shuts his mouth. Rio and Sidwell should just go home, as this little prick is just harping on and on. The other two are making far better points, in far fewer words, by the way.
Can anyone else get a word in? Never shuts his mouth. Rio and Sidwell should just go home, as this little prick is just harping on and on. The other two are making far better points, in far fewer words, by the way.

Sidwell is the Chelsea representative they bring in for a game like this?! :lol:
Jermaine Jenas is a really great and watchable pundit when he has an edge like he does tonight.

Sidwell is the Chelsea representative they bring in for a game like this?! :lol:


I think he was identifying as a Chelsea fan earlier, right enough. In fairness, he’s involved with Brighton’s youth sides at the moment and is talking about it now. Quite interesting. Better to listen to than I’d have given him credit for.
As Chairman Steve said, I have not watched MOTD for a long time, I much prefer to watch the 3 minute highlights on youtube.

Honestly can't remember the last time I watched it, and even when I did, I would record it and start it half an hour after it began so that I could fast forward the "analysis".

I think the rot started last season for me when Liverpool were winning, plus there's other ways I'd want to spend Saturday and Sunday nights.

Back to the point, Jenas comes across at times as knowing his stuff, though is also guilty of talking some bollocks as others have mentioned, but ultimately, the chap is just a bit bland.

I have not the foggiest on how else could replace Lineker at the BBC mind you, hardly the most inspiring bunch.
BT’s presenting and punditry is miles behind Sky though. Miles and miles.

I think he was identifying as a Chelsea fan earlier, right enough. In fairness, he’s involved with Brighton’s youth sides at the moment and is talking about it now. Quite interesting. Better to listen to than I’d have given him credit for.
Yeah I liked Sidwell tonight. Interesting stuff about youth football now
Yeah I liked Sidwell tonight. Interesting stuff about youth football now

Another one. i like Rob Green. He’s got some great insights.

can’t stand Jenus. I remember when he went on Question Time, and had an appalling performance (think William Prunier’s second appearance for United).
I imagine while Match of the Day still gets a decent viewership, it must be going down? Like others have said the 3 minute highlights reel on YouTube is my immediate go to nowadays. Replacing Linekar with Jenas would be the death knell for the show.
What exactly was he saying that was bad yesterday, I didn't watch last night but I know Rio and him had a disagreement a few weeks back
This thread was made over a year ago, I don't see this replacement happening. Jenas isn't a main presenter, he's not got the charisma.

Add me to the not watching MOTD club, haven't for years. Habits change, and simply watching tv highlights like that seems like a thing of the past now.
This thread was made over a year ago, I don't see this replacement happening. Jenas isn't a main presenter, he's not got the charisma.

Add me to the not watching MOTD club, haven't for years. Habits change, and simply watching tv highlights like that seems like a thing of the past now.
Having just read the article in the OP, I'm inclined to agree. There's nothing concrete in there at all. They be mad to do it, considering the guy is a charisma vacuum.
What was he saying yesterday that was so egregious? I didn't watch it so would like to know.

On Jenas though, I can't stand him. Uber smug twat, and needlessly so.
I still watch match of the day. Personally I prefer it to watching highlights on YouTube.
I have started to watch match of the say again since lockdown, normally its my sunday morning viewing. I think just because there is so much football on, I like it all being summed up in one place.
He irritates the shit out of me, always talks like he’s the smartest feck in the room. You’d think he was Xavi the way he goes on, when in fact he was a bang average player who won feck all.
BBC aren’t even going to have anymore football to show at the current rate so I wouldn’t worry too much. He can present MOTD which is even more fecking pointless of a show, now that BT and Sky are putting 3 minute highlight reel videos of every match on YouTube.
I watch MOTD and MOTD2 for the highlights almost everyweek, probably just habit but it’s where I see most of the other games goals, I also like watching United on there relaxed if we’ve won that day. That may change after a while of jenas though.
He doesn’t like us at all does he? Never seems to say anything positive when he’s commentating on our games
He’s fecking unbearable. He’ll be on the One Show tomorrow, 5Live the next day, BT Sport midweek and MOTD at the weekend. Must have a great agent.
Can someone get him to shut up for like 30 seconds even
Jermaine Jenas cliche drinking game.

Take a shot everytime JJ says "speculative at best", "inquest at the back", "flying out the blocks" etc
Simply anodyne beyond belief, but pure golddust to broadcasters.
Jermaine Jenas cliche drinking game.

Take a shot everytime JJ says "speculative at best", "inquest at the back", "flying out the blocks" etc

appalling commentator.

starts sentences with “yeah, no”.

the only good thing I can say about him is that he’s better than Redknapp.

adds no value at all.