holyland red
"Holier-than-thou fundamentalist"
When have regime changes been forced with sanctions?
South Africa?
When have regime changes been forced with sanctions?
South Africa?
I don't know about holyland red, but you know what, those things work. Not just in Israel. Fear, paranoia, the whole world is out to get us and I'm the one who'll save you. It was the most pathetic campaign I've ever seen, really aiming for the lowest, offering nothing, and it won Netanyahu more than he's expected or got in the 2009 or 2013 elections.
It was what it is. Seems like survival is Israel's target for the next few years. Didn't think we were that desperate.
Democracy is ace after all. You're entitled to have your opinion and express it openly. I believe you are outraged at the racist comment referring to the right as mezuzah-kissers, or the call of the Arab chair of the election comittee for Arab citizens to go and vote. You have said before that Israel is racist, so spare me the dramatic speech.
Some of those people were and are stupid and close minded as hell. But there's a huge, huge difference between a writer or an artist saying those things to a PM doing it.
The funny thing is, I don't even consider myself to be true left, more like center. But I'm not surprised by that last comment of yours because that's the way it is with the right wing - if you're not with us, then you are against us, you are our enemy. So Star Wars that.
I accept and respect the results and the choices of the Israeli citizens. I just can't respect Netanyahu any more, the way he takes money out of the country for personal issues - small money, but it's the principal that counts - aiming so low in his campaign, living off fears and using scaremongering tactics, suddenly giving a dozen interviews a day after barely talking to Israeli media for years.
Yes, Israel is a racist country, treating Israeli-arabs as second class citizens (we've just had a demonstration) and locking up refugees without bothering to check their stories. And this time it came from the very top. Disgraceful, but he'll stop at nothing to be elected. I think he believes he's Israel's saviour, the poor man. Unfortunately, a quarter of the voters bought this.
Mind you, Turkey still votes for Erdogan.
What percentage of Israelis would you say believe this and want to change it ?
Some of those people were and are stupid and close minded as hell. But there's a huge, huge difference between a writer or an artist saying those things to a PM doing it.
The funny thing is, I don't even consider myself to be true left, more like center. But I'm not surprised by that last comment of yours because that's the way it is with the right wing - if you're not with us, then you are against us, you are our enemy. So Star Wars that.
I accept and respect the results and the choices of the Israeli citizens. I just can't respect Netanyahu any more, the way he takes money out of the country for personal issues - small money, but it's the principal that counts - aiming so low in his campaign, living off fears and using scaremongering tactics, suddenly giving a dozen interviews a day after barely talking to Israeli media for years.
Yes, Israel is a racist country, treating Israeli-arabs as second class citizens (we've just had a demonstration) and locking up refugees without bothering to check their stories. And this time it came from the very top. Disgraceful, but he'll stop at nothing to be elected. I think he believes he's Israel's saviour, the poor man. Unfortunately, a quarter of the voters bought this.
Mind you, Turkey still votes for Erdogan.
Impossible for me to say, but in a way the bigger issue is not what the average Israeli may or may not think but what the government does. It's starts at the top with a lack of sufficient funding for basics like infrastructure and education. I'm not sure it's intentional, I just don't think there has been enough interest in order to view their way of life and their cities - which are somewhat different, in part - and realize the way to make things better.
Part of the issue is that while there are Arab parties at the Knesset - the united one they had to set up ahead of the elections this time, with is another issue, got 13-14 seats out of 120 - they are never invited to be a part of the government. And that's not just a right-wing thing, the left isn't going to do that either (The Rabin government had them supporting him from outside his coalition). How can that be right in a totally democratic and equal country?
Any word about national service? Arab MPs joining the Hamas flotilla or inciting terrorism? It appears that Raoul could do with some info here.
An artist. Tens of thousands cheered his divisive bile. You are special, ihave to admit. All of you. You have never been any good in accepting the democratic choice of the people. There was no Bibi in 1977 when yitshak Ben Aaron famously said that the people and not the Labour government should have been replaced. Then Sheves moaned in 1996 that "his" country was taken. You're a bunch of elitist fools.
Bibi did an excellent job in stopping illegal immigration across the Egyptian border, thanks for mentioning.
as long as Israeli Arabs vote for Hamas sympathizers there are real danger to the country. Credit to those who operate within Zionist parties. They're our best bet for full equality.
We already know what you think. I'll get my info directly from Amir thanks.
Any word about national service? Arab MPs joining the Hamas flotilla or inciting terrorism? It appears that Raoul could do with some info here.
I don't think you can demand people to fulfill obligations that everyone else does before you give them the same rights and treatment that everyone else gets. Heck, even a visit to the airport could be different when you're an arab here - which is something I can actually understand, but it's still an issue if at the same time you demand them to accept the same obligations everyone does.
As for the rest, Hanin Zuabi is an idiot, or at least very clever in getting the headlines. Heck, she even called her people to 'wipe the floor' with arab police officers because they are co operating with the state. But she is one person.
She is being re-elected time and again, together with Yasser Arafat's political advisors and a bunch of others who deny the right of the Jewish people the right for self determination in Israel. Which is against the law.
There are Arabs serving in the IDF, and thankfully the integration of Christian citizens is gaining momentum. The onus is on the government to show those who contribute that full assimilation is possible. At the same time, harsh measures should be taken with the enemies from within.
So the solution was to force all arabs, including her, into one big happy party, rather than allow people to vote for different parties if they don't like her?
Just don't forget the enemy from within the jewish people as well, who seem to have a tendency to attack Israeli arabs or palestinians in Jerusalem or in settlement areas with not many getting caught or prosecuted.
Israel is supposedly the only democracy in the Middle East, yet 4.5 million Palestinians under its control can't vote
A state that ignores the rights of its indigenous non-Jewish people is not a democracy
Today Israeli citizens are going to vote for their next government in a country often labeled as "the only democracy in the Middle East". Ironically, they will be voting on ballot cards produced in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank by Palestinians, who will have no input in the political process.
In fact, approximately 4.5m Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza have no say in deciding which Israeli political party will control every aspect of their lives.
The Oslo Accords in the early 90’s divided the West Bank into areas A, B and C. Area A is controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA), Area B by both the PA and the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and Area C solely by the IOF. In reality, control over the everyday lives of Palestinians in each of these areas is controlled by the IOF. And it is done brutally. Movement is rigidly controlled, access to resources is denied and Israeli military incursions into villages and towns are frequent. Palestinians see violent settler rampages on a daily basis, which often involve the burning of agricultural land and physical assaults on anyone who gets in their way.
In Gaza the situation is even worse. Even though they've elected their own government, Hamas, these Palestinian lives are quite literally at the whim of Israel and the political games it plays. The summer of 2014 saw over 2000 Palestinians in Gaza being massacred and much of the infrastructure flattened.
In order to qualify for building materials to rebuild their homes, Palestinians have to surrender their house coordinates to the IOF. This means that they can be targeted with precision missiles whenever the next Israel-Palestine war breaks out.
What's more, Israel has even been accused on putting Gazans on a "diet", and of controlling the exact number of calories entering the strip during the Gaza blockade that took place between 2007 and 2010.
The 1.7m Palestinians inside Israel who are enfranchised are faced with a dilemma when it comes to voting. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Although they have citizenship, it is on a nominal basis, and there is an entire body of Israeli laws designed to discriminate against them. Their situation is one of an internally colonised people and the type of occupation they face, although subtle, is very real.
There is a vocal and historic movement among Palestinian citizens of Israel that advocates for the boycott of the elections. For many of these people, to vote is to normalise apartheid and legitimize the current regime. They see boycott as an act of solidarity with their brothers and sisters in the West Bank and Gaza.
However, some believe in changing the regime and ending the occupation from within, and this year we have seen something unprecedented: a joint Arab list. This list comprises of four main Arab political parties inside Israel. It is predicted that this joint list is likely to be the third largest slate in the Israeli Parliament. Indeed, even Netanyahu seems worried that the Arabs are taking up their right to vote, and has been using it to fearmonger Israeli Jews into voting for his party.
For the Palestinian citizens of Israel the voting debate is a serious one, and despite their differing stances both camps are adamant that Israel is not a democracy. A state that exerts its control over a people by means of a decades-old illegal occupation is not a democracy. And neither is a state that declares itself only for Jews and ignores the rights of the indigenous non-Jewish people.
Israel doesn't belong to all its citizens and those under its control. It is an ethnocratic, settler colonial state that flouts international law on a daily basis by oppressing the Palestinians in varying states of occupation. And it does so with European and American complicity. The shinning beacon of democracy in the Middle East? Far from it.
"We want to congratulate the Israeli people for the democratic process for the election that they just engaged in with all the parties that engaged in that election. As you know now, the hard work of coalition building begins. Sometimes that takes a couple of weeks. And we're going to give space to the formation of that coalition government and we're not going to weigh in one way or another except to say that the United States and Israel have a historic and close relationship and that will continue going forward,"
http://www.jpost.com/Israel-Elections/Election-Live-Blog-Follow-the-latest-updates-394059Hamas reacted to the results of Israel's election on Tuesday, saying that there is no difference between Israeli political parties, because there is a consensus among them to deny the rights of the Palestinian people and continue aggression against them. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu-Zuhri said the "Palestinian resistance is strong and capable of making its mark. The leaders of the occupation must think again about their stances after the failure in Gaza."
White house reaction to the Israeli election results
And now Obama has taken Iran and Hezbollah off the terror threat list.
Seems like Obama wants to rustle Bibi's jimmies. Wonder if that obligated veto will be so quick-coming next time the Palestinians go to the UNSC.
To be honest, that should be more of a concern to the next Democratic candidate for presidency than to anyone else.
if its Hillary then Bibi has nothing to worry about.
Let's try to keep the discussion/debate here a little bit above this. It's a bit childish talking about that Bibi, and in fact the demonisation prevents a relevant discussion. Bibi may have "difference of opinions" with the Yank administration, and he isn't liked by many of his local political rivals backed by local media and intellectuals. However, the main reason he is disliked worldwide is for his stance on what's best for his people and his nation security. Now there you have a proper debate and not just with Bibi the person but with the majority of the Israeli population who gave him a vote of confidence. Unless you are still on the organ-theft bandwagon like some others here you'll have a more difficult job with the demonising practice, although this is certainly doable judging by recent campaigns.
I'll respond to your comments tomorrow, @holyland red.
Let's try to keep the discussion/debate here a little bit above this. It's a bit childish talking about that Bibi, and in fact the demonisation prevents a relevant discussion. Bibi may have "difference of opinions" with the Yank administration, and he isn't liked by many of his local political rivals backed by local media and intellectuals. However, the main reason he is disliked worldwide is for his stance on what's best for his people and his nation security. Now there you have a proper debate and not just with Bibi the person but with the majority of the Israeli population who gave him a vote of confidence. Unless you are still on the organ-theft bandwagon like some others here you'll have a more difficult job with the demonising practice, although this is certainly doable judging by recent campaigns.
Not yet (to his comments on organ theft).Did you ever respond ?
Why is demonising Bibi akin to buying into the 'Organ-theft bandwagon'? Its been evident that the most vehement criticisms of him have come from within Israeli society. You even had one of your compatriots on this forum being quite vocal as to both his personal distaste towards the man, and how his stance is actually detrimental to Israeli security and harmony. I'm sure his sentiments aren't exactly in the minority either.
Your rhetoric suggests that the only way Israel can sustainably defend itself is by buying into his politics of fear. I sincerely hope newer generation of Israelis no longer buy into it.
The Israeli society has been exposed to unprecedented brainwashing during the election campaign. Practically all media channels (bar the Sheldon pro-Bibi paper, and the IBA) joined a cencerted effort to overthrow Netanyahu. I doubt even Amir would argue with that. Bibi may not have a charming personality, but the hatred towards him here is fueled by bitterness which only grows with each round of elections. One of the biggest dramas during trhe last elections was his wife collecting refunds for bottles collected from the PM house, and another was ice-cream expenses. Top journalism.
The majority of Israelis thinks that a peace deal can not be reached with the current Palestinian leadership. Even more think think that it would be madness to take the necessary risks involved in a political solution to the conflict when the PA does not even control the territory already evacuated and Islamic nutjobs are everywhere ready to fill any political vacuum. It doesn't take fear mongering from Bibi when Israelis raise their kids in this environment.
Tons of my compatriots, and most of my friends and family dislike Bibi. Only few of them think that peace with the Palestinians is within reach in the forseeable future. They make disservice to their country when they side with Israel's political rivals to undermine their political foe. Shameful.
The Israeli society has been exposed to unprecedented brainwashing during the election campaign. Practically all media channels (bar the Sheldon pro-Bibi paper, and the IBA) joined a cencerted effort to overthrow Netanyahu. I doubt even Amir would argue with that. Bibi may not have a charming personality, but the hatred towards him here is fueled by bitterness which only grows with each round of elections. One of the biggest dramas during trhe last elections was his wife collecting refunds for bottles collected from the PM house, and another was ice-cream expenses. Top journalism.
The majority of Israelis thinks that a peace deal can not be reached with the current Palestinian leadership. Even more think that it would be madness to take the necessary risks involved in a political solution to the conflict when the PA does not even control the territory already evacuated and Islamic nutjobs are everywhere ready to fill any political vacuum. It doesn't take fear mongering from Bibi when Israelis raise their kids in this environment.
Tons of my compatriots, and most of my friends and family dislike Bibi. Only few of them think that peace with the Palestinians is within reach in the forseeable future. They make disservice to their country when they side with Israel's political rivals to undermine their political foe. Shameful.
So you think the best solution to achieving what currently seems like a distant prospect for peace is to maintain the status quo?
Were you also not concerned by Bibi's outlandishly racist rhetoric closer to the election? Also his commitment to sabotaging a two state solution - how does he expect a one-state solution to be sustainable without genocide or mass deportation?
Let's try to keep the discussion/debate here a little bit above this. It's a bit childish talking about that Bibi, and in fact the demonisation prevents a relevant discussion. Bibi may have "difference of opinions" with the Yank administration, and he isn't liked by many of his local political rivals backed by local media and intellectuals. However, the main reason he is disliked worldwide is for his stance on what's best for his people and his nation security. Now there you have a proper debate and not just with Bibi the person but with the majority of the Israeli population who gave him a vote of confidence. Unless you are still on the organ-theft bandwagon like some others here you'll have a more difficult job with the demonising practice, although this is certainly doable judging by recent campaigns.