Jackass star Ryan Dunn dies in car crash

That video is quite sickening to be honest. Basically they're filming, from a distance, people crying over the death of their friend. Why would anybody want to see that? What is so wrong with people that they would find something so voyeuristic interesting/enjoyable? The world and it's celebrity obsession is fecked up beyond belief.

As for Dunn, he's a tool for driving drunk, he's a tool for driving at those speeds on public roads, but I think it's possible to recognise those facts and still be upset that he's dead.
i have taken a note of your username, i now hate you. i hate you so much i cant even put it into words

Obviously, the comment was ironic as the link was fairly descriptive, but I figured you might still wanna see it.
Obviously, the comment was ironic as the link was fairly descriptive, but I figured you might still wanna see it.

yeah just kidding man i dont hate you, thanks for that though. whoever filmed that is a disgusting cnut, its done so slyly.
He was an idiot for drink driving, and it has cost him and another their lives.

But regardless, I, and I daresay alot of the other people who are in their early 20's, felt a connection with the Jackass/CKY crew because it was pretty much THE thing to watch growing up. He wasnt a hero of mine, but he was part of something that almost defines my time as a teenager, and its sad to see him die. RIP Ryan Dunn.

If Jackass defined our generation I don't want to be associated with it. THE thing to watch in my school growing up was The Sopranos for the lads, Friends or Sex and the city for the girls and Teachers, Scrubs and Father Ted in between.

Nobody I knew felt a 'connection', they were always just idiots getting paid to be idiots.
Who gives a shit if they are idiots or not, if you liked them or not or if you wanted to be associated with them or not the loss of any life regardless of who it is or the circumstances is always sad (apart from the obvious people ie. Hitler, Mussolini, Bin Laden ect.)

if people wish to pay condolences or say RIP to someone who people did consider a good entertainer, if you dont want to do that then fine but why this thread has people criticising who he was, what he did or how he did is frankly annoying. I am a huge jackass fan and while not a big dunn fan in particular the news of his death saddens me, yeah he was an idiot for driving in the manner he did i can see that clearly but that dosnt mean i cant say 'RIP' or be saddened by his death
If Jackass defined our generation I don't want to be associated with it. THE thing to watch in my school growing up was The Sopranos for the lads, Friends or Sex and the city for the girls and Teachers, Scrubs and Father Ted in between.

Nobody I knew felt a 'connection', they were always just idiots getting paid to be idiots.

Well it mattered for EvilChuck, and a lot of other posters. Look at it like this. If it was your mom who drunk and drove and killed herself going at 140 mph, I'm very sure you would be able to seperate the stupid act from the person, and view her in a way that shows that despite she acted like an idiot, you appreciate the positive she's done, and you're sad she's no longer here. Obviously Jackass isn't on the same level, but yeah.
Yeah, he was an entertainer and he entertained a lot of people. Yes, he was stupid and it led to his death but those who enjoyed his work will still be saddened at his passing.

It's not much different to James Dean or Pelle Lindbergh.
It's a loss of 2 lives, which is terrible

BUT he was twice the drink drive limit, going 130mph+

It's a silly thing to be at, on a public road it's lucky that nobody else was hurt.

He was great to watch on Jackass and a funny guy, but this? madness
I just took exception to Jackass defining our generation. I was suprised to hear the news, disapointed if not shocked at the circumstances and saddened that a young man has died.
That video is quite sickening to be honest. Basically they're filming, from a distance, people crying over the death of their friend. Why would anybody want to see that? What is so wrong with people that they would find something so voyeuristic interesting/enjoyable? The world and it's celebrity obsession is fecked up beyond belief.

As for Dunn, he's a tool for driving drunk, he's a tool for driving at those speeds on public roads, but I think it's possible to recognise those facts and still be upset that he's dead.

Agreed. He was an idiot for driving when pissed as a fart, and I'm glad that he didn't kill more than himself and his passenger, but when the media intrude on grief like that you want to kick their heads in.
How about not get into your car pissed, wrap it round a tree at 130mph killing yourself and your mate.

As I said, idiot.

Stupid as hell. I agree. I just preferred waiting for the reports on his alcohol level before taking the piss out of him for being pissed.
I wasn't taking the piss, I just said that if he was doing 100+mph at 2am on a public road whether or not he was drunk was pretty inconsequential in relation to whether or not he was an idiot.
Can't see the problem about feeling sorry for someone dying.

We all know a lot of people are irresponsible when driving. Death on the roads in Portugal is an epidemic (about twice the average rate in other European countries) and among all those thousands of peoples that day there are a few totally innocent and many who were speeding. Among the later there are good guys, bad guys, amazing persons, filthy scum.

It's an irresponsible act. I have more trouble with the speed than with the alcohol, because in the end it's the speed that kills. I don't have official data but from general reading on the newspapers I get the feeling that more people die just because they were above safe speed limits (the ones that allows us to correct minor mistakes and react to unexpected events) than the ones that just died because they were drunk and their reaction time was too low. Of course a combination of both just makes matters even worse. But it's the speed that kills, the energy you're subject to on a crash is grows in proportion to the square of the speed.

I'm a good guy but I've driven drunk in the past and I've driven above speed limits in the past as well. I became very phobic after watching (literally watching) a couple of mates dying on the road and I don't do that any more, but I too was irresponsible at times.

Society has to dissuade this behaviour with heavy penalties for whoever puts other peoples lives at risk. I think we're too lenient with speed limits in Portugal, a fine and you're done. With alcohol fortunately we're getting more aggressive on the penalties. But both need to be tackled.

That said, how many of you don't have friends or family members who you reckon as irresponsible drivers? Would you automatically think these people aren't worthy of feeling sorry for when their mistakes cost them or others their lives? I don't know about you, but to me it hurts to see someone die, no matter what a fool he was at the moment of his death. It's not like he was a paedo or a murderer. Just a guy that commit a bad, albeit conscious, mistake. And many good and bad people do that and we usually feel sorry for the good ones.
I think the part that probably makes people lose compassion is the fact that he killed someone else in the act. It’s understandable to have a soft spot for the guy because he did come off as a genuinely funny and likeable character, it isn’t understandable to use that to excuse murdering himself and his mate by a.) being well drunk and b.) driving at speeds that when sober, would well exceed anything close to safe or prudent.

I guess the only hollow victory is that he didn't murder some innocent bystanders in the process.

In my opinion you could remove the word star from the thread title and it would be just as appropriate.
I think the part that probably makes people lose compassion is the fact that he killed someone else in the act. It’s understandable to have a soft spot for the guy because he did come off as a genuinely funny and likeable character, it isn’t understandable to use that to excuse murdering himself and his mate by a.) being well drunk and b.) driving at speeds that when sober, would well exceed anything close to safe or prudent.

I guess the only hollow victory is that he didn't murder some innocent bystanders in the process.

In my opinion you could remove the word star from the thread title and it would be just as appropriate.

Well, yes, but the guy had been drinking with him and knew that he was drunk. Yet he still chose to get into the car with him.
That still doesn't make it not murder.

Well kind of, yes it does. No one gets prosecuted for murder. They've started to do so in New York but that's if you kill someone who was in another car. The responsibility of the death of the passenger should be with both parties. I.e. not murder.

You're probably thinking of manslaughter. The much worse word yet lighter crime.
Westboro baptist church are gonna picket the funeral.


If they actually go through with this, I can see them getting beaten up. Can't say they won't have had it coming
If they're at the funeral I can see Bam just going mental at them or something.
They're the ones from the Louis Theroux documentary aren't they? This won't end well in any case.
I really, really, really, really hope they show. They will be beaten to a pulp, and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of inbred, scumbag, publicity whores.
Don't all Christians believe sinners who don't repent go to hell?

That nutjob family from Kansas are something else though.

I suppose so. Although I doubt most of them actively take pleasure and their delight at the thought of these 'sinners' going to Hell.

Seriously how are you allowed to hold a demonstration at someone's funeral?
I think the part that probably makes people lose compassion is the fact that he killed someone else in the act.

No, he could have done one hell of a lot worse than what eventually came to pass. There could have been a young family coming the other way totally annihilated! I couldn't give a shit if he wraps himself and his mate around a tree, his mate shouldn't have been stupid enough to get in the car with him, so no sympathy there either. It's the fact that by doing what he did he could have caused total innocents serious injury or death through his totally prickish actions. It's probably best that he's dead, because if he'd carried on behaving like that one day he would have injured or killed an innocent. Prick!
What I wouldn't give to see the surprised look on those Westboro Baptist Church fecks' faces as the devil starts shoveling coal up their asses.
No, he could have done one hell of a lot worse than what eventually came to pass. There could have been a young family coming the other way totally annihilated! I couldn't give a shit if he wraps himself and his mate around a tree, his mate shouldn't have been stupid enough to get in the car with him, so no sympathy there either. It's the fact that by doing what he did he could have caused total innocents serious injury or death through his totally prickish actions. It's probably best that he's dead, because if he'd carried on behaving like that one day he would have injured or killed an innocent. Prick!

You must really hate all politicians who have had power ever.
Yeah it wasn't good that he was speeding, but I'm pretty sure everyone's done it and would do it even more if you owned a GT3. Not that it excuses anything, but some people need to simmer down with the holier than thou attitude.
Being over the drink drive limit is 100% inexcusible of course, but it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to RIP and doesn't mean no one is allowed to be upset, because whether some people like it or not a fair number of us did grow up watching Jackass and finding it not only hilarious, but being able to relate to it in a sense that the majority of teenagers get up to stupid pointless shit too.

And feck WBC. But it would be interesting to see what happens to them.

RIP Ryan & Zach