Jackass star Ryan Dunn dies in car crash

Most of what the WBC preaches can be found in passages of the Bible. Hating gays, torture, vengeance, genocide...it's all there in the good ol' Bible.
Most of what the WBC preaches can be found in passages of the Bible. Hating gays, torture, vengeance, genocide...it's all there in the good ol' Bible.

Couldn't care less what they preach but having respect for someone's family after losing someone is a bit different.
Couldn't care less what they preach but having respect for someone's family after losing someone is a bit different.

You would hope so. But that's religion for you - making otherwise normal people do things no normal person would even dream about.

And at the risk of diverting the thread....since when has Christianity cared about the feelings of mourning families? It's only relatively recently that the Catholic Church has stopped telling bereaved parents that their deceased child failed to make it into heaven because he/she had died before being Christened into the Church. The whole religion still to this day torments millions of people by leading them to believe that there is a possibility their loved ones are being tortured in a made up place called 'Hell'.

Go back 100 years or so and churches like the WBC were mainstream.
You would hope so. But that's religion for you - making otherwise normal people do things no normal person would even dream about.

And at the risk of diverting the thread....since when has Christianity cared about the feelings of mourning families? It's only relatively recently that the Catholic Church has stopped telling bereaved parents that their deceased child failed to make it into heaven because he/she had died before being Christened into the Church. The whole religion still to this day torments millions of people by leading them to believe that there is a possibility their loved ones are being tortured in a made up place called 'Hell'.

Go back 100 years or so and churches like the WBC were mainstream.

You're totally right, but surely that's parents who were part of the Church and therefore believed that anyway. The WBC is sticking its nose into the business of people who don't involve themselves with it and don't want to hear what they say at the best of times. It's one thing tormenting willing believers and followers but another being a set of bastards for the sake of it.

Actions like this don't even (or aren't even an attempt to) get your point across, it just upsets people and leaves them angry and confused.

This threads had some twists hasn't it?!
So, this dickhead gets himself off his tits, and then kills not only himself but someone else in the process, and you are RIPing him? What if there had been a family with three kids in a car coming the other way?

I fecking know who the jackasses are in here.

Yeah I'm with Weastie on this one. I cannot wish a deceased member of society peaceful rest in such circumstances. It's utterly moronic. With a history of DUI dating back to 2005 (I think) he's clearly not learnt his lesson

To be fair if he was doing 100+mph it doesn't really matter if he was drunk.

It's like trying to decide whether he was a total idiot or just a regular idiot.


I love you Popps. I'd take you in my er......Porche any day. Ok time for work

Young families probably shouldn't be out driving at 2.30am.

True, because we all know that the roads should be clear at 2:30am for drunken feckwits to kill each other off :wenger:

- Given the length and breath of America on top of the fact that not all families can afford plane rides, it's pretty normal for families to travel through the night to get to a far off location.
It's not only that, there are loads of scenarios where families could be travelling at night, such as one of the family became ill and they had to go to hospital, or the mother was about to give birth, etc.
Not sure why everyone is getting so pious.

I have a lot of very good friends who - when they were young and foolish - frequently broke the speed limit while driving. I also have friends who - again, when they were young and dumb - drove their cars after drinking. Thankfully, these foolish escapades were few and far between and never ended up in anyone getting killed.

If they had, though, I'm sure the bereaved friends and families would be sickened to read a load of self-righteous internet warriors spouting the kind of comments I'm reading in this thread. A young man did a very stupid thing and paid the ultimate price. I don't know the bloke, personally, so don't have very strong emotions but this is definitely sad news, so I don't understand why people are scrabbling for the moral highground.
I dont see whats self righteous or internet warriorish about saying you find it hard to find sympathy for someone who did something so stupid. Of course its a shame, but my pity is more reserved for his family rather than him....

As my Dad used to say when he'd see someone driving aggressively 'when it all goes wrong for that guy someday there'll be a load of people telling us to feel sorry for him'

You pays your money you takes your chances.
Probably none, at the same time I wouldn't expect much sympathy if it had been me and I'd have no problem accepting the criticism.
What if he had killed an old family?

I think people should stick to what happened coz it was bad enough without him also killing countless hypothetical 'young families' as well.
Probably none, at the same time I wouldn't expect much sympathy if it had been me and I'd have no problem accepting the criticism.

If it was me that smeared myself all over a tree I would neither need nor want any sympathy.

I'd like to think that people who did feel affected by my death, though, weren't shouted down by people telling them I was a prick and better off dead.
I think in Weaste World, if you were arrested for having a piss in a shop doorway on a Saturday night while drunk, you'd receive a further charge because you "might've urinated on a homeless person, had one been sleeping in the doorway at the time."
I think in Weaste World, if you were arrested for having a piss in a shop doorway on a Saturday night while drunk, you'd receive a further charge because you "might've urinated on a homeless person, had one been sleeping in the doorway at the time."

If a person flies down a 30mph road at 120 and there is noone about, would you let them off? Laws are built to stop hypothetical situations arising.
Yeah it wasn't good that he was speeding, but I'm pretty sure everyone's done it and would do it even more if you owned a GT3. Not that it excuses anything, but some people need to simmer down with the holier than thou attitude.
Being over the drink drive limit is 100% inexcusible of course, but it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to RIP and doesn't mean no one is allowed to be upset, because whether some people like it or not a fair number of us did grow up watching Jackass and finding it not only hilarious, but being able to relate to it in a sense that the majority of teenagers get up to stupid pointless shit too.

And feck WBC. But it would be interesting to see what happens to them.

RIP Ryan & Zach

I'm sure almost everyone has technically broken the law by speeding. But there is also a big difference between driving at 90mph on the motorway, to driving close to 140mph on a 55mph road...

Also, to say you would do it more if you had a GT3 is bizarre. If I'm cutting something with an extra sharp, top of the line knife, instead of a an old blunt knife, then I'm going to take extra care. Not be more reckless. Especially if I'm pissed up.

BTW - the interview with Phil Margera was very impressive in the way he made sure to mention the other families and was clearly thinking for them too. So often they get forgotten in these tragedies.
I'm sure almost everyone has technically broken the law by speeding. But there is also a big difference between driving at 90mph on the motorway, to driving close to 140mph on a 55mph road...

Also, to say you would do it more if you had a GT3 is bizarre. If I'm cutting something with an extra sharp, top of the line knife, instead of a an old blunt knife, then I'm going to take extra care. Not be more reckless. Especially if I'm pissed up.

BTW - the interview with Phil Margera was very impressive in the way he made sure to mention the other families and was clearly thinking for them too. So often they get forgotten in these tragedies.

So you would drive slower if you owned a GT3? Yeah, pull the other one.

I know if someone gave me the keys to a GT3 right now I'd go out and speed and so would the majority. I'm not saying it's right that he did and yes it is reckless but big woop, bet everyone creams themselves over the Gumball Rally etc and thats surely putting more 'young families' at risk if thats your argument?
It's a shame he died, but it's his own fault for being reckless and persistently stupid.
So you don't think it's a shame when a young people dies through committing suicide, or as a result of behaving recklessly?

Each to his own.

Suicide is totally different Pogue, for 1 it generally doesn't involve endangering the lives of others.... Someone who fires indiscriminately into a crowd then shoots themselves would be a better comparison.
Suicide is totally different Pogue, for 1 it generally doesn't involve endangering the lives of others.... Someone who fires indiscriminately into a crowd then shoots themselves would be a better comparison.

That doesn't work either, as the person doing the shooting is deliberately killing people, which was obviously never the intention here.

To really stretch the analogy you could say it was like two people in a mutual suicide pact jumping off a building, without realising there was a crowded square beneath them and killing someone by landing on them.

Only without anyone else actually getting killed.
That doesn't work either, as the person doing the shooting is deliberately killing people, which was obviously never the intention here.

To really stretch the analogy you could say it was like two people in a mutual suicide pact jumping off a building, without realising there was a crowded square beneath them and killing someone by landing on them.

Only without anyone else actually getting killed.

You would realise there was a crowded square beneath you before you jumped, so in that situation you'd be stupid. To even further stretch the analogy you could say it was like two people in a mutual suicide pact jumping off a building with a crowded square beneath them on their 20th attempt where each time previous they didn't die but were educated on the dangers of doing this in a crowded square or a place where people could congregate but decided to do it again anyway even though they've done it time and time again and have come to realise the possible dangers.

Also how can you not consider the fact that other people will be on the road? How many drink/drive campaigns do you see throughout the year? It's not like it's not a big issue or something that isn't made noise about regularly throughout the year. Or anything he hasn't come across before, over and over again.