Javier Hernandez | 2010/11 Performances

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Best. GIF. Ever.

“you go as a hero, returns as a legend”

From tumblr.
Annoying that they've gone to such lengths to ensure Aon and the Nike symbol are seen perfectly, but scrub out the United badge.

Nice otherwise.
Aye, was thinking the exact same thing.
Got this PM.

ybatman said:
I wanted to respond to the thread but im still a newbie on the forum.

anyway, on the picture you got from Tumbler of Hernandez on the Nike Billboard:

“you go as a hero, returns as a legend”

well, that pic is edited.... On the upper right hand side it says:

"Tampoco hay que exagerar" and in lower case "no es para tanto"

which means lets not exagerate, its nothing to get excited.

There is also a link to a blog page of America. (americanistaenchiapas.blogspot) for you to understand, its as if someone from Liverpool added something to the picture and added their link.

America is the eternal rival of Chivas, the team Hernandez played for. So in other words, they are making fun of him and putting their link on the pic.

just thought you should know...
There were plenty of shirts with that legend in Guadalajara for the match against United...

Hold on, why does that poster say "Come to the signature of autographs by Manchester United players next July 29th" WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!? Why didn't I see that? I didn't even know that happened. Surely didn't happen.
From Norwegian Dagbladet:

There are of course several factors that decided United's championship, but an important factor was undoubtedly Javier Hernandez, who with his 20 goals total (13 in the league) has surpassed Solskjaer's debut season in terms of goals scored.

The Mexican's style was compared to Solskjaer's early on by people like Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes, and the similarities are indeed many:

Hernandez' movement is intelligent, he's got the unique ability to "smell" where the ball is going to wind up, needs few chances to score and contributes with several deciding goals. The same abilities were the hallmark of Solskjaer.

In addition both were brought to the club as unknowns, for a modest fee.

In answering Dagbladet's question on whether he empathises with those who consider Hernandez a sort of clone of him, the Molde coach answers:

- He's a lot faster than I was! And his jumping is higher.

He doesn't say much more about the comparison of the two, he'd rather talk about the person and player Hernandez.

- A tremendous buy. He's had a great season. It shows the entire club's quality, and how well scouting can work. Ferguson bought him nearly sight unseen, nearly nobody knew of it. The day after I asked, "what, we've bought a Mexican?".

- Hernandez is humble and a great lad. When he arrives at the training field in the morning he shakes your hand and looks you in the eye. He's a fantastic person.

Ahead of the season Solskjaer said to the Manchester Evening News that Hernandez was a Diego Forlan type.

- There are similarities between Javier and Diego Forlan. Both can shoot with both legs and have quick feet.

They're about the same size and know where the goal's at, he said at the time.

- Do you think he's more similar to Forlan than yourself?

- He's more like Diego as a player. And as I said, he's a lot quicker and adept at jumping than me, smiles Solskjaer.

- Han er jo mye raskere enn jeg var - sport - Dagbladet.no
Nice of Ole, I thought... eases a bit of the pressure on the poor bastard. Might prevent second season syndrome, this.
Ole also quoted in the sun yesterday, although it was cuntis...

And Old Trafford legend Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is backing Javier Hernandez to match his own Euro heroics of 12 years ago.

Solskjaer, 38, grabbed United's last gasp winner in the 1999 final against Bayern Munich.

Mexican Hernandez has hit 13 goals in 14 starts this season, and Solksjaer said: "His movement off the ball is fantastic as is his awareness in the box.

"His willingness and hunger for goals is extraordinary. He is such a great professional, great human being and he smiles every time he scores because he feels like he deserves it.

"He could be the difference in the game. He's had a great season and he is not scared of playing Barcelona."

Read more: ALEX FERGUSON has stuck two fingers up at FA bosses by ignoring his latest charge | The Sun |Sport|Football
13 goals in 14 starts is such a misleading way of putting it. He has had a fantastic season, no need to twist the stats to make it looks better

Interviewer: Well, Javier, how’s it been in Manchester? Talk to me about what you’ve done in addition to playing and training.

Javier: Well, I try to live the same life I lived in Mexico. I’ve had my family by my side, and I’m very thankful to God for that. I’ve been able to get a bit of support just by being with them. It’s very convenient, just being able to hear… well, things in your native language. It helps a lot, although you do need to practice English… but my life is… I get up, go to training, and I’m there for a while. Sometimes I eat with the club, sometimes I eat with my family. In addition to that, I relax and get to know my surroundings. There are times where I can go out to enjoy the lifestyle, but I never lose sight of the fact that I can’t overdo it; the most important thing is my job.

How has Manchester helped you improve as an international footballer?

Javier: Oh, a lot, and as an international footballer, it’s normal to improve at such a club because… well, it’s an international club. To me, it really is the greatest club in the world. Just the fact that they’ve taken an interest in you helps a lot, football-wise. But aside from that, they’ve helped me so much. As I’ve said before, this club has left a great impression on me. We know that this is a great club that is known throughout the world, but when you’re there, it feels like a small club. It’s like home, and the atmosphere is so intimate. There are no arrogant people. Not the players, not anybody. Everyone is at service to… well, everybody. You help a lot of people, and everyone else helps you a lot. I think that’s very important.

: A while back, Andy asked you about your plan to leave football in two or three years as a result of Chucho Ramirez leaving you out of the U-20 national team in Culiacan. Do you feel as if you are in a dream? What if somebody had told you that you would be here in two or three years time?

Javier: If they had told me, I wouldn’t have believed them! Haha, especially because of those moments that I went through; those complications you brought up, like when they left me out of the U-17 national team. Thankfully, I did get to go to the U-20 World Cup, but… I didn’t participate much in those things. I didn’t play much, and they were very complicated years for me. But as you said, that’s how I feel. I feel like I’m in a dream, and I don’t want to wake up! I want to keep living in this dream.

Interviewer: You look physically stronger, and this is taking into account that I’ve seen you play as a youngster, and I saw you during your last game in Mexico against Chivas. Specifically, what have you done to improve?

Javier: I’ve worked a lot. I’ve tried to work whenever I can, because we know that it’s a league where it’s common to play two games a week. When you participate, you always need to compose yourself well, but I always try to arrive and work beforehand; I try to get into the gym, and with the help of the physical trainers, I’ve worked hard while receiving a lot of assistance. It’s not that I like it; obviously, I do like that it helps me improve. I like that a lot, but I do it because I know I need it to help me improve day to day.

Interviewer: We were talking about your clubmates, and you mentioned Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs. They’re two of the greatest players in Manchester United history, and they’ve always spoken highly of you, even before you broke into the group. What advice do they give you?

Javier: No, they’re people that… wow, they’ve left such an impression on me. I’m not one to talk about who does and doesn’t leave an impression on me, but even as an aficionado, watching them work is incredible. They’re so professional, and they play at such a high, demanding level at that age… it’s something that demands a lot from you, but they’re still competitive, and they always want to be there and win. They are quiet people in the locker room, but when they do talk, they always have the right words to say. They’re the type of players who don’t speak much, but when they do, you need to listen because they always have the right words and they’re the words that can help you.

Interviewer: Out of the other players, who gives you the most advice?

Javier: No, it’s everybody. As I’ve said before, I get along well with all of them. That’s how our team is; we just get along so well. Naturally, I get along with Antonio Valencia a little more, and you could tell that I talk to him more, since it’s easier to speak through our native languages. There’s also the Brazilians, the Portuguese, where our language appears to be similar. But really, it’s everybody. I’ve received advice from all of them, and we’ve all thrown around jokes. As I’ve mentioned before, that’s what I love about this team; it’s a united team, and we all get along very well. There are no arrogant people, and you can express yourself while also receiving advice.

Interviewer: Is the Manchester United locker room different from the one at Chivas?

Javier: Yes, it’s different because of the cultures. At Chivas, we were all from one country, but the culture there is distinctly European, while the culture here is Latino. Yes, it’s very, very different, and I wouldn’t compare them or put one above the other because it doesn’t work that way. We know that they’re different, but I’ve felt at home in both, and I’ve enjoyed it a lot.

Interviewer: You went from a club that only features Mexicans, to a club that has players from all over the world.

Javier: Yes, that’s how it is. As I’ve mentioned, there are very dramatic changes that can be plain to see, but as I’ve just mentioned, I’ve always seen everything very positively; from not having any qualms, to just seeing the brighter side of things. We know that there will always be pros and cons. You could complain a bit about climate, and you complain a bit about anything, but you always have to look back and say, ‘this is worth it,’ and endure some of these things to play for the best team in the world.

Interviewer: Are there any jokers in the group?

Javier: Yeah, there’s a lot! As with anything, there are always personalities in football. Like I said, the Latinos and the Portuguese get along a bit more, but we can all joke around about anything, obviously without crossing that line of respect.

Interviewer: Old Trafford is a very special stadium. I’ve seen it, and I want to watch a game there! Scoring a goal there must feel incredible!

Javier: The Theatre of Dreams. Sir Bobby Charlton gave it that nickname, and he hit the nail on the head. That’s really what it is. You enter that stadium, and all the people there… it’s indescribable. You can enter as an aficionado, a worker, a member of the club, or even as a member of the opposing club… and there will always be something magical in that stadium. You may not be able to explain it, but it fills you with hope.

Interviewer: What about scoring goals there?

Javier: Oh, it’s unbelievable. Scoring goals there is a dream come true. Scoring goals in any kit: with my nation, or in the stadium in Manchester… goals are a beautiful thing. As I’ve said before, it was never an obsession; I just try to do my best and enjoy myself, and play well.

Interviewer: Can you describe the walk from the Old Trafford locker room to the pitch?

Javier: Yes, it’s impressive. You can see the tunnel they put there; they put, like, a tent when they take it out, but then they remove it when the game begins. When they have it, you walk out of the locker room and you’re looking at the pitch… when you leave, you see this enormous stadium that seats, like, seventy-eight million people. I don’t exactly know how many people it can fit, but it’s a gigantic stadium, and it’s always full throughout every game. Everyone is cheering you on, and it’s unbelievable.

Interviewer: On an ending note, it must be very special to be compared to Hugo Sanchez, no?

Javier: It’s very special, and the comparison is very flattering… but as a kid, I’ve been compared to my father, I’ve had comparisons about many things, and honestly, I’ve never liked them. Because… because really, I think that, statistically, you can come to achieve as many things as other players, but no two players are alike. Everybody’s got very different characteristics. I appreciate these comparisons. The words that come to mind, for him, are admiration and gratefulness. I think that he’s an idol to all Mexicans because he always elevated the name of Mexico very highly, and whenever we touch on that subject, the only emotions I can express are gratefulness, pride, and admiration.

Interviewer: Have you talked to him lately?

Javier: No, no, I don’t keep in contact with him, but I’ll repeat that - I think that what he accomplished and what he did - words aren’t needed to admire all of that.
Cheers for the interview, Lynk. Great read, even if I already loved the lad too much.

He has made it into BBC's team of the year along with Vidic and VDS. He was fantastic this season.
A team of the season without Nani is absolutely worthless, I'd say.
feck, and they have Bale in there too. Scrap that.
Viva Mexico

Great interview, he is improved a lot in the last 6 months. One yr ago was a different player.
A terrific improvement
One year ago he was kicking Netherlands, France and Argentina up the arse. If he's improved a lot... well, what a player he's become.
he always mentions how important his family being with him is. i'm glad they came with him. you get the impression that without them he'd be somewhat lost and wouldn't be long for Man Utd. someday he'll have to be on his own and i hope he'll be up for it.
love the way he celebrates his goals, and he looks very happy indeed to receive his first PL winners medal...love this guy..
Apparently not in Mehico's preliminary Copa America squad.
No he won't play. Pretty sure I read it somewhere while back, most definitely a news article I found on caf, that he get's a rest this summer.

For the Copa America yeah.. Think he's still playing in the Gold Cup though
Apparently not in Mehico's preliminary Copa America squad.

He is not, indeed. Vela and probably Lugo will start if we play with 2 strikers, or even Erick Torres might get a chance to see what he can do at international level.
He'll play in the Gold Cup though, unfortunately for our awful defense. :(

We also have no Stuart Holden, which is a pretty big loss.
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