Jermaine Jenas | Sacked by BBC

He was also accurate about how badly we stunk the place out for an hour.
Typical post EL performance to be fair. I dont even think we were that bad, Newcastle are an awkward side to play against when they sit in.
But we kept the ball well and scored 3 goals and its from keeping the ball that sank Newcastle as the game went on

Typical post EL performance to be fair. I dont even think we were that bad, Newcastle are an awkward side to play against when they sit in.
But we kept the ball well and scored 3 goals and its from keeping the ball that sank Newcastle as the fame went on

That’s fair. We were very flat, that’s for sure. Last 30 minutes we were good. First hour, pretty rubbish.
Moaning about never getting a penalty at OT and when they were 2-0 up Howard Webb gave us a pen which sparked a comeback win. Then some waffle about writing in his book that it was the worst mistake of his life.

In short, he said ‘I hate Manchester United.’
Moaning about never getting a penalty at OT and when they were 2-0 up Howard Webb gave us a pen which sparked a comeback win. Then some waffle about writing in his book that it was the worst mistake of his life.

In short, he said ‘I hate Manchester United.’
There we go, we know why he hates us. :lol:
Moaning about never getting a penalty at OT and when they were 2-0 up Howard Webb gave us a pen which sparked a comeback win. Then some waffle about writing in his book that it was the worst mistake of his life.

In short, he said ‘I hate Manchester United.’
17 games against us. 0 wins.
I always thought it was the Spurs comment Keano made that got under his skin but I figured he wasn't playing for them at that time.
He's gutted that Spurs were once 2-0 up and we ended up winning 5-2 because of a dodgy penalty. Nothing to do with Fergie putting Tevez, Ronaldo, Rooney, Nani and Berbatov as a front 5 and just slaughtering them for the full second half. No. A penalty.
He pronounces words like 'threat' as if the initial sound is an 'f' and it makes him sound like someone who flunked out at school to be honest.

Lineker is massively overpaid but he is very good at his job and is knowledgeable about the game.

Jenas can barely string a sentence together and only sounds vaguely convincing when stringing together clichés.
Doesnt think it was an Arsenal pen. He needs to be taken off Spurs games either analysing or commentating on them.
Loads of pundits don't think it was penalty.
They make up their own rules though. The ball may be away but thats why its called a late challenge and its Sanchez coming across Lacca and not getting the ball.
In no way can it not be a pen but even if there is doubt theres no way VAR overturns it.
I think he was right about it not being a penalty but the way that he & Keown was pretty bizzarre
They make up their own rules though. The ball may be away but thats why its called a late challenge and its Sanchez coming across Lacca and not getting the ball.
In no way can it not be a pen but even if there is doubt theres no way VAR overturns it.

This is the key bit - there may or may not be some debate as to whether it was 100% sure a penalty but you can certaintly see why it was given and therefore VAR actually does it's job here - not a clear and obvious error so no need to get involved.
I hate nothing more than when commentators who used to be second rate themselves directly criticize players' actions a la "it was easy to just lift it over the GK".
I find this kind of commentating infuriating.
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I hate nothing more than when commentators who used to be second rate themselves directly criticize players' actions a la "it was easy to just lift it over the GK".
I find this kind of commentating infuriating.
To be fair, fans who can't even kick a ball do the same. It's just part of being a spectator.
He was so far up City's ass last night it was nauseating. Comes across as a shill.
I don't even care about his opinions on other clubs but his laziness concerning United's protests really pissed me off. He actually said it was "unfair" to ask him for his opinion given he knew very little about the subject. He could've spent 15 minutes looking into it on his mobile while in makeup and he would've been better prepared. Even that level of research was beyond him.
He's a joke. His commentary last night was a piss take. A City player could have pulled out a gun and he would still have defended them.
To be honest, all commentary in the Champions League is awful when an English team is involved. There's not even a pretense of being impartial anymore. I don't give a feck that you want the Premier League team to win; keep that shit private. It's basically that Fanzone shite that Sky had years ago, but now we got it from "professional" commentators.

Countless times they'll have a go at the dirty foreigners for diving and how they should've been booked for this and that, but go completely silent when a player from the good old, honest Premier League team does exactly the same thing. The way they were pissing their pants last night when the ref pointed to the pen spot, despite knowing that VAR was going to look at it and if it was as bad as they were making out it would be overruled, was embarrassing. Calm the feck down.

And don't get me started on that "Fletch".
While it’s true British commentators have a habit of openly cheering on any British team when they’re in Europe, Jenas takes it to a nauseating new low. Last week was the first time I’ve had to turn a game off because of it. And then there’s when he’s talking about Spurs.
He seems very critical of us, even in Europe, which is strange given he’s so transparently nationalist for everyone else. Maybe that’s what the average BT viewer wants but it does seem a little embarrassing to me.
He's devoid of charisma and character. Such a bland individual. Clearly deslikes us too. :lol:
It's the arrogance for me. He was a painfully average Premier League player, but the way he goes on you'd think he won 5 Ballon D'ors. Though granted, part of that might be because of his East Midlands accent, which always seems to give off the impression that the person is a bit of a pillock.