Television It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Just finished the new season on Netflix, not the best season to be honest, but still really enjoy it. Liked the little twist at the end.
Just working through now, really enjoying it so far. Dee Day was a great episode. Dennis without make up had me in tears, especially Charlie "do you think his soul looks like that"
Half way through. Mostly feels like proper Sunny again. Zoo episode wasn't great.
I've watched each episode twice now. Even as someone who thought season 13 was really good (save for a couple of dodgy episodes in the latter half), I thought season 14 saw the gang hit a real stride again. It's a real return to form. 'The Janitor Always Mops Twice' aside, the highs maybe weren't as high as previous classic seasons, but it was consistently at like 8/10 quality for me, and the low points were much better than other weak outings in previous seasons.

I thought the weakest episode this time around was 'The Gang Texts' but that was still a much funnier experience than 'Charlie's Home Alone' (which was honestly hard to watch at points) or 'A Cricket's Tale' (which got a little boring) or 'Being Frank' (which was too high-concept) or 'Ass-Kickers United' (which was just a bit flat), or even as far back as 'The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6'. I don't think it's as good as the show's peak (seasons 5-9, imo) but by this stage in its run it's still so much better than it has any right being.
'The Gang Texts' and 'Waiting for Big Mo' were the poorest episodes. I was just waiting for them to end, which I dont like saying regarding IASIP.
Just finished rewatching s1-s14.

Unbelievable show. 14 a little flatter than others but still the best comedy on television.
I'm on season 3 and finding it mostly quite shit. What am I missing here? I love a sitcom but this one isnt standing out for me. Does it get better?
I'm on season 3 and finding it mostly quite shit. What am I missing here? I love a sitcom but this one isnt standing out for me. Does it get better?

Not really. It's properly in its stride by then, if you don't like it by then it probably just isn't your sense of humour and you should move on.
Saw this on Reddit...


There's a great episode waiting to be made about this.
I've been watching this through properly over the last 2-3 weeks and have just started the fourth season. It's so funny. There are already so many stand out episodes and scenes. When I woke up earlier this morning I couldn't get back to sleep because I had the Dayman song stuck in my head :lol:
I was just watching the bloopers again and they are so great - must be so fun to work on that show
Could be time for another run through. The only show I’ve wanted to watch multiple times. Although TPB could join it soon.
I've been watching this through properly over the last 2-3 weeks and have just started the fourth season. It's so funny. There are already so many stand out episodes and scenes. When I woke up earlier this morning I couldn't get back to sleep because I had the Dayman song stuck in my head :lol:
Randomly pops into my head every now and then and stays there for the day.
It is so good. One of my favourites. A poster mentioned christmas. Remember the episode where the elves visit Charlies house on Christmas day. That was hilarious.
I've been watching this through properly over the last 2-3 weeks and have just started the fourth season. It's so funny. There are already so many stand out episodes and scenes. When I woke up earlier this morning I couldn't get back to sleep because I had the Dayman song stuck in my head :lol:
Ha, I watched that one the other day. Started binging them where time allows. Charlie is a lyrical genius.
Best show. Probably the show I've seen all the way through the most amount of times. It's pretty much on a constant cycle in our house.

If you've just started S4, it ramps up in quality so much from that point. S1 is a bit iffy, 2 is good, and 3 is better, incredible from 4 onwards.
Love bloopers - looks like they are genuinely a bunch of friends just fecking about

I am on season 8 on netflix. Out of Brooklyn 99, Modern Family and its always sunny, i feel, Its Always Sunny is the best.

The creampie scene is brilliant as well.